Chapter 236 Attending the meeting
Tie Shou was so grateful to Ning Feng, and chatted with Ning Feng a lot about various information about Guhua Palace.

It turns out that the Sea Shark Palace is not a simple force, but is composed of Guhua Palace, Xiaohan Palace, Lingcang Palace, Yueya Palace, Muxi Palace, Yuehua Palace, Ningxue Palace, Leizhuang Palace, and Guangling Palace. A union of palaces.And Guhua Palace is the head of the Nine Palaces, holding the Sea Shark Seal.

Anyway, Ning Feng listened in a daze. Now he has become a palace lord of the Sea Shark Palace completely in a daze. All this happened too suddenly.

"I'll leave this to you." Tie Shou asked Ning Feng to use his mental power to try to break into his sea of ​​consciousness. After reconfirming that he really had the seal of the sea shark, he took out a small parchment and handed it to Ning Feng. peak road.

"Since you have mastered the seal of the sea shark, then this item should be given to you." Tie Shou carefully stuffed it into Ning Feng's hand quickly, and then said carefully: "This item is the same as the seal of the sea shark. The important things, the subordinates fought desperately to snatch them back. As long as you have two things in hand, your position is unshakable."

Ning Feng didn't seem to be right about this matter, why did he look like he was throwing the blame on himself?I am the man who takes the pot, and I have to take such a broken responsibility in the future.

He also gave himself this token, so it's useless even if he wants to regret it in the future?

I really wonder if he just wanted to take the blame for himself and did this on purpose, maybe he wasn't even sure if he was the real palace lord.But it seems that he does have the sea shark mark, and he still looks quite rich, so he let himself take over such a mess.

Although the Guhua Palace he described was very good at the beginning, isn't it also in decline now?
Ning Feng really felt that Tie Shou did this on purpose, just to find a good arrangement for his brothers and sisters.

However, the fact that he has the sea shark seal is indeed true, and there is really no way to quibble.

He has no choice, whether it is a blessing or a disaster, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.Besides, Mu Xueli agreed, which should be considered a good thing.Opening the parchment, Ning Feng looked at the gilded characters on it, and his heart almost jumped out of his heart.

This thing is what I have always wanted, and it really appeared, and it is still a set.

Tie Shou said to Ning Feng: "This belongs to the Palace Master."

Even though Ning Feng felt that Tie Shou had other ideas, he really felt that he had no way to refuse this thing.

"Then I'll go back first." He said to Ning Feng, "You have fun."

"Well, take these things back and keep them properly, don't take them out and sell them casually." Ning Feng said, shaking his head.

Tie Shou smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't take out the real valuable things, so I will take them back. I have to pass this good news to them quickly."

Then Ning Feng spent 1000 million just like that, and got nothing except the identity of an extra palace lord.No, there is an extra item in my hand, and this item is worth 1000 million.

Mu Xueli stared at Ning Feng and said, "This thing is worth 1000 million? You pay me back!" As she spoke, she hung on Ning Feng's body.

The chest was tightly pressed by her, he took it off, and said to her: "Don't worry, don't worry, this thing is more precious, more precious."

"Hmph!" She lost her temper.

After a while, Zhao Tianshuo walked towards Ning Feng, "Xiao Feng, how are you doing?"

Ning Feng smiled, and said to Zhao Tianshuo, "That's it, it doesn't mean much."

"Oh, but this little girl is playing well, right?" He said, looking at the big bag at Mu Xueli's feet.

Mu Xueli glanced at Ning Feng contemptuously, then smiled and said to Zhao Tianshuo with the bag of things under her feet: "Old man? Can you help me see which of these things are real? Do you think I can?" Make money. He's too prodigal, don't let him see it."

Zhao Tianshuo laughed at Mu Xueli's appearance, and then helped to choose very seriously.

Mu Xueli saw that most of the things she picked were genuine, her eyes were getting bigger and bigger, and the smile on her mouth was getting brighter and brighter. "Why are genuine products cheap?"

It is estimated that Lao Zhou will die of pain when he hears this. What do you mean by genuine products are cheap ones?
"That's right. Except for these three pieces, all the others are genuine. You missed them completely. You probably made a lot of money by reselling them when you go back. It's not a problem to turn them over ten times." Zhao Tianshuo clapped his hands and said, "Your luck is really good."

Ning Feng was also dumbfounded. Did this guy really pick out the real ones when he picked out the cheap ones?People's luck is good, and they can't stop it.

"You sent it, you are so rich, don't bother with me about those little money." Ning Feng said quickly, taking advantage of her good temper.

After hearing Ning Feng's words, Mu Xueli's expression changed immediately, and she rolled her eyes at him, "Don't even think about it, you must pay me back the money yourself."

Seeing that his words were useless, Ning Feng had no choice but to shut up obediently.

Zhao Tianshuo said to Ning Feng at this time: "Let's go to the second floor for a meeting, this time I hope you will also attend?"

"What meeting?" Although Ning Feng had heard of it before, he still asked curiously.

Zhao Tianshuo said: "About the matter of the Southern Alliance and the Northern Alliance, I hope you will participate this time. I think you are strong enough to take on this important task."

"Can you explain to me what's going on? My eyes are dark right now. You just brought me here, and I'm not prepared at all." Ning Feng shook his head and said, the best hang-up With a wry smile, he now also knows that his Sishui diamond card is the old man's face.

And it really helped me a lot, don't look at his lazy look, but it's still very good for me.So even if he didn't say it in advance, he wasn't very angry.

Zhao Tianshuo patted himself on the forehead and said, "It was my mistake. I forgot to tell you in advance. Let me explain it to you in detail."

"Have you forgotten? Are you afraid that I won't come?" Ning Feng said with a smile.

"Nothing, nothing." Zhao Tianshuo said with a smile. In fact, that's what he thought. He heard about the matter between him and Yucheng. If he knew that he was competing with Yucheng, he might not come here.

So it's better to just invite people here, at least his own face is still there. Ning Feng should give him this face.

"You should simply talk about this situation." Ning Feng knew that he would not admit it, so he ignored it.He is actually very empty in his heart now, the supernatural ability has disappeared now, it is strange that he can go on with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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