Chapter 255

"Hey, what are you talking about." Dad said from the side: "Actually, Xiaojun's girlfriend is pretty good, she is white and clean, and she has a good job."

When my mother heard what he said, she gave him a hard look and said, "Hurry up and buy vegetables, you are the only one who talks too much. Make a few dishes at noon, hurry up and buy a fish back."

Dad didn't understand what mom wanted to do at all, so he interrupted unintentionally and sent him to go grocery shopping.

Aunt Niu also smiled and said: "This is Xiaofeng's girlfriend? She is so beautiful and tall. Well, it's really good. I just don't know what kind of job it is. The current work situation is not good at all. Find a It’s hard to work. Our small army also took the boss’s efforts to get into the bank. This is an iron rice bowl, and the salary is good.”

"Xiaojun's girlfriend is not a good job, she's just a civil servant with a stable income. Hey, Xiaohan, what kind of job are you doing?"

My mother is a little upset, how can I ask these things in front of others?Even if you ask, you should ask yourself.

Su Miaohan smiled and said: "Working in Su's company, the salary is not bad." She was still a little low-key, and she didn't dare to reveal her identity, which was still too far away for them.

Aunt Niu immediately felt balanced. After all, her job is not a civil servant, and no matter what, she is not as stable as her family. "Oh, the Su Group is not bad, but it's not stable enough." The words were full of complacency.

In fact, these people have no malice at all, they just want to show that their children are very good in front of others.This is understandable, after all, they themselves don't have much promise, so they all place their hopes on their children.

The child is a little promising, and he can't wait to let the whole world know about it.

Mom quietly said to Ning Feng: "What is Xiao Su's position? Is the salary high?"

Ning Feng thought for a while, and said: "It should be regarded as an executive, with a monthly salary of 10,000+." He didn't know how much Su Miaohan's salary was, but it should be more than [-], right?
"Ah?" Mom said in disbelief, "Don't bully your mother for being uneducated."

"Did you see the clothes on her? At least [-] to [-] yuan. The latest models from Paris Fashion Week, think about her income." Ning Feng said helplessly, since my mother wants to show off, she has to let her show off superior.

But my mother seemed to go to another extreme, and said to Ning Feng: "We can't handle such a girl, our family is just an ordinary family."

Ning Feng hurriedly stopped her, he had finally caught up with a girlfriend, how could he give up so easily?He knew that his mother was afraid that the gap between the two families was too large.

"Mom, look at my clothes, they cost tens of thousands." He said proudly, "Don't worry, I told you before that I have changed jobs and my income is not less than hers. I gave you The money was made because I was afraid that you would be worried, so I didn’t dare to make more money.”

Now my mother was even more excited, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Ning Feng said proudly.

"Prodigal stuff, a piece of clothing costs tens of thousands of dollars, and you can still wear it." She cursed softly, but there was still a hint of pride on her face.

And Auntie Niu seemed to be having a good chat with Su Miaohan. Su Miaohan had been patiently listening to Auntie Niu looking for a stable job.

"Oh, Xiaohan is different. You can't use that old point of view to talk to others. What age is it now? Of course, if you have the ability, you have to make a breakthrough. You can't waste time in those positions. Oh, that's right. , Xiaohan, what is your position in the company?" Mom definitely did this on purpose.

I have clearly explained it to her, so why do I still ask.

Su Miaohan didn't know how to answer, so she could only look at Ning Feng for help.But Ning Feng has no way to help her, he can only wave his hands, let him answer as he pleases?
But my mother didn't seem to use it, she slapped her head with a smile, "Oh, I remember. Xiaofeng told me that you are an executive of Su's company, and you earn hundreds of thousands a month. Those who are capable People stay in the company, there is no need to pursue a stable job.”

Ning Feng is now quietly watching his mother pretending to be aggressive. She clearly said 10,000+, but when she turned around, she said it was hundreds of thousands.This is too blown.

"En, isn't it?" Su Miaohan could only say so.

Aunt Niu's complexion has become ugly. In her impression, Ning Feng is not a person with any good job. How can he find such an excellent girl.

Naturally, the mother would not let go of the process of showing off her son, "Hey, my son has paid back his job before, and his income is not bad. He called me 10,000+ after only a few days in the first month. I was so scared at the time. I don’t dare to take it yet, it’s really funny when I think about it now. However, the housing price in Haicheng has grown too much, and I’m trying to find a way to buy him a suite. After all, he has a lot of salary, and a suite is still capable. .

Look at these clothes of my son, what kind of Anima are they? One piece costs tens of thousands, that prodigal.It hurts me so much, but when someone earns a lot of money, the people they contact are different, so there is no way. "

Well, he was speechless by his mother's show off, and he really wanted to tell others everything.

Aunt Niu obviously couldn't take it anymore, this was simply too shocking, and she was here to show off.In the end, he was ostentatious, and he still blamed his son for not being as good as others.

She stood up and said, "Hey, I have to go home and cook, you two have a good chat." She was about to leave with a displeased face.

It's really meaningless. You can tell by looking at the clothes of other girls that they are not ordinary people.Ning Feng's situation seems to be really as she said, it seems to be really different.

Staying any longer can only show off to others, so let's go.I really don't know how he was able to become such a character. Could it be that he has also become an executive?
Anyway, no matter what, my son is not as good as others.

At this time, Dad also came back from buying vegetables. Looking at Aunt Niu who went out, he said, "Go back? Come here often." After saying hello, he put the vegetables in the kitchen and said to his mother: "I How do you think she is a little unhappy?"

"It's no wonder you're happy. He wanted to show off his son, but his mother showed off his son. Can you be happy?" Ning Feng said with a smile on the side. "It's still early, don't be in a hurry to cook, first take a look at the gifts Xiaohan brought to you, and see if you are satisfied."

"You say, just come and bring some gifts." Although my mother said so, she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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