Chapter 496 Li Chengcheng's Invitation

All the people who can't do it in the end will use this sentence to find confidence, but it is actually useless.

"Just came back?" Su Miaohan poured Ning Feng a glass of water and asked with concern.

Ning Feng picked it up and finished his drink: "Yes, when I got off the plane, I found out that there was something wrong with you, so I rushed here."

"That's right, my mouth is very sweet. I'll reward you with one." He said and picked a grape from the table and sent it to Ning Feng's mouth.

Ning Feng kissed her fingertips incidentally.

"Damn!" Su Miaohan rolled her eyes at Ning Feng and said, "What is the background of this girl? Why did Zhou Shi send her to hand over? Can it be implemented?"

"It should be possible. I guess with your IQ, you'll be able to get her out of her panties." Ning Feng lay down casually and said, "It's no wonder she can take care of things."

Su Miaohan shook her head and said: "I can't do this kind of thing. They have already given such a big discount. If I cheat others, isn't it digging a hole for myself? In addition to taking advantage of the business, you must also pay attention to character."

Ning Feng said with a smile: "You seem very virtuous by doing this. Of course she won't be responsible for these things in person. Although she is the person in charge, she has all the people under her command."

"So don't worry, business matters can't be delayed."

"Where are Mr. Hu and the others?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng said with a smile: "Of course I brought it to you, but they are going to visit old friends these two days, and they should be able to meet you in a few days."

"Well, everything is in place, so it's time to release the news." Su Miaohan said with a sigh of relief.

Ning Feng looked at her affectionately and said: "Actually, we have already thought of a good idea before, and this matter is definitely explosive."

"What?" She looked at Ning Feng curiously.

"Come here." Ning Feng hooked his hands at her, "Come here with your ears!"

Su Miaohan obediently brought her face closer.

Looking at her white and delicate cheeks, Ning Feng couldn't help but went up and kissed her.

"Hmph. Lie to me." After being kissed by Ning Feng, she looked at him angrily and said.

"Haha... I didn't hold back, I didn't hold back." He said with a smile: "Actually, I think the detonation time can be postponed for a few days."

"Why?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said.

He said to her: "Because in a few days, Hu Daodao's sealed sword work may come out. At that time, use his sealed knife work to combine with Mu Fangshui's exhibition. Instantly form a detonation The topic shouldn't be a problem."

"And if you think about it, it has always been Mr. Hu's regret that there is no seal knife work, and it is also a regret for the sculpture industry. If we can take advantage of this opportunity, won't it be easy to develop the high-end market?"

"Did you really cure Mr. Hu's hand disease?" Su Miaohan looked at Ning Feng and said, "You really have a solution?"

Although she still trusts him very much, after all, it is one thing to trust, and another thing to really do it.

If what Ning Feng said is true, the Su Group may really usher in a big explosion. This time, it is very likely that the Xia family will be really thrown out, at least to a certain extent, to a certain level.

"That is necessary." Ning Feng said with a smile: "Actually, you have other weapons, and then we will promote a wave of Pingdao style exhibition. You must know that Pingdao style is also quite popular in the industry, and Mr. Hu platform, you will soon reach the pinnacle of your life.”

Su Miaohan's face was already full of smiles, she had never known that Ning Feng was also an important strength, and his flat knife style was unique.

I had overlooked such an obvious feature before.

"That's right." Su Miaohan said excitedly: "This time, the Su Corporation is expected to usher in a wave of development. You may also enter the billionaire club."

Ning Feng waved his hand casually and said, "Don't blame me for this, who made me lucky." He accidentally got a lot of shares before, and if the valuation rises by then, his 15.00% shares will also be a lot of money money.

"For such a big thing, don't you want to encourage me?" Ning Feng said, sticking out his mouth.

She looked at Ning Feng and said with a smile: "Girls, be reserved. You can't always give this kind of encouragement, it will make you addicted." She turned around and left.

If you don't grasp the opportunity, you will be sad when you grow old.

I have had several chances before, but it is a pity that I didn't grasp it. Now I don't know who dared to teach her such a bastard theory...

In the next few days, Ning Feng's life was quite busy.

He is also constantly carving various objects, which will be used in the exhibition at that time.Therefore, we must strive for perfection and achieve the best.

Hu Daodao and Mu Fangshui also started their creations, and everyone is preparing for the next exhibition.

While the Su family was preparing, the Xia family was also preparing vigorously without explaining the situation, it seemed that they wanted to surprise everyone.

But Ning Feng guessed it with his nose, there is no doubt that it is the exhibition of Gu Ke and his apprentice.

They have to wait for Mr. Hu to develop it before starting. In their view, Hu Daodao has no hands-on ability.Just relying on a wooden square water is no match for ancient carvings.

So when the time choice is the same as that of the Su family, it will definitely be able to severely suppress the efforts of the Su family.

But Hu Daodao has now regained its strength, and will directly use the work of sealing the knife to eclipse the exhibition of ancient carvings.

But when Ning Feng was nervously preparing for the battle, a person came to the door.

"Mr. Ning? I'm Li Chengcheng. I wonder if I can talk to you?" There was a very charming voice on the other side of the phone.

Ning Feng thought for a long time before he remembered this person, who seemed to be a famous host of Haicheng TV.He hosted the competition between him and Chen Yiming before, and he was not bad.

He himself was tired for a long time, and he was a little tired, and wanted to go out for a walk, so he asked, "Do you have anything to do?"

Li Chengcheng said very gently: "I don't know if you are interested in participating in one of our health programs. I want you to popularize traditional Chinese medicine."

Ning Feng thought for a while and said, "Okay, tell me the location, and I'll go there right away."

"Is the teahouse in the previous competition okay?"


Ning Feng packed up his things, and then rushed directly to that place.

After he went up to the second floor, he saw her at a glance. Her temperament was basically distinguishable from the crowd at a glance.

She was only wearing a simple white shirt and denim hot pants today. The pants wrapped her figure perfectly, and the white shirt gave her a touch of handsomeness.

Handsome with a touch of cleanliness, very beautiful, completely different from the previous dress.

(End of this chapter)

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