Chapter 470

From her actions, Ning Feng could see that this guy was definitely not simply helping himself, but was fighting for power with his father's good friend.

She just wants to occupy more resources by controlling her relatively large supply chain.

Perhaps his father doted on her too much, and he trusted her words quite a bit.But this kind of small idea is quite obvious in Ning Feng's eyes, and the technique is still a little immature.

"How do you know?" She whispered into Ning Feng's ear with wide eyes. "You can see this?"

"No way, the technique is too immature." Ning Feng said to her: "If you really want to control, you should do it well. After all, you are the closest person to your father, and it will definitely fall into your hands in the end. "

"Okay, I get it, I know this kind of thing well. You don't need to teach me!" She glanced at Ning Feng, then waved to him and said, "Rogue master, no more, no more."

Ning Feng was immediately kicked out by her.

After watching her leave, Ren Yi dared to look at Ning Feng and say, "This chick is actually Zhou Tianchu's daughter?"

"Didn't you say you are very familiar? Why don't you even know his daughter?" Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said, "It's a pity that I still trust you so much."

"Her daughter just came back from the United States, how do I know who she is? And I haven't played my role yet, this chick will take care of it for you. There is no room for me to play." Ren Yi looked at Ning Feng and said: "But I brought you the road, so why should it be half of my credit?"

"You big-headed ghost, you haven't bothered to abandon me to pick up girls." Ning Feng said sternly to him.

"Don't mention this matter, who knows that you are so guarded like a jade." He said helplessly: "However, if I wasn't here, you wouldn't have met such a beautiful apprentice. Look how good that figure is, compared to those Women are much stronger. Look at that hip..."

"Do you want me to record what you said for her?" Ning Feng looked at him and said, "I guess it will directly make you the last eunuch in history."

"No, I don't need it anymore. My lifeline is still very important." He looked at Ning Feng and said, "Didn't you say that my body is a little weak? Why don't you prescribe two medicines for me?"

Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said: "You don't need to take medicine, just restrain yourself for two months."

"How can this kind of thing be restrained?"

"Can't resist chopping it off!" Ning Feng directly opened the car door and sat on it, then said to him, "Send me back."

It took Ning Feng a lot of time to do this today, but the effect is quite remarkable.

When Ning Feng walked to the door, he found that Xia Pingchuan was talking with Su Miaohan at the door, holding a file bag in his hand.

When he saw Ning Feng, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This is a friend of mine who discovered Ning Feng's whereabouts by accident. He's really fun—" He deliberately said loudly, and then took out the contents of the file bag.


A series of photos fell out directly.

Ning Feng glanced at it, and it turned out that he and Ren Yi were walking side by side towards the Ruanxiang Bathing Center.Moreover, Ren Yi still had a wretched smile on his face, which immediately made people feel that this was not doing something good.

He was obviously waiting for Ning Feng to come back on purpose, and then alienated the relationship between the two.

"Are you following me?" Ning Feng looked at Xia Pingchuan and said, "You really know how to play?"

Su Miaohan also picked up the photos on the ground. When she saw these photos, her hands visibly trembled.There were tears in the eyes, and then she stopped her back.

But this appearance happened to be seen by Ning Feng, and there was a tingling pain in his heart.

Ning Feng took a look at the photos, but it was only the appearance of himself and him going in, and did not capture the contents inside.It's easier to explain now, damn it, I really thank Ren Yi for the VIP channel.

Just block these people outside, otherwise, if you see the content inside, don't you think you are a bad man?
"Hey, I just discovered it by accident. Miaohan, you can see this kind of person clearly, right? This kind of person is not worth entrusting at all." Although Xia Pingchuan didn't know how many chances he had to catch up with the goddess, he destroyed it. They are also something to rejoice about.

Ning Feng said to Su Miaohan very solemnly: "You have to trust me, I will explain to you later."

"En." Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said calmly.A woman like her is quite sensible, so Ning Feng would never hurt him no matter what.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Feng looked at Xia Pingchuan and said, "Have you learned how to take pictures secretly? Are you going to come to your door to complain?"

"Don't do bad things and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Who knows what you did inside. I heard that the VIPs inside enjoyed it quite a bit. It's the biggest ecstasy cave in Caiyun Province." After finishing speaking, he looked Looking at Su Miaohan's expression, she became even more proud.

Su Miaohan's heart ached a little now.

Ning Feng smiled at him, and then said slowly: "Do you think you are very powerful?"

"Of course."

"Bang!" Ning Feng punched him directly on the nose, grabbed his collar with his other hand and pressed him to the ground, and then punched him down again and again.

Ning Feng didn't stop until he hit him until his eyes were staring, his nose was bleeding, and he couldn't see his appearance at all.

Then he took out a roll of money from his pocket and threw it directly at him, saying: "Next time I find out, I just can't solve it by beating you."

After finishing speaking, she took Su Miaohan back to the room.

Xia Pingchuan did not expect that Su Miaohan still trusted Ning Feng so much, and did not stop him. It seems that he still underestimated Ning Feng.

Moreover, Ning Feng was completely unreasonable, and would directly attack if there was a disagreement.

Ning Feng sat across from Su Miaohan, then took out something from his bag and handed it to her.

Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and asked suspiciously: "What is it? Don't try to flatter me with things. I will make trouble if I don't explain this matter clearly."

Ning Feng rubbed her head, put it under his nose and smelled it, and said: "How could I do that kind of thing, you should take a look at this thing first, after you have seen it, you will know that I am not just messing around .”

Su Miaohan slowly opened the file bag with suspicion.

In fact, she also tended to believe him in her heart, feeling that Ning Feng was not that kind of person.But the photo has already described it very clearly, that place is indeed not very serious.

And how can the people who enter it not be suspicious.

But when she took off the bag and saw what was inside, she felt a little silly!
(End of this chapter)

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