Chapter 275 Escape
Such a huge guy reacted extremely quickly. I thought his back should be its weak point because of his size.But Ning Feng was almost pierced by his tail just now, but luckily he ran fast.

Even if it ran down, it almost smashed its tail into pieces.There is still such a huge pit behind, and the shock just now directly sent people flying.

Ning Feng looked back, and this guy unexpectedly came up again.In such a strange place with no direction at all, he can only scurry around now.And such a huge snake seems to be unable to exhaust itself, just chasing and killing itself like this.

"I didn't cuckold you again, it's not over yet." Ning Feng scolded and fled, but he knew that it would be very dangerous for him to go on like this.Because my spiritual power is disappearing rapidly, and when I am exhausted, it is time to hang up.

This feeling of not being able to fight and not being able to escape is the saddest, as if watching myself being swallowed up by death bit by bit, it is too painful.

The giant snake behind him didn't make a sound, it was the huge friction sound between the body and the ground, as if it was ready to harvest his life at any time.In a quiet place, only the sound of its body rubbing against each other could be felt, so Ning Feng was also agitated for a while.

"Fuck you, I'm fighting with you." This situation is really uncomfortable, as if waiting to be slaughtered.He finally couldn't take it anymore, he might as well fight it out than die from exhaustion.

At this time, Ning Feng began to regret it. He should have prepared a weapon. At least having a weapon would give him a much higher sense of security.

Now I can only clean it up with my bare hands.

Although he is very angry now, his mind is still very clear. Although he wants to fight it desperately, he still needs to pay attention to strategy.

Moving up and down, his eyes kept looking through the inside of the giant snake.

There were also several wounds on his body due to distraction, but fortunately they were barely avoided, and it was also seen that the inside of it was actually controlled by a puppet talisman.

The puppet talisman is a relatively advanced type of talisman. Ning Feng can only draw some simple talismans such as exorcising Yin. This advanced talisman does not have that kind of strength.And these talismans that have nothing to do with Feng Shui can't be painted.

The talismans he knows are actually related to feng shui, and the more advanced talismans have little to do with feng shui, and the tortoise shell can't help him.

"It would be great if I could get it." As soon as Ning Feng had this thought, he was swept aside by the snake's tail, his internal organs twitched for a while, and the surge of energy and blood directly made him regain his consciousness.It's good to save your life in this situation, and dare to have other ideas.

He didn't dare to stabilize the inside at all, and rolled around and rushed outside as soon as he landed.Because the big tail at the back fell directly.

"Pfft!" The huge Zhendan directly caused Ning Feng to spit out a mouthful of blood, the difference in strength was too great.

"It would be great if we could destroy that thing." Ning Feng panted heavily from a distance.

"That's impossible. No one can get close to the Serpent God." Suddenly a clear voice came, and the three women came out of the darkness.

Even Jing Yan, who was knocked into the air before, was among them.

I just watched her being knocked into the air before, but didn't see her being killed. I think they should have their own methods.In fact, she was not knocked into the air at all, but escaped from Ning Feng's attack range with the help of the big snake's strength, so as to prevent her from becoming a hostage again.

"You?" Ning Feng held his chest and looked at the three of them, "What do you want to do? Tell me who you are?"

When the big snake saw the three coming, it didn't move, and stood beside it. The two rubies really stared at Ning Feng.It seems that they don't intend to let him go.

"It's not wrong that we are from Lingcang Palace, but we have other identities. I can't tell you that." Jing Yan looked at Ning Feng and said.There was no sense of tension like before. The reason why she kept her head down was probably to hide the smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Your escaping skills are pretty good. You managed to avoid all the dangerous areas, and you can still entangle with the snake god for such a long time." The senior sister looked at Ning Feng and said, "You should be considered very talented."

Ning Feng has more treasures on his body, the string of beads in his hand is constantly helping him to absorb spiritual power to replenish, and the agate on his body is still continuously sending spiritual power into the sea of ​​consciousness.

So he was able to use his spiritual power to explore the way, and his spiritual power lasted longer.

"Stop praising me, just say what you have to say. We are all adults, so we don't need to beat around the bush." ​​Ning Feng looked at them directly and said.

"Okay." The three of them stared at Ning Feng and said, "If you are willing to become a guardian, use your own blood to guard the God King. You can gain eternal life!"

Ning Feng looked at the fanaticism in the eyes of the three, what's going on?It's exactly the feeling of joining a cult, and the feeling of the previous three people is not that they are out of dust, but that they have nothing to love.

"Like you? Become a walking dead?" Ning Feng said indifferently, he would never allow this kind of thing, and this place may also hide a huge secret.

"This is eternal life. Life will be immortal. It is much better than your slow cultivation. Even it has to obey our command." Another woman said excitedly.

These three people are so stupid, they don't know what immortality is at all, and they imagine that they can also be immortal like this.

"Don't persuade me, I won't agree. I can't accept your appearance." Ning Feng said lightly, suddenly, a crimson force flowed out from the tortoise shell, and slowly Gather at the arms.

Ning Feng wanted to find out what happened, so he had to go to the tomb.What is that god king?But let's talk about this big snake first.

"Then you go to die." It was not they who said this, but Ning Feng.He rushed straight towards the big snake.

"Overestimate your own strength, kill him!" Senior Sister looked at all this lightly and said.

The big snake rushed towards Ning Feng, but Ning Feng's arm was suddenly wrapped in flames, and the flames became more intense as he ran, and gradually turned into a wing with flames.

The wings are even bigger than the snake's head.

"Go to hell!" Ning Feng now felt that the power in his body was about to explode, and the power in his hands could burn everything.This power is really amazing, it should be the power hidden in that strange pill furnace.

The big snake didn't have any emotions, it just mechanically rushed towards Ning Feng's arm!

(End of this chapter)

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