Chapter 262 Epidemic
Ning Feng was busy for several days, and finally got this matter settled.The basic tone has been set.

"You have worked hard these few days." Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng while drinking coffee.

Ning Feng was not used to that kind of coffee, it was too bitter.The instant coffee was still delicious. After taking a sip with difficulty, she said to Su Miaohan, "I don't have to work hard, I just accept all the gifts. Look at my room full of gifts, there are all kinds of quality gifts."

Later, he began to pretend to be public servants, and directly priced Chinese medicinal materials, and they were all kinds of precious medicinal materials.People who sent other things didn't accept it. As a result, he now has another hobby, which is collecting Chinese medicine.

"You dare to directly mark the price, aren't you afraid that others will use this loophole to attack you?" Su Miaohan looked at him and said.

Ning Feng said: "You can see, who dares to do this, except you. I am now much stronger than Si Wufeng back then, and my power is overwhelming."

"That being said, it's better to be restrained." Su Miaohan said, "We can't underestimate Cheng Hua's strength."

"Don't be so serious." Ning Feng said with a smile: "Don't worry, I still know about this, how could I do such a low-level thing? I will return the gifts these people send, no Leaving someone a handle."

"I know you're not that kind of person."

The two were chatting happily, when suddenly there was someone knocking on the door, the knocking sound was quite hasty, as if it was on fire.

"I'll go and open the door." Ning Feng walked over and opened the door.It turned out to be Dean Liu.

"Dean Liu? Why are you here?" Ning Feng looked at him suspiciously.

Dean Liu looked a little haggard, and was very anxious. After seeing Ning Feng, he said excitedly, "Xiao Ning, hurry up and go to the hospital with me."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Ning Feng also looked at him and said, "Let's go, talk while walking." Seeing his anxious look, Ning Feng changed his shoes and left without delay.

He yelled into the room, "I'll go to the hospital first, I have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Ning Feng asked Dean Liu while walking.

Dean Liu said: "Do you still remember the purple blood tumor you treated last time?"

Ning Feng nodded and said, "I know about this, isn't it cured?"

"It was cured at the beginning, but three patients suddenly came here from last night to now, and it seems that this situation has been found in every hospital in the city." Dean Liu got into the back seat of the car.

Ning Feng also sat in and said to him: "You mean, is this an epidemic? It has already broken out in a large area?" He said with some doubts. Although this kind of thing is said to be contagious, it is not It is not the kind that spreads through droplets, but can only be transmitted through human contact.

It stands to reason that such a large-scale epidemic should not have erupted.

"It should be. The ages of this outbreak are concentrated in their 40s and 60s. The method you used before is not very suitable for them." Dean Liu said worriedly: "We have no other way now , I can only invite you again."

Ning Feng nodded and said: "It's nothing, it's what I should do." But he immediately fell into deep thought, the previous method really can't be used, the body of people at this age is not as strong as that of young people, so A lot of bloodletting will make them worse.

"Let's see when we get there, there is always a way." Ning Feng said.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the hospital and the sick area.

After seeing the two, Zhou Ruoxi walked over and said, "There are already five cases so far, and there are more than 20 cases in the whole city."

Dean Liu frowned and said: "It seems that this matter is not that simple, I have to go out for a while. I will trouble you two here."

Ning Feng nodded and said, "En."

After Dean Liu left, Zhou Ruoxi took Ning Feng to change clothes, and then entered the ward.

The uncles and aunts inside seemed to be in a much more serious condition than the previous few, and their resistance was obviously much weaker.After the two entered, they looked at one of the patients.

The patient was already in a coma, and the purple hematoma on his body was particularly terrifying.After seeing the two people coming, the patient's family members pulled them together and said, "Doctor, you must save him. Help him, he has already passed out twice, and his body can't stand it if he continues like this."

Ning Feng pulled him and said: "Don't worry, I will do my best. I can definitely save every patient. We have come up with a treatment plan. We will start treating everyone in the evening." He began to comfort him, his heart was indeed We already have a treatment plan, but we still need the help of Tang Tiande and the others.

After hearing Ning Feng's words, everyone was very excited. They immediately surrounded him and said to him one by one, "Really? Is there really a plan? Will it be dangerous?"

"Sure enough, it is indeed Haicheng Hospital. The medical level is much better than the average person. It only takes one day to get a solution."

"Really, I don't know which doctor you are? Is this plan reliable?"

Ning Feng waved his hands at everyone and said, "We can understand everyone's feelings, but everyone must trust our medical technology, and I will come up with a corresponding solution tonight."

"Don't worry, everyone. This is our vice president. Naturally, his medical skills can be guaranteed. His guarantee to everyone is trustworthy, so please rest assured." Zhou Ruoxi said that these people not only need medical treatment, but also need spiritual treatment. comfort.

After the two turned around, they returned to the office from the ward.

As soon as she entered the office, Zhou Ruoxi said to Ning Feng: "Do you really have a solution? The previous method can no longer be used. These people are generally too old to stand..."

"Wait..." Ning Feng interrupted her and said, "I said there is a way, but there is really a way."

"Really?" Zhou Ruoxi stared at him and said, with an unbelievable look, how could it be so powerful?I just used one method before, and now I can get another method immediately. It's no wonder that this kind of medical skill is not magical.

"Of course, but try to find these medicinal materials for me." Ning Feng wrote down a list of medicinal materials on the paper. Less difficult to find medicinal materials that you need.

Haicheng Hospital has such a great power, if you don't use it for nothing, it's your reward.Although a little unreasonable!
"This one must be delivered first, this one can be later." Ning Feng still had some conscience to postpone his own one.

(End of this chapter)

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