Chapter 602 Someone Poisoned
Shen Zhitao rolled Ning Feng's eyes, and said, "A dog can't spit out ivory."

"Come in and have a drink." She looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng was not polite, he came in directly, and then sat on the sofa.The decoration here does not look very luxurious, it is completely simple style.

"Your place is simple. It looks quite simple." Ning Feng leaned on the sofa, looked at her and said, "But it feels much more comfortable than my house."

Shen Zhitao poured her a glass of water and said, "It looks simple? Do you know how much this sofa costs you to sit on? 30 Euros."

"What?" Ning Feng looked at the sofa he was sitting on and said, "Is it that expensive? It looks very simple."

"This item was designed by a designer in Milan. The materials are all high-quality, and it is purely handmade." She said with a smile: "It is a unique work in the world."

Ning Feng looked at her and sighed helplessly: "You guys are a decadent capitalist way of life, degenerate!"

She handed the water to Ning Feng with a smile and said: "When you have too much money to spend, it doesn't matter if you enjoy this kind of high life? But once you get used to this kind of life, you can't change it."

"Look at you, with so much money, it would be great to do some charity." Ning Feng shook his head, "This sofa burns your buttocks." He said and sat on a stool in front of him.

Shen Zhitao smiled and said: "The stool you are sitting on was designed by a Madrid designer. It is made of pure red sandalwood, and the patterns on it are carved by Gu Ke. It is probably more than 300 million."

Ning Feng jumped up in fright, "Isn't this life too extravagant?"

"Actually, it's much easier to use money to make money when we come here. The money invested is at least two to three hundred percent profit." Shen Zhitao said with a smile: "We have done a lot of charity, and we have donated hundreds of dollars." It is an elementary school and is still making donations, but you know that doing charity still needs to be investigated.

The speed of donating money can't keep up with the speed of making money. "

"one two three four five six seven eight nine ten!"

Shen Zhitao counted to ten.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Ning Feng looked at her puzzled and asked.

Shen Zhitao smiled and said, "Ten seconds, a hundred million earned."

"I'll go." Ning Feng has really learned a lot, "You said you are so rich, why are you not on the Forbes list?"

She smiled and said: "Forbes is basically engaged in business, and the consortium like ours behind the manipulation of finance makes money much faster than them. It can also be said that those people on the Forbes list We get a share of every penny we get.

Because we don't have a real entity, we basically don't count our wealth.The really rich people don't bother to be on that kind of list, and making a fortune silently is the kingly way. "

"Actually, aren't you different? Su's liquidity must be tens of millions per minute, right? You must be tens of millions every minute." She smiled and pulled Ning Feng to sit beside her.

"The rules of the world are like this. I used to think that this kind of life was just a fairy tale, but it's only when you reach this level that you realize that the simplest thing is actually to make money." She looked at Ning Feng and said with a smile.

Although Ning Feng is not short of money now, he doesn't feel that money can come so happily.

Thinking about myself before, I only earned 500 yuan a month.This is simply the difference between heaven and earth, different classes, and indeed different treatment.

"But I didn't receive so much money?" According to her words, she could tens of millions every minute, but the money in her card was not so much.

Shen Zhitao looked at him with a smile and said, "Of course it's reinvested. You think I'll put it away after earning [-] million? I don't know how to get the next [-] million. It must be put into the capital market again. Then help earn another [-] million back."

"The reason why you didn't receive the money is because most of the money re-entered into the company's operations, and then went to help you earn money again. You can't make the 1000 million and then withdraw it?"

Well, in fact, Ning Feng didn't understand it very well. Anyway, he knew that earning [-] million yuan is not something he can get.That would be better, at least in his cognition.

"Don't discuss these boring things, drink?" She smiled and clinked glasses with Ning Feng.Then he raised his head and drank the wine, and Ning Feng also drank the wine directly.

At this moment, he noticed that Shen Zhitao's face turned dark.

"Don't move!" Ning Feng immediately organized Shen Zhitao to continue drinking, then rushed over, and put it on her wrist.

"Oops!" Ning Feng cursed secretly.

"What's wrong?" She obviously still didn't feel any strangeness in her body.

"You've been poisoned, and I've been poisoned too." He looked at Shen Zhitao and said, and then tapped a dozen or so acupuncture points on her body with both hands.Then put her directly on the sofa.

"Don't move around, or the poison will spread quickly. Time is running out. We can still save him while the poison is not deep." Ning Feng said nervously.

"But aren't you also poisoned? Aren't you afraid of delay?" Shen Zhitao is now being acupunctured by Ning Feng, unable to move at all.

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine, I have spiritual power."

"I have it too." She looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said, "I'm also a practitioner?"

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, yes, she seems to be from Luoshui Island.I always protect her as a weak person.

"I just like the way you always treat me as a weakling." Shen Zhitao looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Even with basic spiritual power, you can't handle the poison." Ning Feng tore off all her stockings, revealing her snow-white skin.

"Aren't you too unbearable?" She looked at Ning Feng and said, suddenly very moved in her heart. "You still take care of yourself first?"

Ning Feng glared at her and said: "Shut up, just listen to me." He is very anxious now, this damn poisonous person is actually blocking spiritual power.

Don't even think about it, someone must be ready to do it.Blocking the spiritual power is only the first step, and when the medicinal properties take effect, there will be a second part.

The effect of this drug is subtle and very subtle.If you don't drink wine with a certain purity, there will be no reaction to this medicine.

That's why Ning Feng didn't notice it when he was eating.

It's a good thing she let her drink some wine, and it would be cheating if she suddenly erupts at that time.

Ning Feng ran to the kitchen in a hurry, and then fetched a few silver knives. Fortunately, her house is a luxury, otherwise it would be really not easy to find these things.He doesn't have any healing tools on him now.

He directly opened the bottle of red wine, no matter what, just poured it on the knife for disinfection without any money.

Just pouring it like this, he directly poured out hundreds of thousands, and the carpet under the wet one is estimated to be more expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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