Chapter 225

"I tell you, no matter what, I have to let you move out. I will pay you [-] yuan!" He stared at Ning Feng fiercely and said, in his opinion, the reason why he couldn't catch up with Tiantian was entirely because of his existence, If he leaves, the relationship between the two will develop rapidly.

Ning Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you win, I will rent you 1 yuan. Can I pay back the bet rent?" Now he is very short of money, and every penny must be split into two and spent. "Look, I raised more than [-] directly for you, shouldn't it be quicker to get your money back?"

The landlady's aunt's face was almost twitching with laughter, she never expected such a small shabby house to be worth [-] yuan a month.Bet three and pay one, and now you have [-]!
This money is really nothing.

He decisively gave Ning Feng the money, without any hesitation at all.

Ye Zhuo also saw that Ning Feng was playing tricks on him on purpose, but he had to accept this trick, he had to let Ning Feng leave.Even if he was tricked, he would admit it, or else all previous efforts would be in vain?

"I forgot to tell you, but I actually checked out when I came back this time, and I have a better place outside. I didn't plan to ask for this month's rent, but it just happened to happen, so I got it back A lot of money, very good." Ning Feng said with a smile.

The landlord's aunt was quite happy at first, but after hearing Ning Feng's words, she suddenly became a little unhappy.I thought I was taking advantage of it, but I didn't expect that he was about to check out, and I lost so much money in vain.

"Then since you want to check out, this month's rent will not be refunded to you." She tried to take the money from Ning Feng.

Ning Feng put the money into his pocket, and said to the landlady: "You are really a good person. I will return the money to you after I check out. You are really a good person." These words just made fun of her, and made her feel regretful for a while. .

Why can't we just wait a few more minutes?Didn't I save a sum of money by waiting a little longer?
Ye Zhuo stared at Ning Feng and said, "I don't care if you want to check out or not, but this room is mine now, so you'd better leave me immediately. Immediately, immediately, now!"

"Don't worry, I know it's not easy for you to rent it for [-] yuan a month, so I'll move right away, and all the messy things inside will be given to you." Ning Feng pointed to the only broken bed in the room and said.

As soon as he heard the concept of [-] yuan, Ye Zhuo's head ached for a while, his money was not for nothing, [-] yuan a month was wasted for nothing.

While packing things, he said to the landlord's aunt: "I can tell you in advance that this guy has a sharp and thin face, and he has a short-lived and treacherous appearance. So I advise you not to let him live in. It is not good for your wealth and family!"

"What the hell did you say?" Ye Zhuo was furious when he heard Ning Feng's words, and he wanted to slander himself once before he left.

But before he could make a move, Ning Feng had already grabbed his neck, saying: "Don't do it in front of me, I will strangle you to death next time."

Ye Zhuo's face was already flushed red from being pinched by Ning Feng, he didn't see how Ning Feng made a move at all, and he was not an opponent at all in the fight.

After finishing speaking, Ning Feng threw him on the ground directly, and then said to the landlady: "Believe it or not, anyway, I reminded you. If you find that your family's financial luck is hindered in a few days, you might as well think about him." .” As he spoke, he took his things and walked outside.

The landlord's aunt is the most taboo about talking about money. She is most willing to believe this kind of thing, so she immediately took it to heart.However, I still can't bear the temptation of [-] a month.

She still chose not to believe it, and said to Ning Feng: "Don't scare people, you just feel that I'm driving you out because you feel unbalanced, so you said that on purpose. You really think I'm a three-year-old child."

Ning Feng looked back at her and shook his head: "You should understand that your house is not worth the price. The reason why it is so high is because of your daughter. It is not easy to get any benefits. Don't regret it when the time comes. Just do it."

"Hmph!" She naturally knew that it was because of her daughter, but Ye Zhuo's family is rich, and being his son-in-law is not bad, although he did some stupid things before, but it was all because of jealousy towards Ning Feng, so It is also understandable.

"Don't be alarmist here. If you are so rich, I will let you chase my daughter. If you don't have money, don't talk nonsense here." The landlord aunt said disgustedly, she was fed up with the crime of not having money , so she will put money first.

"If you don't have money, don't talk nonsense here, this place doesn't belong to you anymore, hurry up." Ye Zhuo hid behind the landlady's aunt and said to Ning Feng: "What about the manager of the Su Group, with an income of five or six thousand a month , Poor!"

The landlord's aunt has become a complete philistine. The two people's values ​​are different and they cannot be said to be in harmony. He can only smile wryly: "You will regret it."

Then he turned around and pointed at Ye Zhuo and said, "You'd better put away all those petty thoughts in your heart. If you dare to do something that hurts Tiantian a little bit, I will definitely kill you quietly."

He could tell that this Ye Zhuo's face was not good, and he had to be on guard against his treacherous face.

After he finished speaking, Ye Zhuo quickly took two steps back in fright, his eyes were too terrifying.

"As for Tiantian, I will try my best to let the company arrange accommodation, and I won't go home." Ning Feng said directly, he was pulling his salary from the bottom of the pot.Ye Zhuo rented this house just for Tiantian, if Tiantian doesn't come back, what's the point of this house?
"No, why do you ask her to do this?" Ye Zhuo shouted at Ning Feng.

The landlord's aunt also felt that Ning Feng had some intentions for Tiantian, and said: "No, my daughter still has to go home and live, it's up to you."

Ning Feng said indifferently: "I just asked the company to help her solve the accommodation problem, and I didn't force her. Whether she comes back or not is her business."

They have nothing to say about this matter. Even if Tiantian doesn't have a place to stay, she stays at her classmate's house and doesn't come back. Now that she has a place to stay, will she come back?

Ye Zhuo is stupid, what should we do about this matter?Do you spend nearly 10 yuan and get nothing? "Forget it, I won't rent this house anymore."

After thinking about it for a long time, he was still reluctant to part with 10 yuan. After all, it was a huge sum of money. He simply couldn't bear to throw it out for nothing and live in such a bad place.

"Ah—what? You said you won't rent if you don't want to rent?" The landlord's aunt was still in the excitement of making money just now, but after hearing his words, she was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, staring at her with her eyes. With Ye Zhuo.

"I don't want to rent it anymore." Ye Zhuo glanced at Ning Feng, then said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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