Chapter 498 Xu Xiner

The woman smiled sweetly and said to Ning Feng, "How do you know?"

Ning Feng looked at her and said: "The face is broad but not big, with charm in the eyes, tall roots, and plump lips. At first glance, it looks like a rich man, and your star luck is not too bad."

After finishing speaking, he frowned again, and said: "No, no, no... You'd better not do this business, you may have a big trouble recently, and if you can't get over it, there may be a big disaster."

Ning Feng said to her: "This hurdle is not small, it's better to live a smooth and steady life."

After the woman heard Ning Feng's words, her face suddenly became surprised. "Oh? I have Kan'er? Why are your words exactly the same as the fortune tellers on the street."

"You may not believe it." Ning Feng shook his head and said, "But this matter is indeed very difficult to handle. The stars don't look glamorous, but they must have contact with some forces on the road. So you still don't have little experience in the industry. If you Just listen to it as a joke if you don’t believe it.”

He also said casually, originally looking at the other person's beauty, he wanted to chat with her a few more words.It doesn't matter if the other party doesn't listen, after all, the two sides have nothing to do with each other.

"Then how do we get through this hurdle?" She was obviously very interested, looking at Ning Feng and asked curiously.

Ning Feng said to her: "Show me your hand."

The woman stretched out her pair of jade hands without any doubt.

His hands are white and slender, and his ability is very good. However, there is indeed a big branch on the career line, but the marriage line directly runs through it, forming a broken palm.But this broken palm is not the same as ordinary broken palm, this marriage line can actually eliminate troubles on the career line.

After reading it, Ning Feng said to him: "Actually, you can't solve this matter with your own efforts. There should be a man who can help you solve the problem."

After he finished speaking, he said seriously: "This man is somewhat different from the previous man. You can feel it yourself. If you can feel some difference, try to ask for help."

"Oh?" She looked at Ning Feng strangely, and said, "A man?"

"Yes, a man, this man may play a relatively important role in your life in the future." Ning Feng said, after all, the marriage line also extends from here, at least this man must be very important to her.

She was silent, then took out a business card and handed it to him, "I haven't met formally yet, my name is Xu Xin'er."

Ning Feng took the business card, then smiled shyly at her and said, "I don't have a business card, why don't I leave you a phone number. My name is Ning Feng."

Xu Xiner directly handed her mobile phone to Ning Feng and said, "You lose."

Ning Feng quickly entered the phone number and said: "I still want to remind you solemnly, if someone really wants you to be a celebrity, don't forget it."

Xu Xiner smiled wryly, don't you want to enter the industry?late.

"Thank you! I will pay attention." She glanced at Ning Feng, and then said, "Are you also here to record the show?"

"Do a friend a favor and record a show." Ning Feng also said with a smile: "Waiting for the studio."

"Oh? What hall are you in? I'll come and see you after I'm done here." Xu Xiner looked at Ning Feng and said, "Anyway, I have nothing to do."

Ning Feng also thought that as a staff member of the TV station, she should be fine.

"Hall No. [-]. I guess it will take some time."

When Xu Xiner wanted to say a few more words, a few big men walked over from the side, and she quickly said to Ning Feng: "I'm going to record the show first, and I will see you when I have time."

As he spoke, he gave Ning Feng a smile, and then went into the studio.

Ning Feng didn't care either, and wandered around for a while.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and the layout of the second hall was completed. In fact, there was nothing wrong with it, but the background was changed.The tables and chairs were changed.

This is a small hall, and the audience below is about a dozen or so.

Ning Feng found his place on the stage, and at the table opposite him was a young man in his 30s.This young man looks young, but his medical skills should not be bad.

And the background must be a big deal, the two of them can't afford to create a topic.

If Ning Feng was fighting against a master-level person, then the topic would be much stronger.It would be meaningless to say that someone as famous as Ning Feng defeated an unknown young general.

Li Chengcheng and the others are such experienced media professionals, how could they do this?
But Ning Feng had never seen this person before, and he didn't seem to be a well-known western doctor in Haicheng.

After a while, the surrounding machines were all set up, and Li Chengcheng signaled that it was time to start.

Then, Li Chengcheng sat on a chair, with a professional smile on his face, and introduced the opening remarks.Those are the words that I usually skip when I read it.

"Today we are honored to invite two Chinese and Western experts. The two experts will give you an interpretation of health from their respective fields."

"This is Ning Feng. People in Haicheng should be very familiar with it. The previous epidemic was suppressed by the medicine developed by Mr. Ning Feng."

"This is Ning Feng? Why is he so young? I've always been an old man in his 50s or [-]s?" People in the audience whispered.

"I think so too, but I searched him before, and he is indeed a very talented person. Everyone recognizes his excellent medical skills."

"I didn't expect Sister Cheng Cheng to be so powerful that she could invite such a big star. This episode of our show will definitely be a hit."

Everyone was discussing below. Most of the people at the scene were either from Haicheng or had lived in Haicheng for a long time. They were obviously very supportive of Ning Feng.

Li Chengcheng was not affected by the following, these voices will be processed in the later stage. "This one is equally powerful. He is Danny, the youngest academician of Maple Leaf National Royal Hospital. He studied under the famous former president of the Royal American Academy of Medicine, Mr. John. The level of western medicine is also quite powerful."

Ning Feng was a little embarrassed when he heard his name. Is this person a foreigner?But he has a very Chinese face.

"Why is he still called by a foreign name here? Is this not very good? I remember that he is still a Chinese nationality?"

"Hey, I have lived and studied abroad since I was a child, and I don't have much sense of belonging to the country. The reason why I am still a Chinese nationality is because I see our rapid development and want to come here to make a fortune?"

"I still like Mr. Ning, no matter what, it's comfortable to look at, not a banana man."

Ning Feng felt that it didn't matter anymore, anyway, he can call it whatever he likes.But his expression is really not very good-looking, as if someone owes him money.

(End of this chapter)

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