Chapter 176 I Don't Care About You
"Aren't you a doctor, what are you doing here? Get the hell out!" Seeing that he couldn't beat Ning Feng, the man waved his hand and wanted to drive him away.

Ning Feng gave him another smile and said, "This is your house? It's not your house. Why are you comparing yourself?"

Zhou Ruoxi felt that it was too relieved. Ning Feng said what he always wanted to say but dared not to say. Some patients were really unreasonable.But she couldn't let this continue. Although Ning Feng didn't care, the hospital still had to worry about the hospital's reputation.

"Calm down, both of you. This is the doctor we invited. He may have a solution to this condition. We haven't been able to come up with any feasible solution yet." She just wanted to highlight Ning The importance of peaks.

After all, their son's life might be in his hands, so he probably restrained himself a bit.

But the woman became even more anxious, pointing at Ning Feng and scolding: "He is a fart, there is still something he can do with his quality. Come on, it's good not to put people to death! Let me tell you, even if it's all All the doctors in the world are dead, and I will not seek medical treatment from him."

I really don't know who is more unqualified?But Ning Feng wouldn't force her to have this idea, anyway, it wasn't him who got sick.

The man also chimed in and said, "Hmph, I don't know where the wild doctor came from to deceive people in such a big hospital. There are more and more ways to deceive people in hospitals now, and to use this kind of doctor to deceive people, I tell you, no way!"

"As long as you are happy." Ning Feng said lightly: "I originally wanted to save you with the benevolent attitude of a doctor, but it seems that you don't need it anymore, so I don't have to force it."

"Yo Yo Yo... Still pretending, pretending!" The woman stared at Ning Feng and said, "Who doesn't know that the doctors in Haicheng Hospital are the best. It's no wonder that wild doctors like you can treat diseases."

This guy also knows that the doctors in Haicheng Hospital are the best doctors?Do you still use that attitude?I don't ask you to be grateful to Dade, but at least don't speak ill of each other.

Ning Feng is too lazy to talk to these people now, this kind of person is too unreasonable.

"Go to the clinic and get a set of silver needles." Ning Feng ordered, "I came here in a hurry and forgot to take it."

Zhou Ruoxi hurriedly ordered someone to borrow it from a Chinese medicine clinic not far away. They were purely Western medicine and did not have such things as Chinese medicine.

"It's still Chinese medicine? Chinese medicine is here to cheat money? Hospitals are getting more and more jokes now, right?" The woman laughed at Ning Feng without missing any chance. A nouveau riche like her wants to step on other people's heads if she has a little money. , but people don't know that others look at her like a fool.

"I said why is he so loud? The hospital has nothing to do for the time being, and he dared to boast. He can cure it by himself, which is better than several experts in Haicheng Hospital." The man also helped his wife and said .

Ning Feng didn't want to pay attention to their sarcasm, speaking with the facts is the best way to slap him in the face.

At this time, the two patients wailed in pain one after the other, "Itch...itch..." The son of the rich family was still rolling back and forth on the hospital bed, scratching his body with his hands.

"Niu Niu, how are you? Are you okay? Doctor, what are you looking at, don't you see that my son is suffering?" The woman was anxious and didn't know what to do, so she lost her temper at Zhou Ruoxi.

She herself was afraid of being infected and did not dare to help her son, but hoped that the doctor would go up and take the risk.

Zhou Ruoxi's beautiful eyebrows were already frowned, no matter who was disgusted by this attitude.But she still spoke, "There is no other way, and we have nothing to do now."

"What? You are a doctor and you can't do anything?" The woman pointed at Zhou Ruoxi while looking at her painful baby son, and cursed, "Your hospital can't do anything, so what's the use of you?"

"Our doctors are not gods, I've already told you, our experts are doing research. Why don't you let this Mr. Ning try? I can guarantee that his medical skills are very powerful." Zhou Ruoxi had no choice but to say so. "This kind of thing is very contagious. You can't let the doctor get infected because of it, right?"

"Forget it, what can a wild Chinese medicine doctor do. You are just trying to cheat money." The woman said dissatisfiedly, but there was nothing she could do about seeing his son crying and wailing.

At this time, the same patient on the other bed also let out a muffled grunt.

Ning Feng turned his gaze away, and there was a girl next door, about eighteen or nineteen years old.It looks delicate and delicate, but the purple tumor on the body is very scary, but fortunately, it did not spread to the face.

Unlike the noise in this bed, the parents in the other bed just anxiously circled around their daughter, not knowing what to do.Although the doctor said it would be contagious, they still tried to relieve their daughter's pain regardless of their own safety.

The daughter was also very obedient, trying her best to endure her pain, but her hands were tightly clutching the bed sheet, gritting her teeth and trying not to make a sound.Also comfort parents from time to time.

He also borrowed the silver needle he wanted, and Ning Feng walked over to the two of them and said, "I have a method, would you like to try it? I can guarantee that there will be absolutely no harm."

Obviously, after the tumult of the first two people, they also had some doubts.But their daughter spoke up and said, "Yes! Yes! It's too painful!"

The woman's expression is already very painful, but she still looks very educated, and she is unwilling to make any noise to affect others.

"Mom and Dad, let's try it, I can't take it anymore." The girl said with a painful expression.Tears were already rolling in the eye sockets, and it seemed that he couldn't help it.

Ning Feng also assured: "Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem. I don't charge for this, and I definitely don't cheat money." What he said was very sincere, and they could only believe it.

"Hey, let's try it, anyway, Chinese medicine is not harmful." The father said.

"En." The mother probably couldn't stand watching her daughter suffer.

In fact, Chinese medicine is also harmful, but people's traditional ideas think so.But Ning Feng didn't bother to explain, besides, this thought could help him.

"Hey, think it over clearly, this is probably a liar, and it may have made your daughter's condition worse." The woman on the other bed came over and said.

"It doesn't matter, you just go ahead and treat it. The pain is unbearable." The girl was crying, and tears slid down the corners of her eyes.

"Zhizhizhi..." Her father didn't care so much anymore, seeing his daughter suffer, he felt a lot in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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