Chapter 277 The Gunslinger
After understanding the location of the agency, I can easily get out, which is why the three of them can easily enter and exit.

After Ning Feng came out, he looked back at such a place, and secretly made up his mind that although he didn't have the strength to explore it now, it didn't mean he wouldn't have the strength in the future.

"Master, the most important thing is to save his life." After finishing speaking, he ran down the mountain resolutely.

When going down the mountain, Tang Tiande's men on the road disappeared.They should have completed their task.

While walking, Ning Feng watched as he got the puppet talisman. The drawing was very complicated. Anyway, he couldn't understand these appearances. "This is a good thing, when will I find a master to be a puppet." Ning Feng said to himself.

Suddenly, he felt a burst of danger around him, and subconsciously lowered his head.


A gunshot rang out, and the bullet grazed his scalp.

"There are gunmen!" Ning Feng's scalp tingled for a while, and then he quickly approached the grass beside the road. It seemed that Tang Tiande didn't intend to let him go.

Didn't he just take one of his treasures?As for being so vengeful?Besides, I and him can be regarded as an equal exchange, and the position is also calculated for him by myself.

Fortunately, I didn't follow him in. If I went in, the consequences might be even more serious.Uncertain when, he stabbed himself in the back.

Ning Feng, who was hiding in the grass, carefully looked outside, and released his mental power in a wide range, but unfortunately, he didn't find anyone within the range of his mental power.

A person who can shoot so far and be so accurate should be a professional sniper.

"Damn it, he really spent a lot of money." Ning Feng didn't expect that he would still leave a killer here to kill himself.

I didn't notice that person's position last time, maybe I should try again.

After all, he can't just squat here all the time.

After a while, Ning Feng took a deep breath, jumped out of the bushes and ran towards the side of the road.


This shot hit Ning Feng directly behind. His speed was so fast that the man basically couldn't aim at him.

But Ning Feng locked onto the sought-after position in an instant, and quickly moved towards the shooter's position.

The gunman in the col, watching Ning Feng who was moving rapidly, fired continuously, and it was too late to aim.How could this be accurate?

"Is Cao this still a human? Move so fast, move quickly!" The gunman saw that Ning Feng was very close in the scope, put away his gun and said to the partner next to him.

But just as he finished speaking, a voice sounded behind him. "That's too late!"

The man reacted quickly, he threw down his gun, picked up his dagger and rushed towards Ning Feng. "Then go to hell!"

"Fuck it!" The person next to him also rushed over and pinched Ning Feng. This kind of close range is no longer suitable for using a gun.Obviously a dagger is a very powerful offensive weapon.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth twitched slightly, this kind of attack was really not that threatening to him.

Grab one person's wrist with one hand to block the other's dagger.Taking advantage of the situation, he kicked the man directly on the ground. The strength of this kick was not small, and he hugged his chest directly to the ground without moving.

Then he quickly leaned his back against this man, fell directly on his back, and pressed the dagger directly on his neck.

"Don't move, I'm moving to kill you." Ning Feng stared at him.

The murderous look in his eyes really frightened him, the whole person stopped making any movements, relaxed and stopped struggling.

"Say, who sent you here?" Ning Feng stared at him and asked, although he was sure that it was Tang Tiande's handwriting, but he still had to ask seriously.

The man put it down and said, "I received the mission from Tang Tiande, but I don't know if it was a mission issued by him."

"Who is your publisher?" Ning Feng asked.

"It's a string of numbers, I don't know who it is." The man looked at Ning Feng and said, "We're just accepting the mission, we really don't want to kill you from the bottom of our hearts..."

Ning Feng wiped his neck directly, and wanted to kill me, I don't care if you think it from the bottom of your heart?Now that you have accepted the task of killing, you must be prepared to be killed.

After he dealt with this person, he walked towards another person, the dagger in his hand was constantly spinning.

The man had seen him kill someone, so he stood up with difficulty, but Ning Feng's kick was too powerful.After struggling for a long time, he didn't stand up.

"I'm just here to supervise, don't, don't... If you don't kill me, I can tell you a secret."

"Oh? Tell me some secret?" Ning Feng looked at him with interest and said, "If the secret is true, I can let you go."

The man looked at Ning Feng nervously and said, "Actually, Tang Tiande knows that you have entered another tomb!"

As soon as these words came out, Ning Feng was stunned.I thought I was doing this without anyone noticing it, but why did I suddenly find out that so many people knew about it?

"What do you mean?" Ning Feng looked at him coldly and said.

"I also heard it by accident. I just heard him say that a person needs to open the passage, and that the power of the guardian inside is too great, and only you may have this ability. He also said three girls, snakes, etc. I really don't know anything else." The man said to Ning Feng.

After he heard this, he was a little dazed. There seemed to be something wrong with this matter, something was wrong from the very beginning.It seemed that he had been tricked and used as a gun.

This matter is likely to be a big plan of his. His strength should be enough to find out where the position is, but he has to let himself do it.The time chosen was also wrong, if it was just tomb robbery, there was no need to come at night.

I guess it was to make myself catch up with the sunrise, and I had to kill myself to keep my mouth shut. All previous grievances were just excuses.The real reason is here.

He didn't want himself to know the existence of this large tomb. If it was just an ordinary tomb, there would be no need for any secrecy after it was stolen, because it was already empty.

Even he deliberately didn't give himself the title of Gold Medal Feng Shui Master, everything was arranged.It would be horrific if this was really a complete plan.

"There should be a plan, and there are occasional situations, but he may have made a smooth arrangement, and then made things develop in this direction." Ning Feng said to himself.

Then what is the identity of Tang Tiande?
While Ning Feng was thinking, the man behind quietly raised the dagger in his hand and stabbed Ning Feng in the back.

(End of this chapter)

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