Chapter 198 I Know

Therefore, the behavior of the Azure Dragon Society this time is unforgivable.

As soon as Ning Feng went down the mountain, he was blocked by a black shadow, and upon closer inspection he turned out to be an acquaintance.

As soon as he stopped the car, the man sat in the co-pilot's seat and said to him, "I know where they are."

After she sat down, Ning Feng asked while driving: "Andie, how do you know?"

This person is Andie, he has no doubts about Andie's ability, but he is still very strange, how could she know this.

"Passing by, I just saw it!" She said coldly.

"You just saw it and knew it was what I needed? You can't be paying attention to me all the time, are you?" Ning Feng joked.

There was no smile on Andie's face and said: "You helped me last time, I owe you a favor, after you help me this time, we will settle the matter!" There was no squint in her eyes, she was looking straight ahead.

"Okay." Ning Feng said: "Is the last mission completed?" He asked a little worriedly, if the person who issued the mission was a master of cultivation, he would definitely understand the lack of a bed after the formation. In fact, it is useless.

But if the other party is an antique lover, he can help fool him.

Andie nodded and said: "It's done."

"Oh, that's good!" Ning Feng was driving while chatting with her, but Andie basically only answered questions, and as a result, the chat did not have a good atmosphere.

"Turn left!" After Ning Feng left the city, he was on a side road.Andie took the initiative to speak for the first time.

"This is the direction to Jiangdong Province." Ning Feng asked suspiciously, Ma Qinglong should not put things in Jiangdong Province, right?

An Die said: "It can't be wrong. It's at the border."

Of course, Ning Feng can only trust her now and walk in this direction.What Ma Qinglong thought was right, he would never have thought that he would hide the goods at the border of Jiangdong Province anyway.

After all, people hide things in places where they have the strongest power, such as their headquarters.Now he is doing the opposite, hiding in their weakest link, and may be coveted by forces from Jiangdong Province.

"It's a good place." Ning Feng said while driving. After driving for about an hour, under the instruction of An Die, they parked the car on the side of the road.

"Let's walk there." After Andie said a word, she tapped the ground and ran towards a bend.

Why is this man so bad-tempered?With a sigh of emotion, Ning Feng also followed her and galloped in that direction.

The improvement of An Die's strength is still obvious, coupled with the frequent physical exercise, she looks very energetic from behind.After running for a few minutes, the two saw an abandoned brick factory.

The brick factory is already very dilapidated, and the doors have collapsed.Some of the houses inside are still barely usable, and one of them even has lights inside.

Ning Feng heard the sound of the generator inside when he was outside.

"How many people are there?" Ning Feng hurriedly held An Die down and said, this guy likes to start working without explaining clearly, it's not good to die in a daze.

An Die did not resist, staring at Ning Feng and said: "Six."

"Do you have any weapons?" Ning Feng said, if these six people have hot weapons, it will be troublesome, he is also afraid of guns.

An Die shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"Okay, let's be careful, I'll investigate first." Ning Feng said to Andie.We don't know much about their situation yet, so it's still necessary to investigate.

"No time to!"

He just let her go, but she said this directly, and then rushed towards that room.

"Why are you so reckless?" Ning Feng sighed, but he had no choice but to run in behind her.

Fortunately, she was not stupid, she didn't rush in recklessly, but hung upside down on the roof, and observed the situation inside from the window.

"Four here, two over there, the goods are in the middle!" Andie said to Ning Feng: "I will deal with those two people, you will deal with these four!"

"OK!" Ning Feng made a gesture, but Andie had already rushed in.No way, I had no choice but to go through the window and quickly locked one of them.

The palm slammed on the man's neck, knocking him unconscious.

"Someone broke in!" One of them yelled at Ning Feng. As soon as his voice came out, Ning Feng kicked him with a brick.Then the brick quickly smashed on the man's head.

The person fainted immediately.

"Two!" Ning Feng muttered silently, and then rushed towards the third person at the fastest speed. The third person had already had time to react, and directly picked up the machete beside him and slashed towards Ning Feng.

"Go to hell!" the man roared angrily.

Ning Feng smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and said: "It's too slow!" After finishing speaking, the person disappeared directly in front of him, and then he felt a huge force coming from behind.

Even the man flew out with a knife, laying on the ground and howling.

"Bang! Don't move!" The fourth person had already pulled out his gun, and it turned out that this guy had a hot weapon.There was already a sound just now, he didn't hit the sky, but he hit himself.

But the accuracy is too bad, it is crooked a lot!
Ning Feng raised his hand and slowly turned around, "Don't worry, let's talk about something..."

"Eh..." Before the man with the gun could speak, his neck was pierced by a flying knife.

Andie came over and took the flying knife from her neck.

"You're so annoying!"

"Hey, you don't need to kill them, right? They're just little brothers." Ning Feng glanced at the gangsters who were planted in An Die's hands, there was a hole in each neck.They were all killed with a knife.

"These people are not ordinary gangsters, they have lives in their hands." An Die said, then picked up the man's gun, disassembled the gun into parts one by one with a few random strokes, and then slammed towards the window Throw it outside.

"This thing is going to get in trouble."

Ning Feng said that he had nothing to say, this person was too decisive in his actions.He hurriedly opened one of the boxes, and it was indeed the batch of goods inside.

"Okay, let's go quickly. There are cars outside!" An Die hurriedly ordered.She looked particularly anxious today, as if she was in a hurry.

Just when Ning Feng was about to go out to carry these boxes, two people came in from outside the door. They looked at Ning Feng and the two of them and laughed.

It was not a happy laugh, but a laugh with countless meanings.

"You really went looking for him!"

These two people were also acquaintances, Ning Feng put down the box and looked at them and said, "What's the matter? What are you here for?"

(End of this chapter)

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