Chapter 292 Step Down
The person who raised his hand turned out to be a member of Li Capital, isn't this his own person that he promised?Why did you raise your hand for someone else?
With his joining, the scene was immediately reversed.Li's Capital is a major shareholder, and they are still introduced by themselves. Does this count as ushering in wolves?

Ning Feng wondered, the promise was good at the beginning, why did it change suddenly?

Even if you don't plan to support it, at least you have to notify in advance, what does it mean to do so now?Fortunately, I still thought that Li Weixiong's character was not bad!

Suppressing the anger in his heart, staring at the number of people present, they seem to have lost.

Old man Su said with a smile: "Su Miaohan's two positions of president and chairman will be resigned from now on, and Cheng Hua will take over!"

"Wait!" Ning Feng still stood up and said.

"What? Are you dissatisfied? Although you are a shareholder of the Su Corporation, I have nothing to do with you, but this is a decision jointly made by the shareholders' meeting. Are you going to overturn it?" Old Man Su said proudly while looking at Ning Feng.It was as if he had won it all.

Ning Feng licked his lips and said, "Of course I agree with the decision made by the shareholders' meeting. But you have to agree too, right?"

"Of course, I will abide by it." He said with a smile, "Isn't I letting her step down now?" He said with a smug expression on his clothes, as if to say, you are a little younger to play with me .

Ning Feng raised his mouth slightly and said, "You are wrong. The decision just now was to let President Su step down, but not President Cheng to take over. We still have to vote again on who will take over. If what you said is by If Cheng Hua succeeds Su Miaohan, it would be a sneaky change of concept!"

In fact, they really planned to change the concept secretly. If it was to replace Su Miaohan with Cheng Hua, this kind of proposal would make everyone unconsciously compare the two.However, the results of the comparison needless to say, Cheng Hua was a complete failure.

One brought the company into a crisis, and the other brought the company out of the crisis.Everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

This will lose the support of more minority shareholders, and even the proposal to let Su Miaohan step down will fail.

"Isn't it necessary? Is there anyone else to choose?" Mr. Su looked at him and said.He and Li Shi only got one chance to help. If they vote again, Li Shi doesn't know whether he will support him.

If you don't support it, you will lose. They have already lost all the minority shareholders.Now it depends on Li's attitude, if they support him, he will win, if they don't support him, he will lose.

"You think this is a joke? Are you treating our shareholders as fools? We will pass whatever proposal is proposed, and we can't let you do it." Ning Feng looked at him and said: "If you do this, none of us shareholders will Agreed."

The minority shareholders were indeed dissatisfied. They did not support the replacement of Su Miaohan in the first place.Now after hearing Ning Feng's words, they were even more excited, and they started to make noise one by one.

Although the proportion of these small shareholders is not very large, there are a lot of people, so the noise is very loud.

"It has to be re-proposed. We didn't pass this issue and wanted to play around with the concept? Do you think we don't know how much she is capable of?"

"Cheng Hua's strength is really mediocre. Before that, she was able to survive only by living on her laurels. Look, it's just a small trick of the Xia family that almost ruined the company, so I won't approve her proposal to become the president."

"No, vote again. Although you have major shareholders, we still have to express our attitude."

The voices of the crowd became louder and louder, and everyone started to quarrel.

Cheng Hua's face turned dark, she didn't expect her reputation to be rotten.All of this is due to Ning Feng!She stared at Ning Feng firmly, this man is a evil star.

Ning Feng smiled indifferently. Although he knew that this matter might not be successful, it just couldn't make her feel better.If you want to take over your achievements, you must first suffer a wave of blank stares from everyone.

The Li family has already rebelled, and the shares they can control are close to half, and this proposal will be passed to a large extent.

"Proposal for Cheng Hua to become the chairman, let's vote!" Mr. Su was probably annoyed, and said directly to the crowd, "I tell you, it's useless."

"I know, but I'm willing!" Ning Feng said with a blank look at him.

"Cheng Hua is not strong enough, I don't support it!" Ning Feng said first, and then all the minority shareholders objected.It was he and Cheng Hua who really raised their hands, and some hardcore supporters.

Obviously, they did not have more than half of the supporters, so they could only turn their eyes to the representative of Mrs. Li.

The man slowly raised his head, looked at everyone, then raised his hand and said, "I support it!"

Cheng Hua breathed a sigh of relief, finally winning.This Ning Feng is really annoying, but in the face of absolute strength, any rhetoric is useless.

Ning Feng had already expected this result, nodded and sat back in his seat.

There are a few more proposals to come, and they can't go yet.

Except for the first bill, none of the other bills passed.None of the hard-core proposals to revoke Su Miaohan passed.Li chose to abstain at this time.

Therefore, after a general meeting of shareholders, except for the first proposal, all others were rejected.

"I didn't expect that!" Ning Feng and Su Miaohan carried some of her things and walked downstairs. Since they were fired, they just left.

"What?" Su Miaohan didn't seem to be too sad, "In fact, our original goal has been achieved, so why be sad."

"I'm not sad, I'm angry! The person I brought in turned out to be a white-eyed wolf in the end!" Ning Feng said angrily, "Mr. Li has openly broken his promise!"

Su Miaohan smiled slightly and said, "It's not surprising to see this kind of thing too often, interests are always paramount."

Ning Feng shook his head, Li's is different from other companies, behind them is actually an ancient martial arts force.And this is a promise he made to himself as an ancient martial arts force, a promise to make good friends with himself.

"Now we're not friends anymore, enemies are enemies." Ning Feng said flatly, "However, it's not that easy to take away the company so easily."

"It's okay, just take this opportunity to take a good rest." Su Miaohan smiled at Ning Feng and said, "Anyway, I've been tired for such a long time, so it's good to take a rest. Just don't think about it for now. .” This is also self-comforting, in fact, how could she have no feelings for the company she saved.

"The final result is not certain yet." Ning Feng said darkly, he had already thought of this step at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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