Chapter 294 Who to Support

"I think it's not bad. It's not mandatory for everyone. Anyone who wants to join can join. It doesn't have to act in unison at all times, but at some critical moments, I support it!"

Some people who were a little confused about this matter agreed to these conditions when they heard these conditions. After all, they can make their own decisions at that time.

In fact, this decision is almost useless except for some specific scenarios.

After waiting for everyone to express their opinions, Elder Lin said, "Then the second thing is about the recent Su family incident. Everyone should have heard some news. What do you think of the dispute between Cheng Hua and Su Miaohan? what should we do?"

After he finished speaking, he leaned back, he had already made a decision.Then he looked at the crowd and raised his hand to signal everyone to express their opinions.

One of them said: "This matter is really troublesome. If Su Miaohan can win, then it will be fine. We signed the agreement with her, and signing with her means signing with the Su family. But if Cheng Hua wins , we have to consider the issue of standing in line.”

"The result has already come out, Cheng Hua won!" Elder Lin reminded on the above: "Su Miaohan has stepped down, I just want to see who you plan to support now?"

The man looked at him and said, "Since this is the case, I think we should stand by Cheng Hua's side. She is the representative of the Su family now, and Su Miaohan probably doesn't have much energy on her side."

What he said is also what most people think. They are all human beings. Of course, they will stand on which side is good for this kind of thing.

"I also support your point of view. Cheng Hua has the final say in the Su family now, and of course you have to come with someone who can talk to you if you want to do business."

"I think we should stand on Cheng Hua's side. Su Miaohan may not be able to get back the company's power. To be on the safe side, let's go with Cheng Hua."

Most of the people had the same opinion, and they all supported Cheng Hua, because Su Miaohan had already lost power, almost worthless.

"Old Lin, what's your opinion? Tell me!" The man began to cheer again.

Lao Lin sat up, glanced at everyone and said, "I have a different meaning from everyone, I support Su Miaohan!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked.

"Old Lin, are you confused? Su Miaohan doesn't have anything, isn't our risk too high?" asked the people below.

He waved his hand and said, "Everyone, listen to my reasons first. There are three reasons why I did this."

"The first one is because I want to make this matter into a game! A big game, a situation where we can benefit from it."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Looking at the situation now, I don't think that Su Miaohan is weak and Cheng Hua is strong. If we support Cheng Hua now, we will just continue to follow the previous agreement. We don't have the slightest interest at all. If we want to maximize our interests, we must fight against each other , we are the ones to be wooed.

If we support Su Miaohan, the strength of the two parties will be close.In order to win us, Cheng Hua has to offer a price, and Su Miaohan will continue to offer a price to keep us.Only in this mutual game process can we benefit.This is my first reason. "

After he finished speaking, everyone also expressed their admiration for him.Thinking like his is absolutely powerful, they can only take advantage of the situation, but Lao Lin is actually taking advantage of the situation to create the situation.

This reason has already attracted some daring people who want to try it.According to Lao Lin's plan, they can indeed benefit, but they have to gamble once. If they fail, they will be in trouble, and everything will have to be thrown into their own hands.

"Of course, if we want to maximize our profits, it must be managed by our association. Otherwise, the probability of failure will easily increase. What do you think?" Lao Lin continued.

It's no wonder that I want to summarize the previous experience before. The purpose of establishing the association is here, and it's really amazing.It was only at this time that everyone realized that Lao Lin was really powerful, and he was really different in that position. He was able to watch three steps when he was watched one step.

"It's really good, but the probability of this adventure is too high, what's the difference between this and the Xia family's time?" someone asked.

"Almost, but we are more united. Moreover, Su Miaohan is not as powerful as the Xia family. It is easier for us to benefit. This is voluntary, and I don't force it. I will continue to talk about my second reason. "Old Lin said with a smile.

While speaking, he took out a stack of contracts.

He said to everyone: "This is our contract with the Su family, you should also have this contract, right?" He smiled and looked at everyone.

"Actually, they have already made plans before. In this contract, there is a product that can only be sold to the Su family in the next three months, and the quantity has been stipulated for everyone, right?" He looked at the expressions of everyone, and said without doubt. correct.

He continued: "If you and Cheng Hua are on the same front, do you think she will sue you for breach of contract? Then the previous batch of payment will not be given to you directly?"

After saying this, some people's foreheads were sweating. When they signed the contract, they never thought that such a clause was actually for the current use.

If they breach the contract, the other party does not have to pay the money.

These goods are all big sums of money, none of them are small money.It's almost their property.

"Also, everyone, don't think that you used some tricks to hide the Xia family's words and took advantage of the loopholes in the Xia family's contract. Have you ever thought about it, if Su Miaohan and the Xia family join forces to sue you at this time, how much do you think you will have to pay? The Xia family The amount of compensation in that contract is not small at all." Although Lao Lin had a smile on his face, he spoke very seriously.

Su Miaohan and Xia's family unite, it must be a promise.Although they used the contract to deceive the Xia family, Su Miaohan has their information here.Although there is a confidentiality clause in the agreement, if they breach the contract, all this will disappear,

When the Xia family offered high-priced purchases, in order to prevent these people from betraying, the amount of compensation was staggeringly large.

After this reason was finished, everyone felt a moment of fear.This Su Miaohan was so powerful that she kidnapped them at that time.Now unless they stop making money, they have to lose a lot of money, and then they can do as they please.

But they choose Cheng Hua just to make money, why not make money?
"Old Lin, according to what you mean, you have to support Su Miaohan. But do you think she can make a comeback? It won't be a good deal if the eggs fly by then." A person asked, and he had already begun to waver.

"I've thought about this a long time ago." Old Lin said.

(End of this chapter)

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