Chapter 214 Yucheng
And at that time, he seemed to have some emotional entanglements with Su Miaohan. At that time, he even let out a sentence, when he was worth tens of billions, he came to chase her.The two were considered childhood sweethearts at the time, and they were still family friends at home.

But then suddenly, he disappeared from Haicheng, and the entire Yucheng real estate was sold at a low price.The current Qinglong Real Estate was part of his company back then.

Then everything after that became confusing.Some people say that their family has moved the market and invested in the United States.Others said that the capital chain was broken and they ran away.

Anyway, there were people who said anything at the time, but it was hot for a while.After it has passed, it will pass. After all, major events are happening in the world every day.

However, the words that countless girls were obsessed with when I was determined to chase you also disappeared with his disappearance.

What did he want to do when he reappeared ten years later?
According to the power of the Yu family at that time, it was indeed much stronger than the Ai family, at least to say this is still very confident.After all, he is a recognized genius.

"What is he doing back? Is it for Su Miaohan? Do you want to revive the old relationship?"

"What do you mean by the resurgence of the old relationship? Although everyone was optimistic about them at the beginning, it seems that the two have never been in love at all, right? Can't we talk about the resurgence of the old relationship?"

"Hey, even if they haven't been in a relationship, they still have feelings. The relationship between the two is absolutely extraordinary. It's really uncertain."

Of course, what everyone pays attention to is the gossip part.

Ning Feng also learned something from everyone's conversation. It turned out that this guy was once an awesome character, and had emotional entanglements with Su Miaohan.

But in his opinion, chasing you after tens of billions of dollars is completely young and ignorant puppy love!At that time, Su Miaohan was just full, right?
At this time, he wanted to chase his goddess, so he couldn't agree.Although this guy let go of his bold words before, as long as he is there now, there is no way!

The woman from the Ai family seemed to have thought of something too. After taking a look at him, she sat down on the stool full of dissatisfaction. For this once awesome character of unknown origin, everyone seemed to have too many people, and it was a kind of watching mentality.

"Xiaohan, is it time to knock?" He said to Su Miaohan, his voice was very magnetic, this kind of man satisfied girls' fantasies in almost every aspect.Even the voice is so beautiful, the sky has no eyes.

Su Miaohan was still a little dazed on stage, she probably didn't know how to face the whole scene now.He appeared so suddenly, it was really embarrassing.

"100 million!" At this moment, Ning Feng suddenly shouted.How dare he embarrass his goddess, this guy must not be allowed to succeed at a time like this.

Yu Cheng never expected that someone would dare to fight against him, so he looked at Ning Feng with evil eyes.

Ning Feng also stared at him frankly, he was also well-dressed by Su Miaohan today.That's why with a face like a knife and an axe, a pair of resolute eyes like a man, and a figure that is no worse than Yucheng, standing together will not let you down.

One is completely resolute and masculine, and the other is femininity with a trace of evil charm. Both types are the favorite of girls. A large number of girls have become nympho.

"Handsome guy! Why did we still hide such a handsome guy here? I didn't even notice it. It's a crime!"

"However, I still think Yu Cheng is handsome. Look at his evil eyes, which can take away people's souls. I can't take it anymore."

"It's not bad if you look at it. Don't you find that his eyes are particularly deep? It seems that there is an endless ocean in it, and it's more masculine."

"Hey, both are my favorites, no, I have to take a photo first, and I can use it as a wallpaper when I go back like this."

The girls have already started to talk about it. Maybe he wasn't so attractive when he was a handsome guy.But when the two stand together, it's different, and it can immediately improve their handsomeness by a large margin.

Mu Xueli felt that Ning Feng seemed to be much more handsome than before, and she didn't usually notice how handsome he was.

"Hey? Is this person called Ning Feng? He seems to be our current boyfriend of President Su?"

"What? There's such explosive news?" The girls' curiosity was immediately ignited, and they all stared at the person who broke the news.

The girl said with some uncertainty: "I'm not very sure, anyway, that's what they said, and I did see him hugging President Su yesterday."

"This matter is almost inseparable. Who is Mr. Su? He hasn't looked at a man in the eyes for many years, but he was hugged by him. What's the point?"

"Oh my god, the war between my childhood sweetheart and my current boyfriend!"

Everyone continued to gossip, those reporters who were originally planning to report financial news immediately turned their cameras on Ning Feng and the others, and then directly wrote the rumors they heard from the people.

What a breaking news this is, the struggle between President Su's ex and his current boyfriend.

After disappearing for ten years and reappearing, but being blocked by her current boyfriend, can she succeed?

In the war between boyfriends, what is the final choice?

This is the most eye-catching news. The struggle between the Su family and the Xia family is a trivial matter. Relatively speaking, everyone is most concerned about this matter.

Su Miaohan stared at Ning Feng, feeling a sudden burst of warmth in her heart, as if every time she was embarrassed or in difficulty, he would always stand up.It's impossible to say you don't have feelings for him.The first time he saw Ning Feng, it was just a kind of appreciation for him, but later he became more grateful, and then it seemed that this feeling was slowly changing during the two of them getting along.

And Yucheng's memory is really far away in him, maybe it can only be regarded as a kind of ignorance in adolescence.Ten years, enough time for everything to change.At this moment, she already had a decision in her heart.
Yucheng looked at Ning Feng without saying a word, with a faint smile on his lips, he said, "7000 million."

"8000 million!" Ning Feng continued to increase the price with almost no expression. Anyway, even if he bought it by himself in the end, he didn't need to spend money.


"Ninety-one million."

"One hundred million!" Yucheng said without blinking his eyes, and one hundred million was thrown out as soon as he said it.

Everyone was amazed, now that the two of them are completely fighting, this thing is not worth such a high price at all.

But Ning Feng didn't let this good show end like this, he smiled at Su Miaohan, and said lightly: "Two hundred million!"

(End of this chapter)

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