Chapter 273 The Door

Because this place is exactly where I was before.

Sweat dripped down Ning Feng's forehead, and it was indeed very difficult to judge the direction in the dark.

"Are we lost?" The senior sister looked at the crowd and asked.

"It's not like getting lost. It's just that we tend to lose our way in an open place. There are no reference objects around, and the magnetic field is also disordered, so it's a bit troublesome." Ning Feng said lightly.

He felt that the direction of his judgment was correct.

"Go again." Ning Feng said: "This time I will go to explore the road first, you stay here now, don't waste your energy too much." This is the best way for him, it is better to waste energy with so many people Let one go to scout the way.

Everyone knew that this was the best way, but at this time the shy Jing Yan stood up and said to Ning Feng: "I'm with you, Hai Tianyan should be able to play a certain role."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head shyly.

"Well, it's indeed the best way now. Let's divide it into two operations, which really saves energy." The senior sister nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go first!" Ning Feng nodded, leading Jing Yan to walk in that direction.This time I walked very carefully, every time I carefully noticed whether my direction was straight.

"It's a little crooked, and it feels a little westward." Jing Yan whispered from behind.

Ning Feng glanced at her, then believed her intuition and began to adjust back.Her perception ability is really overwhelmed, and I have to believe in her strength.

In such a slow adjustment process, they walked together for a long time, just when both of them were almost desperate.There seemed to be a white light flickering in Ning Feng's eyes.

He released all his spiritual power, and sure enough, he found a huge wall in front of him.

"There is a situation!" Ning Feng said to Jing Yan.

"Oh." She was very calm, and then continued to be shy, her face almost getting into her chest.

He didn't pay attention to them either, and ran forward with her directly.When he arrived in front of this wall, he felt that there seemed to be a power in his body that resonated with this place.

Although I don't know where this induction comes from, I can feel that this power does exist.

Ning Feng didn't care about her at this time, and quickly released his mental power.This wall is really too big. After releasing all his mental power, he realized that it was not a wall at all, but a door!

Such a big door is too scary!

He looked at the gate, it was really too big, one gate was nearly 20 meters long, and there seemed to be a huge animal head on top of this gate.The beast's head was nearly a foot wide, and it glared down, baring its teeth, as if it was guarding something.

He opened his divine pupils, and went straight through the door to look behind.

This time the perspective worked, but he saw a scene that surprised him even more.Behind this door is a circular place, which is quite large, with a huge throne in the middle.

The most shocking thing was that there were two people standing inside, and these two people turned out to be the two senior sisters from before.

His heartbeat immediately accelerated, as if he had been caught in a trap.

These people seem to be from Lingcang Palace, but their relationship with Guhua Palace is not so strong.What is the reason why they have established a good relationship with themselves so quickly now?

And these people can obviously find a place to go in, why do they need to go around such a big circle?
Besides, if they want to kill themselves, it should be very convenient, right?Their strength is far higher than their own.What are they doing this for.

He turned to look at Jing Yan, she still lowered her head, but Ning Feng felt that she was no longer shy, but felt that there were many ulterior motives hidden in her.

Was it all arranged by them? I followed them when I came in, followed them when I fell, and Jing Yan was constantly guiding me to get here.

Although Ning Feng was not clear about all this, he knew that they should not have good intentions towards him.

Ning Feng calmed down a bit, then took a few steps back.His own strength is just about the same as Jing Yan's, and compared to them, he is far behind.

He quickly calculated the countermeasures in his mind, but found that in such an unfamiliar environment, there were so many people stronger than himself, and there was nothing he could do.

"Let's take a step and take a look." Ning Feng could only say this in his heart, he pretended not to know and said to Jing Yan: "Where is this place? What is this thing?"

Jing Yan looked up at the front, then continued to lower her head, and said, "I don't know, but I think the tomb is behind me, right?"

Ning Feng nodded and said, "I don't know how to get in, should I blow it up?"

"No!" Jing Yan blurted out.

The feeling of nervousness, uneasiness, and a trace of fear immediately alerted Ning Feng.

"This place is very weird. There must be a mechanism here. Let's look for the mechanism." Jing Yan seemed to find herself a little impatient, and quickly explained.

Ning Feng nodded, "That makes sense."

He already had a bottom line in his heart, and he had just found out that this place was a door.But she seems to know that this place is a door.

"Let's find out where the agency is?" The two pretended to look around.

After the two of them searched for a long time, Jing Yan found a groove and said to Ning Feng, "This place should be where the agency is located."

Ning Feng walked over and looked at the mechanism, which was a door knocker.However, the stone under the door knocker can be seen to be alive if you look closely.

He nodded with a smile and said, "Indeed, do you think we should go to your senior sister first? Or should we open the door first?"

Jing Yan was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Open the door first, it will be hard to find later. Maybe after opening it, it will be much easier to find it."

"That makes sense." Ning Feng smiled, "Shall I open the door?"

"En." She lowered her head and continued.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it towards the mechanism, but Jing Yan's eyes did not look at the mechanism, but continued to lower her head not knowing where to look.

However, her body was trembling slightly, and her hands were twisted together. She didn't know whether it was excitement or nervousness.

"Will it be dangerous?" Ning Feng looked at the mechanism and asked.

"Probably not?" she said in a low voice.But his eyes were fixed on Ning Feng, full of expectation.

"Really?" Suddenly, Ning Feng rushed towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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