Chapter 173

Xing Debang looked at him with a smile, did not speak, but picked up the water on the table and took a sip.

Ning Feng raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said to him: "Our purpose is a bit big."


"I won't play around with you anymore. You should have heard that there may be some problems with the Xia family's capital chain." Ning Feng said.

"These are all rumors." Xing Debang smiled slightly: "It's just a rumor in the market, the Xia family will never be short of money."

"You are wrong. They have been fighting for such a long time, and spending money is like running water. Of course I hope that they will collapse sooner. Do you understand what I mean?" Ning Feng looked at it with a faint smile Xing Debang.

Xing Debang was stunned for a moment. They didn't expect the Su family's appetite to be so big. These words were intended to directly crush the Xia family.A capital chain break is very scary, especially for such a large company, there is no difference between a capital chain break and bankruptcy.

Unless there is capital willing to sell, but such a big burden, which capital can bear it?

"You guys have a big appetite." Xing Debang pushed back all the people around him, and said, "But, do you have this kind of strength?"

"Haha... You have also heard some rumors in the market recently. Our supply is already very sufficient, so you just need to light the fire for the Xia family now. If you are willing to rot all the stones in your hands, that's okay. relationship." Ning Feng said casually.He was sure that these old guys were not the kind of human beings.

These talents don't care about the life and death of the Xia family, as long as they earn money, they will definitely not care about their life and death.

Xing Debang was a little tempted. He had really heard these rumors. If what Ning Feng said was true, he would really suffer.If you sell it to the Xia family now, you won't lose too much, but it will offend several other distributors.

"We have an agreement with the Xia family, so there is really nothing we can do about it." Xing Debang said to Ning Feng with a smile. "I'm sorry."

His words obviously rejected Ning Feng.

Ning Feng can still tell that this person just refused on the surface, and he will definitely make a move later.And he will do it right away. He will definitely do this kind of thing that is only beneficial and not harmful.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I won't bother you. However, we still welcome you to continue to cooperate with the Su family. After all, if you have money, you still need to earn it together." Ning Feng had already thought out a way out for him. Yes, the Su family should be able to guarantee him.

This matter is simply a good thing with no harm, and it is an important promotion for Xing Debang.

"There's a chance!" He could naturally hear the meaning in the words.

Ning Feng left the Xing family, sat in the car and said to the driver: "The next one!" His face immediately changed, and he didn't have the same smile as before.

This kind of thing is simply too tiring, and my mouth is tired from laughing.

"Brother Ning Feng, we haven't achieved anything, why did we give him so many gifts?" Liu Tiantian asked Ning Feng in puzzlement.

Ning Feng squeezed his mouth and said, "Who said it wasn't achieved? Didn't we enter his house? And we talked for so long, how can it be said that it didn't work?"

"But any conditions that are beneficial to our company have not been fulfilled." Liu Tiantian was indeed a little puzzled.

"Who says it is necessary to achieve favorable conditions? I have to spit out all the benefits he gave me now." Ning Feng said with a smile, with a hint of amusement in the corner of his mouth.

What a joke, it's not that easy to take advantage of yourself, and let him spit out all the profits and profits.

"Oh!" Liu Tiantian didn't know what tricks Ning Feng was playing, so she nodded.

Next, Ning Feng visited three houses, but they didn't let him in at all.Ning Feng didn't take out the black card either, and was immediately sent away.

"Our boss said that if we die, we won't cooperate with you." The Qian family's bodyguard said arrogantly to Ning Feng, "What's the future for a company that is about to close down?"

After Ning Feng heard this, he was not angry, and said to him: "You go back and give you Qian Zong a word, and when the time comes to beg me, I will definitely not answer you."

"Wow, I really treat myself like a green onion, who doesn't know the situation of your Su family now." The bodyguard immediately threw Ning Feng out while speaking.

Although the previous two companies refused to let them in, at least their tone was good, and they even made an excuse that someone was not there.

After all, they are different from the Qian family. The Qian family relies on the Xia family for a living, so they care about their master very much.The other families were just drawn in by interests, and they didn't need to be as courteous as the Xia family like the Qian family.

Ning Feng said to his driver without any surprise: "Go home!"

"Brother Ning Feng, why don't you take out your black cards from these companies?" Liu Tiantian asked in confusion.

Ning Feng smiled, "I didn't intend to go in."

"Huh? Then what are we doing here?"


"Pretend? For whom?" Liu Tiantian asked puzzled.

"For everyone who pays attention to us." Ning Feng said very profoundly: "You have to remember these people well. When they come to beg us, they will have to be handed over to you."

"Ah?" Liu Tiantian was puzzled, now she was begging others by herself, how could it be that others would beg for herself instead?
"Just wait and see." Ning Feng leaned on his back and narrowed his eyes.All of this is slowly moving towards his plan, and then he has to meet Lin Xiaofei.

The car returned to the company, Liu Tiantian returned to the company, and Ning Feng went straight to the teahouse next door.

When I arrived at the place I had booked before, I found that Lin Xiaofei had already arrived.Ning Feng also walked over slowly indifferently, and sat opposite him.

Lin Xiaofei immediately smiled and said to Ning Feng: "You are here."

Ning Feng nodded, he is an expert, so naturally he has to look like an expert.Before Huang Taixing fired him, the shadow of their Lin family was not small. Now Ning Feng is willing to deal with them, but because this matter requires them to act as pawns.

Besides, after all, they have helped him, so there is no psychological burden if the merits and demerits are offset.

"What do you want from me? Just tell me if you have anything to do." Lin Xiaofei said flatteringly, such a young man from a rich family can be so humble, I have to say that old man Lin still has some tricks.

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "Your family is going well now, isn't it? How is the old man's peach blossom?" He had calculated that old man Lin had a good luck before, but he didn't know how the situation is now.

(End of this chapter)

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