Chapter 421 Poisoning
"The third competition is medicine. Everyone chooses the medicine, and everyone judges together in the end." Li Chengcheng said. "Please come in the patient."

Just as Li Chengcheng finished speaking, a patient was brought back.The patient was about 60 years old, his hands and legs were swollen out of shape, and his thin body was out of proportion to his thick limbs.

Jin Song glanced at Chen Yiming and said, "How is it? Are you sure?"

Chen Yiming looked at Chang Zhongyang in the auditorium and said, "You must be sure, if it's not possible, let's take that step!"

After hearing his words, Jin Song's face changed for a while, and he said to him: "No, try not to take that step if you can, otherwise your reputation will be ruined."

Chen Yiming waved at him and said, "Have you forgotten our identities? Every kind of tea is a tonic, and no one will find out."

After he finished speaking, he was quite confident.

"But..." Jin Bai looked at him and said, "Ning Feng is also a Chinese medicine doctor, and his medical skills are not inferior to yours. It might be difficult to do this, right?"

"Hmph, who cares when drinking tea? I don't believe he can recover from his tired body and poisoning." Chen Yiming said with a smile.

They have prepared well before, and they will never lose this time.Now that Ning Feng is weak, it is easier to attack.

"I always feel that it's inappropriate to do this?" Jin Bai frowned and said, "We are old Chinese medicine practitioners after all, and it's really unreasonable to harm people with medicine."

"Is your reputation important? Or is your morality important? If you lose, your reputation will be ruined." Chen Yiming said lightly: "Don't worry, you don't need to participate, I will take care of him. He is very powerful. I'm afraid that if I don't use some means, I'm afraid I won't be able to win him.

When the time comes, all three of us will be discredited, and I cannot accept this reality anymore. "

He has been blamed before, if he loses again this time, who will believe him again?Especially facing Ning Feng.

After speaking, he smiled at Chang Zhongyang.

After Chang Zhongyang picked up his mobile phone and made a call, a waiter came up with tea, went to Ning Feng to put down a cup of tea, and then walked to Chen Yiming's side.

Chen Yiming took the water glass, walked up to Ning Feng, stretched out the teacup to him, and said, "Mr. Ning, why don't you come first?"

Ning Feng also smiled, picked up the tea he had just added, and drank it in one gulp.

He didn't see a smile on the corner of Chen Yiming's mouth at this time, and he would never have thought that there would be manipulation here.And with the foreshadowing of the previous one, if something happened, people would only think that Ning Feng was overworked.

"Haha... let's come together, no one will suffer." Ning Feng smiled, put down the teacup with slightly trembling hands, and said very politely.

"That's a good suggestion, why don't we come together?" Chen Yiming walked towards the patient with a smile on his lips.

The patient's body was horribly red and swollen, his arms were as thick as thighs, and his legs were more like pillars.The expression is quite peaceful, it should be neither painful nor itchy.

Ning Feng and Chen Yiming carefully observed the patient's skin, and then they looked at the patient's face almost at the same time.

Seeing a doctor is not just about seeing the patient. Chinese medicine says that the human body is a whole, and every part is related.According to traditional Chinese medicine, the lungs govern the fur, so the two observed the person's complexion almost at the same time.

Observe whether there is something wrong with the respiratory system. This action at least shows that both parties are experienced old Chinese medicine practitioners.

The two smiled at each other. This person's respiratory system has no problems at all, so it's not caused by the lungs.

Next, everyone has their own opinions on what caused it, and it depends on the doctor's level.

Ning Feng observed the man, he had several pimples on his face, it is said that he shouldn't have such pimples at his age.

Look into the patient's eyes again.

Finally, take the pulse diagnosis, although the drug is investigated, but the disease must be diagnosed, right?This round is more like a comprehensive evaluation.

Ning Feng smiled, did he know where the problem was?

Chen Yiming also repeated Ning Feng's actions.

This time, the two of them thought of the same thing again, because their eyes were focused together, and the place where they thought of was the kidney.

Ning Feng wanted to smile at Jin Bai, but suddenly felt dizzy in his head.

Ning Feng staggered twice, his head became dizzy for a while, and the way he looked at the patient also became blurred.

He shook his head violently, and unconsciously took two steps forward, almost hitting the bed.

Seeing Ning Feng's abnormal performance, Su Miaohan hurried forward to support Ning Feng, "What's wrong? Are you too tired?"

Her tone was full of concern and doubts, why did she suddenly become so weak when she was fine just now.

"Help me to sit down." Ning Feng said with a frown.

"What's wrong? Is Mr. Ning too tired?"

"It was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this?"

"I don't know, let's see."

Ning Feng stared at the cup on the table, there was still a little water drop in it, and at this moment he also realized that something was wrong.

Ordinarily Su Miaohan should pour the water for herself, where did the waiter come from?So there must be something wrong with that waiter.

"Mr. Ning, are you okay?" Chen Yiming said with a smile: "Why don't you go back and have a rest? Today's competition is over, let's discuss it another day."

He began to feel that what he did was indeed too correct, because Ning Feng checked in the same direction as himself, and if he continued to check, he would definitely find the problem.

Fortunately, the timing of the drug effect was just right.

Looking at his face, Ning Feng suddenly understood, he seemed to see him winking at the waiter.

It turned out that this guy was hurting himself.

"I'm just a little tired, it's okay." Ning Feng said hard, but his eyes became cloudy, and he couldn't observe the condition at all.

It seems that he still did a lot of homework and painstakingly in order to win himself.

He even dared to use such a nasty move, "Since you're doing this, don't blame me for not giving you face." Ning Feng said ruthlessly in his heart.

"Then do you want to come and observe together?" Chen Yiming said, he knew the power of that kind of medicine, Ning Feng would have trouble even standing up now, not to mention seeing his condition.

Ning Feng smiled at him and said: "You come first, I guess I have to rest for a while, please allow me to wait for three to five minutes, please go ahead."

"Then I'm not going to be polite." He said proudly. Now he has the chance to win, because he only needs 3 minutes to determine the condition, and he will win by being the first to get the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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