Chapter 184 Another Incident
After Ning Feng returned to the company, Liu Tiantian sat in the office, and when she saw him come back, tears fell unconsciously.

"It's okay!" Ning Feng hugged her and said, "It's okay."

He looked around his office, almost like a bad robber.The entire office was turned into a mess, and his safe was taken away.

"They took everything away." She was wronged like a child.

Ning Feng looked at her pear blossoms with rain, and his heart ached. Looking at her cheeks, there seemed to be some red marks.Said: "Who did it just now?"

Just love to bully honest people?Just dare to bully Tiantian?
Tiantian's eyes dodged a little, but under Ning Feng's pressing, she faltered and said, I was a little anxious to stop it just now.Ma Fanghu found it by accident.

Ning Feng didn't believe that something that was unintentionally swept away could make such a mark?

"Horse head?" He nodded, trying to suppress the anger in his heart, "I'll give you a vacation, you go home today and rest first." He touched her cheek with his hand, and the spiritual power moistened the palm of his hand that scar.

After a while, the scars on his face disappeared, and his skin seemed to be smoother.

"I'm going to talk to them, and it's going against the sky. It's impossible not to show off." Ning Feng couldn't bear it anymore in his heart.Tian Tian is one of the most valued people in his life, they don't mind taking things, but they dare to beat their own people.

"Brother Ning Feng..."

"You don't need to persuade me, the horse's head is unforgivable, even if it's not for you, I have to teach him a lesson. How else can I gain a foothold in the company?" Ning Feng said coldly, he took out a cigarette with his finger, but swept it away. Glancing at the environment, he held the cigarette in his hand and squeezed it flat.

"Oh!" Tiantian could only obediently say from behind: "Do we need to call the police? I have always protected this scene, and there is no disturbance."

"Call the police? Isn't that too cheap for them?" Ning Feng said: "This kind of internal company matter, we can solve it internally. It is not good to spread it. It will damage the company's reputation."

"Oh, then I'll clean up the office." Tian Tian cleaned up the room obediently.

Ning Feng nodded, and then walked towards Matou's work place. With Cheng Hua behind him, this guy was very arrogant, and he didn't hide at all.

He was bragging to the people around him right now, "I tell you, I just kicked the door open, did he really think he could be the boss here in two days? Hmph! It's not his turn to be in charge here anyway." .”

"Then what if he came back and saw it?" One person asked worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? What can he do to us? At worst, let's fire him! Mr. Cheng can always find us a suitable position. As long as we don't take the initiative to resign, we will not lose any benefits." Matou said arrogantly: " Do you know why I succumbed to him in the first place? It's just for today, now Mr. Cheng will get what she should have, and the day when we will be reused is not far away."

"We listened to Brother Ma. Brother Ma has a vision in doing things."

"'s nothing. Anyway, he got what he should have, so he can do whatever he likes, right? I'm afraid he won't succeed?" Matou lit a cigarette arrogantly.

At this time, a hand was placed on his shoulder, "Smoking is not allowed here."

"I like to smoke, what's the matter? Mr. Cheng doesn't care about me." Ma Tou said arrogantly, and just after he finished speaking, he heard this voice a little familiar.

Turning his head back with difficulty, he was also taken aback when he saw Ning Feng's face.To be honest, he was still afraid of Ning Feng from the bottom of his heart, but thinking that Ning Feng had nothing to do with him, he relaxed.

"This is the company's system!" Ning Feng directly pulled out his cigarette, and then directly pressed it out.

"If you don't smoke, don't smoke." He leaned there directly, crossing Erlang's legs and said.Really showing that he doesn't take Ning Feng seriously, this person still doesn't seem to have a good understanding of Ning Feng.

Seeing Ning Feng coming, those around were too scared to speak, and just stared blankly at what he would do.

Ning Feng pulled a chair and sat opposite him and said, "You broke into my office?"

His tone was very flat, as if he had entered another office.

"Cross!" Matou said unceremoniously: "Cross, I'll just go. If you're not satisfied, fire me!"

"Just admit it." Ning Feng smiled and said, "It's such a trouble to fire you, and I have to give you some compensation."

"It's better not to be fired! Anyway, it won't do me any harm." He looked at Ning Feng provocatively like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"Have you got what you deserve?"

"What do you say?"

"That's good." Up to now, Ning Feng didn't appear to be running away at all, his appearance was as calm as the sea water before the storm.

"It's all from the same company. You can take it if you take it. Even if you sue the board of directors, I have a reason. You go out at will during working hours, which delays the work of the company." He obviously had done his homework, facing Ning peak road.

"Yo, that's right, the back road is ready. But I don't intend to pursue this matter. After all, how can I leave the really precious things in the office at will?" Ning Feng smiled and said: "Since I dare to let go Once there, there is no fear of being discovered by you."

"Then this matter is over?" Matou looked at Ning Feng a little strangely, did this matter pass so simply?Is it too simple?Was there no stormy revenge?
"It's over." Ning Feng nodded and smiled.

Although it was said that it was over, Matou was still thinking about it. He always felt that this matter was not that simple, and it was not like Ning Feng's character at all.

"Then I'll go to work." He wanted to take this opportunity to escape.

"Wait!" Ning Feng's voice suddenly sounded.

"What's the matter?" A drop of sweat fell from his head, which was the cold sweat from being frightened.

Ning Feng slowly stood up from the chair, and said to him: "This matter is over, but there is one more thing that is not over. How about you beating my assistant?"

At this moment, his eyes turned cold, and Matou felt that this was where he was going to get angry.

He didn't get angry about that matter before because it was a normal procedure of the company, and under Cheng Hua's internal support, he had nothing to do.

But Ning Feng obviously bypassed this matter, and instead used another matter to attack, and now the things they had prepared before were useless.

In terms of beating people, even the general meeting of shareholders has no power to control it. After all, no matter what you say, it is wrong to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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