Chapter 419
They were changed one by one, and all the silver needles in the whole were changed once, and the whole movement was completed within five seconds.What is the concept of five seconds? Even a skilled old Chinese doctor may not be able to find an acupuncture point.

Ning Feng actually changed all the silver needles in nearly twelve places all over his body, what a familiar technique was needed.Moreover, there is no deviation in the acupuncture points that are pierced, and they are all firmly pierced.

Ning Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he sealed the last needle to the ghost gate.Pulling out the silver needle on the ghost seal, the black air suddenly dissipated.

Naturally, others cannot see this black air, but Ning Feng can see it very clearly. It is because he can see the movement of black air that Ning Feng can accurately grasp the time to change the needle.

"Change the ghost needle! You can actually change the ghost needle..." Jin Bai inadvertently changed his address to Ning Feng, and his voice was still a little trembling. It was really shocking that Ning Feng could actually change the ghost needle.

Of course, other people didn't know the power of changing ghost needles, but Jin Bai understood it.In fact, the thirteen needles of the ghost gate he has mastered are incomplete. The real thirteen needles of the ghost gate must be changed to the real thirteen ghost needles.

And what Ning Feng showed just now is the magical and complete ghost gate thirteen needles, the most important thing is the last five seconds of changing needles.

The reason why the thirteen needles of the ghost gate are called the ghost gate is because of the last time, if the time for changing the needle is slightly longer, then it is really like entering the ghost gate.

This time seems to have turned around before the gate of hell, so it is said to be the thirteen needles of the gate of ghosts.

There were only twelve acupuncture points on Jin Bai's body before, and Ning Feng knew that this Jin Bai did not really have thirteen acupuncture points, because his No.13 acupuncture point was just a replacement needle.

The time of five seconds basically has no effect on the patient.

"En!" Ning Feng took a deep breath.Su Miaohan came over to wipe the sweat off Ning Feng's brow with a wink, and handed Ning Feng a glass of water.

Ning Feng went to pick up the teacup.

But the teacup suddenly fell to the ground.

"Crack!" The cup shattered.

Ning Feng looked at his trembling hands and smiled helplessly. In the last five seconds just now, he really exhausted his body's limits. At this time, he couldn't even hold a cup.

She smiled apologetically at Su Miaohan, "I'm sorry, I don't have any strength in my hands."

Su Miaohan immediately asked the waiter to come over to clean up the things, and then brought a teacup herself.

Feed Ning Feng gently to his mouth.

Does he need to be polite?Of course not, he was so thirsty, he just opened his mouth to drink.Besides, the beautiful woman feeds herself water, how long does it take to get the treatment, so she hurriedly puts it on her face.

After he finished drinking in a big gulp, he looked at Su Miaohan innocently.

"Why?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and asked in confusion.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "One more drink.

"Are you addicted?" Su Miaohan scolded with a smile, but still brought a cup to Ning Feng.

After drinking this cup, Ning Feng didn't have another cup, so he couldn't make further progress, right?
He stood up and looked at the patient. The patient's face was flushed and his breathing was smooth.His hands were no longer trembling. As for whether his feet were lame, Ning Feng couldn't tell. After all, he had to take two steps, didn't he?
"You pull out the needle from his body." Ning Feng said to Jin Bai, he really had no strength, so he had to let Jin Bai do it.

Ever since he saw Ning Feng changing the ghost needle, he had been respectful to Ning Feng. As soon as Ning Feng ordered him, he hurried over.

Pulling out the needle is not a technical job, and it was all taken away after a while.

After pulling it off, the patient woke up faintly, looked around, and stood up slowly.

His face was rosy, and his hands were no longer shaking. After walking two steps, he found that his legs and feet became very flexible.

"Okay, it's really healed. Divine doctor, divine doctor." The patient's son looked at his father and said excitedly.

When he ran to Ning Feng's side, he would kneel down, "Thank you, really thank you, thanks to you. If it weren't for you, my father would be in danger."

The patient also expressed gratitude to Ning Feng excitedly. "Thank you very much, you are the benefactor of our family."

Of course Ning Feng couldn't let them kneel down, he quickly helped them up and said, "No, really no, this is what I should do. Don't be so polite.

At this time, Ning Feng could indeed feel a slight power of merit entering his mind.

"Go home and recuperate for a few days before you can recover." Ning Feng exchanged pleasantries with the patient.

"Doctor Ning, what is my father's condition?" The patient's family still looked at Ning Feng with some doubts and said, "This condition is too strange?"

Everyone also looked at Ning Feng. This condition was quite strange, and everyone was puzzled.

Ning Feng looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Actually, this is a kind of yin disease."

"Yin disease? What is yin disease?" Everyone looked at Ning Feng in puzzlement, hoping that he could help to answer.

Ning Feng sat on the chair, his body was quite tired now, and he could barely move.Said: "In real life, some people will get an inexplicable disease, no matter how many high-level hospitals they go to, no matter how high-level doctors they find, they will be helpless and helpless.

Because people call this disease "yin disease".There are many kinds of negative diseases, and the most common ones in daily life are "evil diseases", which are often referred to as "evil diseases" and "possession".Why is it possessed?The Book of Changes says: One yin and one yang are called Tao.People are also divided into yin and yang, that is, body and soul.

When a person dies, the masculine has already died, but the feminine soul is not dead, it exists in the underworld.If a person in the yang world is in bad luck and has heavy yin, when he happens to enter a scene with strong yin, or collides with it, it will attach to your body, control or dominate your soul, and use your mouth to Talking or doing things for it with siblings, this is "being possessed by evil spirits", "possession", "spirit usurpation" to make someone riddled with strange diseases, general treatment will not help, and some special methods are needed at this time.

The Thirteen Needles of Ghost Gate is a special treatment method in acupuncture and moxibustion. It is the most magical place in acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine.

Although people scoff at this statement, this situation has indeed happened countless times.It's just that their so-called modern medicine doesn't recognize this kind of statement, but they can't do anything about it. "

Although Ning Feng felt that the words of bewitched and possessed were somewhat inappropriate, they did explain the problem well.And the effect of the Thirteen Needles of the Ghost Gate is indeed quite remarkable.These things should be explained in modern terms, rather than blindly denying its correctness.

After all, the ancients used experience to find a correct solution for us.

(End of this chapter)

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