Chapter 494 Has a Contract

"Did you change your mind?" Cheng Hua said triumphantly, "I couldn't invite Gu Ke, and was blocked in advance, so I just invited someone to come over to make up the number. Is this really good?"

Su Miaohan looked at Cheng Hua in surprise, and then looked at her in an almost surprised way: "Did you invite someone at random? Do you know who I invited?"

"Hmph, isn't it just a man named Hu Dao and an unknown man named Mu Fangshui?" she said.She has heard of this ancient engraving, but Hu Daodao is really not familiar with these two people. Among the characters she is familiar with, there is really no such person.

She is looking at the problem from her own point of view. The reason why she does not have such a big bull in her dictionary shows that she is not really a person in the high-end market.

The level those people pursue is definitely not some simple luxury.

Hu Daodao's name is definitely heard in their ears.

After hearing her words, even those shareholders were shocked. The former president of the Su Group, the largest shareholder, could say such a thing.He didn't even know people like Hu Daodao and Mu Fangshui.

Fortunately, she was not allowed to stay in this position at the beginning.

She also saw that everyone's expressions seemed to be a little unusual, and she didn't know why.

Su Miaohan smiled at her and said, "Even if you don't understand it, at least you can Google it. You already know that there are ancient inscriptions of the Southern School, why don't you search for the Northern School?"

"Let me spread the knowledge for you. Hu Daodao is a tripod bearer of the Northern School, and he is as famous as the ancient engravings. As for Mu Fangshui, he is the next tripod bearer of the Northern School. Tell me, how powerful are these two people?" ?” She smiled and looked at the embarrassed Cheng Hua.

Cheng Hua is really embarrassed now, so she quickly took out her phone and searched.These two people are indeed very powerful characters, but how could she not know about this.

Her mind was spinning very quickly, and she said to Su Miaohan: "You don't need to make excuses for yourself. According to this situation, Nanpai seems to be more in line with our company's philosophy."

"Actually, that's not the case. Although the Southern School depicts more classic objects, our pendants and sculptures mostly contain various flowers, plants, figures, gods and the like. So we can't say which one is more in line with each other, and each has its own strengths." "Su Miaohan said with a smile.

"Excuse." Cheng Hua looked at her and said, "Can you find a better excuse? If you can't get an invitation, you can just say that you should settle for the next best thing. Why bother talking so much?"

In his opinion, the ancient engravings are more powerful, and they pay more attention to depicting some decorations.

Su Miaohan didn't say much, just took out a stack of newspapers, and distributed them to everyone: "Everyone can read this report, this is what happened just now." She said with a smile.

She had thought before that this matter was likely to be her trouble, so she had already prepared for it.

"This is a well-known local newspaper in Caiyun Province." She said to the people at the scene: "I believe it will not take long for this news to spread in the circle."

Everyone looked at the newspaper in their hands, showing a surprised expression, which slowly turned into excitement.

Cheng Hua also picked up the newspaper with some curiosity, and when she read the content on it, she was almost so embarrassed that she wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

"The Northern faction beat the Southern faction! The disciples of the Southern faction lost to the Northern faction! The Southern faction lost! The Southern faction lost!"

All the headlines in various newspapers are of this name.

Of course, these newspapers will not report in a realistic manner. They will definitely report on the defeat of the Southern School first, and then report that the disciples of the Southern School are very good at carving objects.Because reporting in this way is one event and two news stories.

Of course, these newspapers didn't say anything about him.

Su Miaohan naturally chose news that was useful to her, besides, the impact of this matter was much greater than the impact of the later events.

Almost everyone will not pay attention to those follow-up reports, this report is enough for everyone to choose.People actually have no choice as to who to favor, after all, both sides are powerful.

But this report let them see that the Northern faction is still a little bit stronger. It doesn't need too much introduction. It is enough to give them a reason to prove who is better.Moreover, preconceived ideas are a very powerful thing. Everyone has established the strength of the Northern School in their minds, and it will create inertia in the future.

So these shareholders who don't know the situation are a little bit excited after seeing this situation. After all, it is very good to be able to invite more powerful ones.

Cheng Hua's face turned dark. She was saying that the Southern faction was stronger, but they directly showed evidence that the Northern faction was stronger.

Su Miaohan looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone knows how much room there is for this kind of thing, right? Let's carry out a large-scale operation next. I don't think it will be difficult to open up the high-end market."

With such a baby, it would be strange not to carry out publicity. Anyone with a little business sense will know how big the focus of publicity is Hudaodao.

Cheng Hua looked at Su Miaohan and said, "What plan?" She naturally wanted to know the plan, and then sabotaged it.

Su Miaohan was not stupid either, she smiled slightly at her, and then said nothing.Everyone could see that Su Miaohan didn't trust him at all.

"Hmph, what's the use of just having someone? Where are your goods? Can you guarantee a steady flow of injection? If you only come in a batch occasionally, there is no way to open up the high-end market." She looked at Su Miaohan and said.

She knew that the people Su Miaohan had met with had never met her at all, so it was no wonder they wanted to get the contract.If there is no goods, some people will do nothing.Good products carved on low quality are not good products at all. Who would want an ordinary thing that can no longer be ordinary?

The board members below looked at Su Miaohan, hoping that she could come up with a solution.

After all, what she said was really reasonable. If there were only people and no supply of goods, everything would be for nothing.

Su Miaohan also looked at the smile on the corner of her mouth, then slowly took out a contract from her bag, and said to everyone: "You can take a look, this is the contract we signed with the Zhou family. After negotiation, we have already taken to the supply chain."

Cheng Hua was stunned for a moment, she did not expect that Su Miaohan could even do this.Moreover, the information provided by Xia Pingchuan to himself is completely incorrect, and there is no usability at all.

"Hmph, even getting the contract cost a huge price. I don't know if the consequences of this strategy will be a loss or a gain." She said in a strange way.

In her opinion, no matter what, she had to pay a considerable price to get the contract.These high-end goods are rare.

(End of this chapter)

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