Chapter 222 Beautiful Body

"Forget were really calm at that time." Ning Feng praised her very much. This guy also loves to hear praise, and she never gets tired of hearing any praise.

After a while, Ning Feng looked at Su Miaohan and said, "What are the identities of those people? I don't look like a professional robber."

Su Miaohan also shook her head and said: "This is not very clear, the police are still investigating. It doesn't matter what their identities are, but you are famous!"

"Me? How famous?" Ning Feng asked in doubt.

Su Miaohan walked to the sofa, picked up her tablet and handed it to Ning Feng, "This is your video from the exhibition before, without any deletions. Now all the forums in Haicheng are going crazy."

With all kinds of headlines on the forum, the handsome guy was able to face dozens of gangsters alone without losing the wind.

Salute to the hero who saved dozens of lives by one person.

President Su's boyfriend turned out to be a martial arts master.

There are all kinds of gossip in it. The combination of this news and the news that happened before instantly raised Ning Feng's image.Of course, there are trolls under any news, and Ning Feng doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

In fact, he was not very moved after reading the news in it. Although he could see his face clearly in it, it was just a scene after all, and everyone might not be able to recognize it clearly.

"No wonder!" Ning Feng put down the tablet and said quietly, how did he say that the spiritual power in the sea of ​​consciousness broke through to the second level just now, and so many meritorious powers were gathered.

"Okay, let's eat, we still have to work tomorrow." Su Miaohan said.

"Have you started your PR work yet?" Ning Feng sat on the edge of the table and said to Su Miaohan, "If this matter is not used well, it will be a bad thing. If it is used well, it will be very good for the company's reputation."

"En." Su Miaohan smiled and sat next to Ning Feng and said, "However, the current development of this matter is still developing in a good direction, and everyone still praises this matter."

"En, that's good." Ning Feng and Su Miaohan no matter how they look at each other now, they are not tired of seeing each other.

"Hey, hey...Xiu Eun'ai dies so fast." Mu Xueli knocked on the bowl and chopsticks and said, "It's almost done, I can't stand it here anymore, it's too tired and crooked."

Su Miaohan gave Mu Xueli a blank look, and then started to eat.

Ning Feng went back to his room after eating, and took out the sea shark seal from before.He wants to try again, now there is too much lack of an aggressive mental power method.

When he wanted to enter before, he couldn't. He wanted to know if he should be able to enter if his mental strength had improved a lot.

With a high concentration of mental power, he rushed towards the sea shark mark.

This time, there was no obstacle at all, and I rushed in directly. The inside is still familiar, and there are rough waves everywhere.This requires too much luck, not what you want can get what.

"Spiritual power attack method!" Ning Feng said silently, and now he found that this spiritual power seems to be more useful than spiritual power.

Then he rushed directly to a huge wave. After rushing up this time, Ning Feng found that his mental power was squeezed out.And there is nothing in my mind.

"Isn't it? Nothing?" Ning Feng said helplessly.In fact, he didn't know how lucky he was last time. It's good to get something here, and it's still such a good thing.

After studying for a long time, he still found that there was no effect, so he could only say helplessly: "Oh, forget it, go to sleep."

The next night he slept soundly, but before he woke up in the morning, someone knocked hard on his door.

"Big Brother, Big Brother... Wake up..."

The hair on Ning Feng's head was messy, shirtless, he opened the door with blurred eyes, then stared at her and said, "Do you know that disturbing people's sleep is very bad behavior." It's bright.

"Hey, if it's okay, I won't bother you. Sister Su's body is so hot! Go and have a look." She looked at Ning Feng anxiously and said.She slept with Su Miaohan last night, and suddenly found it extremely hot that night, which woke her up.

And this heat source is Su Miaohan, she tried to touch it, it was very hot.

She didn't know what to do, so she hurried over to find Ning Feng.

This time he woke up immediately, without her reminding, he rushed towards Su Miaohan's room.

"Hey..." Mu Xueli was about to speak, to remind Su Miaohan that there didn't seem to be many clothes left, but thinking about their relationship, she didn't care.And Ning Feng had already disappeared from sight.

Ning Feng rushed upstairs and pushed open the door.Sure enough, she found Su Miaohan lying on the bed with her eyes closed tightly, and her body exuded a different kind of pink.

She was wearing a long silk suspender dress, but because of restless sleep, the clothes were already messy, a piece of her chest was exposed, and a pair of pure white upper legs were also exposed to the air.

And perhaps because of the heat, she was still tearing off her clothes, and most of her body was almost exposed.

Ning Feng went up and touched her skin, it was very hot, like burning coals.This kind of hot is definitely not a fever in the general sense.At this time, he couldn't care too much, he just pulled off her clothes, picked her up and rushed into the bathroom, put her in the bathtub, and the cold water rushed directly up.

He is not in the mood to admire any beautiful body now, Su Miaohan's current situation is probably fatal.

Under the cold water, she relieved a little, but her body was still very hot.

Ning Feng's spiritual sense penetrated into her body, and it was indeed the force that was at work. Before that force was operating in a certain order, but now it changed the order and began to rampage in the body.

At this time, Mu Xueli also rushed in, looked at Ning Feng who was naked from the upper body and Su Miaohan who was completely naked, and immediately blushed and said, "Well, you go ahead, I didn't see anything."

"What are you talking about? Come and help." Ning Feng scolded: "She is in a very dangerous situation now, please help me wash her with cold water."

"Oh." Mu Xueli secretly glanced at the perfect lines on Ning Feng's body, and then rushed over to pour water on Su Miaohan. "Is she all right?"

"It's a little dangerous, if you don't control it well, it will be very dangerous." Ning Feng frowned, then rushed down to take back his silver needle, and quickly sealed all the acupuncture points on Su Miaohan's body.

She is a mortal, and she cannot bear that kind of power, and it will be very dangerous to continue such a collision.

(End of this chapter)

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