Chapter 435 Take Me To Pretend To Take Me To Fly
Ning Feng glanced at Su Miaohan beside him, and said righteously, "No!"

Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng, then at Su Miaohan and said, "Are you afraid that sister-in-law won't let you go?"

"I'm not that kind of person. Who doesn't know that I'm as pure as plain water?" Ning Feng shook his hair coquettishly, then looked at Su Miaohan and said, "Isn't it? His sister-in-law?"

Su Miaohan rolled her eyes at Ning Feng, and then moved her hands on Ning Feng's waist. "Who is his sister-in-law? Want to confirm her name so early? No way."

Ning Feng grinned because of the sudden pain, but Su Miaohan still felt sorry for him, so he just twisted it and let go.

"Brother, sister-in-law, you two should stop flirting. I didn't ask my brother to go to some messy place. In fact, I am also very pure. Where is that kind of place?" Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng and smiled. road.

His explanation was very pale, even if Ning Feng wanted to believe him very much, he couldn't accept it in the end.That face is really not a good person.

"Where are you going?" Ning Feng said to him. Although he talked a lot, Ning Feng still remained vigilant against such people who approached him proactively.

Last time, Zhao Tianshuo and the others were examples. Last time, Zhao Tianshuo didn't seem to have settled his debt.

Ren Yi said to Ning Feng: "Just follow me."

Of course, Ning Feng would not go with him. Although this kind of person who strikes up a conversation suddenly, although he looks very familiar, he may not be very credible.If he didn't make it clear, he would definitely not go.

"say clearly."

Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng's determined look, then looked at Su Miaohan and said, "Sister-in-law, there is no need to worry at all, we can go together if we want to leave." He thought that Ning Feng had to ask clearly because he was afraid of Su Miaohan.

"You'd better make it clear, I still have to see if I can catch up." Ning Feng said to him, "I still have things to do later."

Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng, and then said to him: "Oh, I just want to take you to meet my friends. It's hard to meet a big brother. Of course, I have to find them to show off. Sister-in-law can also come together, Anyway, I’m going to play, drink and dance or something. There are many people in the jewelry industry, and I think my eldest brother is also in the jewelry industry, so I should be able to chat with them.”

Ning Feng was surprised, is this Ren Yi really such a pure child?Or did he pretend it on purpose?
"What is your purpose?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.He really didn't think that such a big person could be so childish.

After listening to Ning Feng's words, Ren Yi immediately became a little shy, and said to Ning Feng: "Sure enough, you still saw it."

Ning Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, it really had a purpose.

"Of course I asked you to help me grow my face, help me compete with them!" Ren Yi said to Ning Feng: "Because the family has something to do with jewelry, so they are often willing to play some rough stone appreciation to show their own style It is relatively high. But I have never studied hard, so I would like to ask you to help me win."

It turned out to be this reason, Ning Feng wanted to kneel to him after hearing it.It's really a child's mentality, why is it just playing?This is completely different from my own thinking. I originally thought there was some big purpose, but I didn't expect it to be just for fun...

to play...

Ning Feng glanced at Su Miaohan, expressing his helplessness.

"We haven't prepared dresses yet, how do we play?" Su Miaohan said to him, "Wouldn't it be embarrassing to go with this kind of plain clothes?"

Ren Yi thought for a while and said: "It's okay, let's just buy a new one. I'll let them send it directly to the venue, and we can change it when we get there."

"Brother, just help me!" Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng and said, "I haven't won for a long time, it's just too embarrassing."

Ning Feng glanced at Su Miaohan, who nodded at him.

In fact, some of what he said is useful, and it is quite useful to know some people.Especially for people in this industry, everyone can't tell when it will be useful.

And this Ren Yi is the young leader of the Stone Gang, this status alone is worth doing.

Su Miaohan had been verified by Xue Bo a long time ago, this person must be the young gang leader, basically all the rough stones in this piece have to go through their hands once.

Still holding his airs, Ning Feng said to him, "Then tell me, what is your relationship with this auction house?" He had already seen before that his relationship with this auction house must not be simple.

The man was too respectful to his appearance, a little too respectful.

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Ren Yi said to him: "This is actually my family's property, and I just want to play here. I definitely didn't intend to hide it from you."

Ning Feng found out that Ren Yi's personality was exactly the same as Mu Xueli's, but Ren Yi's IQ was obviously not as high as Mu Xueli's, and he might be played to death by Mu Xueli.

But enjoy playing this one is the same.

Ning Feng couldn't help feeling that the children of rich families are self-willed.

"Okay, let's go." The man's words basically coincided with Ning Feng's judgment, so he decided to go with him.

Ren Yi was quite happy, and said: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will definitely ask them to send you a pretty good dress, as long as the elder brother can help me win some face. Brother, you can only help me quietly, and you can't show off. "

"I know, but you should beg your side. The number one jewelry appraiser in Haicheng Antique Street back then had a very high success rate." Ning Feng flattered Su Miaohan, but she was indeed formidable.

"If you want to show that you are knowledgeable in front of them, you should ask her for help. She will definitely let you talk freely." Ning Feng said with a smile. knowledge.

There is no way to compare. If you want to pretend in the end, you still have to use knowledge.

"Really? I didn't expect my sister-in-law to be so powerful?" Ren Yi looked at Su Miaohan and said excitedly: "Then brother, sister-in-law must help me."

"If you call me sister-in-law again, I won't help you." Su Miaohan said to him, "I haven't planned to give you the title of big brother yet?" Even more beautiful.

Ning Feng hugged Su Miaohan over and said, "Don't worry about calling out boldly, your title has already been decided, so you're welcome."

"Hey, brother, sister-in-law, let's go!" He said to the two of them.As he said that, he led the two of them towards their destination, and at the same time ordered the dresses on the way.

Change it when you get to the dance hall.

(End of this chapter)

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