Chapter 187 Never Hire
"The cause and effect of this matter are already very clear. Ning Feng was indeed a little impatient in handling this matter and did not control his temper. But the matter of Ma Fanghu beating a female colleague has to be dealt with at the same time." Su Miaohan glanced at them and said .

"The impact of Ma Fanghu's beating is even worse, so he will never be expelled. As for Ning Feng's incident, there is a reason for it, and one month's bonus will be deducted if there are extenuating circumstances."

This is blatantly showing favoritism. Who would let Ning Feng choose a good reason?There is nothing wrong with doing so.

Ning Feng looked at them with a smile and said: "I admit that I made a mistake. I couldn't hold back when I saw this unfair behavior. I accept the punishment of deducting one month's bonus."

The way the two sang together almost made them angry. The purpose of their coming here was not to make him deduct any bonus.Now that the company's performance is so poor, how many bonuses can there be?
Their purpose was to get Ning Feng removed from that important position, not just to deduct some bonuses.

This also shows that Su Miaohan had the advantage of controlling the personnel department at that time. If this department was in Cheng Hua's hands, there would be no need for such trouble, just let the personnel department handle it.

"President Su, isn't this too hasty to do so? Could it be that a matter that has caused such a big impact can be solved by simply deducting the bonus?" The few people said aggrievedly, this time Ning Feng deducted a month's bonus , did not cause any substantial harm to him.

But the Mafang household was immediately dismissed, and it will never be used again.Then even after Cheng Hua came to power, he would not be able to be used anymore.This is simply losing the car and eating someone else's pawn, or the most useless kind of corner.

This is completely unreliable.They are not stupid, of course they will not agree to this approach.

"President Su, we hope you don't cover him up. If we don't make a decision on this matter, we won't be balanced in our hearts." These people are starting to force the palace, and this is their main purpose.

These people are all important departments of the company. If they leave collectively, the loss to the company will be huge.They came to force Su Miaohan, obviously they wanted to use this method to force Su Miaohan to submit.

Su Miaohan's face became gloomy and cold, and she could see that she was a little angry, "Oh, then what do you think should be done?"

There was no trace of emotion in the words, it was as cold as the sound of a machine.

The man felt that Su Miaohan was a little loose, and said: "Get rid of him, we all feel that he is not capable enough. And let Ma Fanghu take over his position."

In fact, they are still a little scared. If they leave their jobs, it will be difficult for them to find jobs quickly.And the circle is so big, it is easy to find out the reason for leaving.If other bosses know that they resigned because they failed to force the palace, think about who would dare to do this.

Su Miaohan has also been in this circle for such a long time, if she speaks ill of them even a little bit, they will have to finish the game.After all, there are many talents in the market, and no one would be willing to use such unstable factors.

"Oh?" Ning Feng stared at him suspiciously and said, "I've only been in office for less than a day. I don't know how you can tell that I'm not capable enough? Do you know our current import and export situation? Or do you understand our internal management structure? Or know the progress of our various projects? Which one do you know?"

When he spoke, he was almost close to that person, and the huge height difference put a lot of pressure on that person.

Let him say something that he couldn't think of for a moment, "I...I..."

How did he know that he was just recruited by Cheng Hua as a lobbyist, and he didn't know what was going on inside, of course he didn't know the real situation inside.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth twitched: "You don't understand anything, so why do you say I'm not capable enough?"

He was about to cry, but it was just an excuse, why should he be so serious?But being so serious, this reason really can't be used.

"Anyway, no matter what, you must step down. This is a petition from the middle management of the company." After he finished speaking, he actually took out another big move.Putting an envelope on Su Miaohan's desk, he said coldly to her, "It's signed by the middle management of the company, you'd better have a look at everyone's wishes."

It has to be said that Cheng Hua's influence in the company is terrible, and he can even gather most of the leaders above the middle level.

Su Miaohan looked at the signature in her eyes, her chest rose and fell sharply several times, and was slowly suppressed.It looked like she was on fire.

"Are you forcing me to make a choice?" Su Miaohan said with a smile, the smile was the same as usual, but there were more things contained in it.

The man nodded and said: "It can be said that, after all, we are for the good of the company."

Su Miaohan bit her lips and said, "Okay, since you've done this, you can go back and clean up now. Go to the property and settle your salary, and you won't need it tomorrow."

"What!" The man was stunned, what is this for?Just fire the person?This is not the scene I thought, why was I fired?
How many years did it take him to climb to this position, how can he be fired if he is fired?And she holds a large part of Su's customer resources in her hands, how could she fire herself so happily?

"You don't have to threaten me with your identity. If I spend money, I can always find someone, and you are not missing. You can ask, who else is willing to leave with you, and I will agree without hesitation. But You will be included in the list of never being hired." Su Miaohan made a big move, she didn't dare to fire everyone, otherwise the company's targeting would be chaotic.

Expelling a person will not cause injury, and this person's position is not so irreplaceable, so after analysis, he has to be such a scapegoat.

And it would be horrible not to be hired.

This rule was actually a method used by Cheng Hua to liquidate people other than her own forces within the company, but Su Miaohan unexpectedly reversed it now.

Isn't the reason why they are working so hard now is to get more benefits after Cheng Hua came to power?But now that they have been added to the blacklist that will never be hired, even Cheng Hua will have no chance to promote them when the time comes.

The few people who came with him didn't dare to say anything after seeing Su Miaohan's tough attitude.After all, it took so long to climb up from below, there is no need to lose your job.

Anyway, what should be done has been done, and Cheng Hua can't do anything to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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