Chapter 200 send you
Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said: "There are many things you don't know, and there are many things I know. If you know everything, it's okay?"

"Don't be stubborn with me. Today you will be buried here forever. Do you have any last wishes? Don't worry, I won't help you." Dark Dragon looked at Ning Feng's current state, his heart was full of proud.

He felt that as long as he blew the horn again, Ning Feng would obediently bleed to death.

"Don't think about it, you think you are so powerful with a broken horn." Ning Feng gave him a disdainful look, and acted very calmly.

"Then try again." Dark Dragon said, putting the bull's horn on the corner of his mouth and blowing.

This bull horn is a treasure of Viper, a weapon for mental attack that was obtained at a great price.Ordinary practitioners know that they can cultivate spiritual power and spirit, but it is too difficult to practice spiritual methods, the conditions are too harsh, and it is too difficult to improve.

Although there are thousands of spiritual practitioners across the country, only a hundred of them can break through the first level.

Ordinary people who practice spiritual energy are much weaker mentally, so this kind of attack weapon is almost a must-kill existence for practitioners under the state of concentration.

"Then try!" Ning Feng said, his body flashed and rushed towards the dark dragon.

The dark dragon blew the horn directly, and the horn emitted a strange energy that constantly stimulated the mental power.Dark Butterfly and Dark Bee, who were already far away, couldn't help but retreat far away.

The shock the two of them felt was enormous.

"Wow, your little lover is about to die. No one can resist this kind of blow. This is an attack on mental power. Spiritual power is very fragile." Dark Bee sneered at Dark Butterfly.

An Die didn't speak, but frowned and looked at the two people in the distance, rubbing the flying knife in her hand back and forth.

"You don't want to kill Brother Long to save your little lover, do you? Think about the poison on your body, can you survive without Viper?" Dark Bee noticed the throwing knife in her hand, obviously It is in a state of being ready to go.

"Shut up!" She stared at her coldly, but the flying knife in her hand obviously became hesitant, put it away for a while, and released it again for a while.

"Don't get angry at me, no one can survive the attack of that thing." She twisted her enchanting body and went to the side to find a place to sit down.

Andie didn't speak, just watched the movement over there motionlessly.

When Ning Feng rushed over, he felt a more intense mental attack, like a mad cow violently hitting the mental power.But Ning Feng's mental power immediately transformed into a brighter little golden monk, and he didn't show any sign of defeat under the impact of the mad bull.

"Yo, I didn't expect it to have this function." Ning Feng said excitedly in his heart.This sutra actually has this effect, and it can also resist spiritual attacks.

Dark Dragon panicked now, why didn't Ning Feng make any movement.Although his pace slowed down, he didn't appear to be bleeding from his seven orifices.

How did he know that Ning Feng slowed down just to feel the power of the little golden man in his mind.

As Ning Feng got closer and closer, he became more and more panicked, and he tried harder to blow the bull's horn.But there was no effect at all, Ning Feng seemed to be unable to hear the sound.

"Impossible!" He had already used his maximum strength, and the strength of the entire horn had been exerted to the maximum.

With a smile on his face, Ning Feng walked up to him with great pressure, and then stretched out his hand to the bull's horn while his eyes were filled with disbelief.

The dark dragon is already stupid now, this is not the result he wants to see.

While still dazed in a daze, his hands suddenly became empty.When he realized it, the horn had already fallen into Ning Feng's hands.After playing with it for a while, he memorized all the formations depicted in the horns.

For a layman, he doesn't understand the meaning of these lines at all, but as a layman, Ning Feng certainly doesn't understand either, but he hopes that the tortoise shell in his mind can understand.

However, the hope was shattered. When he wrote down all the lines on it, the tortoise shell didn't respond at all.

"Forget it, it's my luck, but not my life." Then he put the horn into his pocket.

"Give it back to me!" After seeing Ning Feng pick up the horn, Anlong rushed towards Ning Feng.These things are the most important treasures of Viper, and he took them out secretly.

If he lost it, even he would lose half his life.

Ning Feng dodged and kicked him away.The dark dragon's body was kicked aside like a sandbag.The strength gap between the two is too large, and it cannot be changed at all.

Ning Feng said coldly: "If you want to kill me with this thing, do you think I will give it to you?"

Dark Dragon felt scared, and he also thought that Ning Feng would never give it to him. If the opponent's killing weapon was taken by him, would he return it?

As long as you are not a fool, you will not do this.

Andie in the distance looked at the scene in front of her in surprise, and she herself felt the strength of that force.Right now, he was also dizzy in his mind, but Ning Feng didn't expect anything unexpected to happen.

Dark Bee was also dumbfounded, this is not what she thought.And the baby was taken away, that was a terrible rhythm.She herself was also involved in this matter, Dark Dragon may be able to avoid death as the son of the snake head.Then in order to wash away the dark dragon's accusation, then she simply wanted to take the place of the dead ghost.

After all, no matter how you look at it, it is the most suitable for her.

"No... Impossible..." Her hands had already started to tremble, her face turned pale, and her body almost couldn't help herself.Never before had she anticipated her own death as she did now.

"Dark Butterfly, help me, we secretly took out this thing, please save us for the sake of fellow disciples." Even at this time, Dark Bee can quickly think of a way.

This was the best way she could think of, and the one with the highest success rate.Now the only one who can persuade Ningfeng to move Ningfeng is Andie.

"Dark Butterfly, the reason why Dark Dragon did this was because of jealousy. He just wanted to kill that kid. He didn't do any harm to you at all. You can't just watch us die like this. You should know Snake-headed methods." She said that her body was trembling at this time.

"He didn't understand it for a while, and he was also confused for a while, so you can save him." I have to say, these few words of Dark Bee are still very effective.

(End of this chapter)

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