Chapter 259

The man smiled miserably, perhaps he himself thought it was a very friendly smile.It's just that in Ning Feng's view, it is indeed a little scary.

"My appearance is indeed a bit scary, but I came to you because I have a good thing for you." He looked at Ning Feng and said, "I don't know if you are interested in Tianji Building?"

"Not interested." Ning Feng said directly.

As Tianjilou is someone else's organization, I am not interested in joining it. "I'm not interested in working for others yet." Ning Feng said directly.

The man was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Are you sure you don't know about our Tianji Building?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested, I don't want to know about it." Ning Feng shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it, I won't work for you."

"No, misunderstood, our Tianji Building is not an ordinary organization. You are not working for someone, we are just a platform." He looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said.

After hearing this, Ning Feng became interested. He looked at the man and said, "Why don't you introduce me?"

"How about we go somewhere else?" The man looked at Ning Feng and said.

After Ning Feng nodded, he walked outside. The two of them got into a car and drove to a bar.

Ning Feng looked at this bar, it was called Tianji Bar, and it looked like an ordinary bar from the outside.It was full of feasting and feasting, and there was a lot of noise, but nothing could be seen at all.

The man led Ning Feng directly inside, passed through the chaotic crowd, went directly to the second floor, and entered a private room.

Ning Feng followed in, and the inside looked like a private KTV room.There is a huge screen on the wall, which seems to be the kind of display that sings.

After the man sat down, he smiled at Ning Feng and said, "Let's get to know each other again. My name is Tang Tiande, the owner of Tianjilou Haicheng."

"Ning Feng." Ning Feng said lightly: "Please introduce this place, it doesn't look tall at all."

Tang Tiande smiled and said, "See what's different." Then, he called a waiter in, and then brought in a remote control, and turned on the opposite screen.

But the above display is not a song, but a row of words.The first line is a person's name, followed by a list of tasks, followed by an amount.

How does this look like a place to pick up quests?

Ning Feng looked at him suspiciously and said, "What do you mean?"

"Our Tianji Building is just an intermediary for issuing missions and accepting missions. Our role is to recruit powerful people like you, and then the other party recruits the party who issued the mission. We only earn intermediary fees." He sat hunched over Looking at Ning Fengdao on the sofa.

Ning Feng finally understood that this place is just a mission center, those who need something come here to post missions, and those who need things come here to receive missions.

He looked at Ning Feng and said, "If you join us, you will at least have the status of a gold medal Feng Shui master. Not only can you receive tasks first, but you can also post tasks. For example, if you are free now, you can write your own requirements. We will send them to you. This information is pushed to all customers."

When he was talking, he might feel that he couldn't explain clearly, so he quickly clicked on another page.

Another situation immediately appeared above.

Luo You, a gold medal Fengshui master, is free and has a set of Hk villas.In other words, his current state is free, and he needs a villa for one shot, which is still HK.

This industry is really lucrative.

Ning Feng took a look at the various people below. They had various needs, some for gems, some for money, and some for real estate.

Suddenly an idea appeared in his mind, since others can post, why can't he post his own mission?Don't you just need a medicine cauldron?

Tang Tiande saw that Ning Feng was a little interested, so he hurriedly hit the rails while it was hot: "If you are interested, you may as well try it, your reputation is guaranteed by us. So there will be tasks soon, and our users can be from all over the world. Yes. The things you think are precious, maybe they have them."

"It's really good." Ning Feng praised him, but he still remained cautious towards him in his heart, and it's better to ask some things clearly. "Why do you give me such a high status?"

"Because your strength has arrived, I can already clearly judge your strength in the fight." Tang Tiande said with a smile.

"Give me such a high position, what can I bring to you? Are you going to vouch for me?" Ning Feng asked. There is no free lunch in the world, and it is better to ask clearly about some things.

Tang Tiande smiled and said: "We will charge higher commissions for people like you, but don't worry, you don't need to pay, the other party pays. And you are the foundation of our organization, only the best people like you With the existence of the organization, we can gain an advantage when competing with other organizations.”

What he said is indeed true. Generally, only such a good person can represent whether an organization is big or not.Sometimes even if you lose money, you have to invite one or two powerful masters to sit in charge, because this is a performance to show your organizational strength.

"Oh." Ning Feng nodded, then looked at him and said, "It's that gold-medal Feng Shui master, besides being able to publish this thing, do you have any other privileges?"

Ning Feng asked some questions without hesitation, not paying attention to the dissatisfied eyes of the waiter next to him.Perhaps in his opinion, it would be good if Tianjilou could give them a chance, and they dare to ask questions.

He didn't understand that at Ning Feng's stage, he had the power to bargain with him.If he is not willing, more people will naturally come together.So at this time, the organization has to curry favor with others.

Tang Tiande laughed, and said: "Of course. Our strongholds in Tianji Building are all kinds of bars. As long as there are bars with this sign, you can enjoy them for free. You only need to report your code name. And if you need When releasing tasks, we only charge half the price. Of course, there are a series of other benefits, as long as you have a relationship with our Tianji Building, you have priority."

Ning Feng also understood that this status means that he exists like a VIP in the system of Tianji Building and can enjoy various privileges.It sounds good.

He asked the last and most important question, "Will you force me to take the task?" This is very important, and he is the most test of how others arrange his time.

Tang Tiande said decisively: "No, everything is voluntary."

(End of this chapter)

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