Chapter 619 There Are Side Effects
This is quite domineering.

Everyone stared at him, Chu Yuejin looked at Ning Feng very dissatisfied and said: "What do you mean by that? Am I worse than you?"

Ning Feng looked at him and said: "If you are not convinced, you can try it. You don't need to feel worried. If Dr. Chu's medicine works, it will be very good. If it can't be cured, I can also help to cure it. So there's no big problem."

Mayor Fang is worrying now. Since Ning Feng made this suggestion, he can just go down the slope.

"Both are well-known Chinese medicine practitioners. Since both of them are so confident, you might as well give it a try." Mayor Fang looked at the crowd and said, "President Xing, what do you think?"

Dean Xing's idea is to let Ning Feng try it first, and if he can be cured, naturally there is no need to do anything else.But Mayor Fang had to give face, and Ning Feng was very confident, so she couldn't say anything more.

"Okay, if that's the case, let the two of you treat me." He also agreed directly.

The two came directly to the ward, and the two most ill patients had already been moved to the ward.The illness of the two is not very serious, they are constantly rubbing against the bed, and their hands are constantly scratching their bodies.

The medicines for the two were also prepared by the nurse according to the prescription.

Now that Chu Yuejin felt a little guilty, what if something went wrong with his medicine?But according to my own knowledge, this kind of medicine will not cause any reaction at most.

"Could it be that my years of experience are not as good as a little hairy kid." He cheered himself up, and then asked someone to feed his medicine to a patient.

Ning Feng also ordered the nurse to feed the medicine to another patient.

After the two patients took the medicine, there was no reaction at first, and it took about a quarter of an hour.The two of them gradually quieted down, and depending on the situation, it might be really good.

"Huh? It looks good, and the two of them recovered? It really works. Could it be that both medicines are effective?"

"It seems to be like this. I'm not crying and itching anymore. Yes, it seems that the effect is still good. Are the effects of the two drugs so obvious?"

"It should be like this. I didn't expect the half-drug to work."

Everyone looked at the patient and said.

Mayor Fang is also very satisfied, and he is willing to be in this situation. If one of them has a big trouble, he needs to take responsibility.

Dean Liu looked at Ning Feng and said, "Do you think this medicine will work?" He chose to trust Ning Feng, so he asked worriedly.

Ning Feng said to him: "The reason why the half-drug is called a half-drug is because although it can cure diseases, it will be used by the vice president, and there is no medicine to neutralize the side effects."

"Then what are the side effects? Can it be cured? Are you prepared?" He looked at Ning Feng worriedly and said, he was really afraid that the patient would have some problems.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "It's ready, didn't you see that I prepared two medicines? The other one is for him. My medicine already contains things to treat side effects, so there is no need specially prepared."

"Haha... Sure enough, both of you are good doctors, and both medicines are effective. They are both knowledgeable people." Mayor Fang said, looking at the crowd.

Chu Yuejin looked at Ning Feng proudly and said: "Sometimes you are not the only one who can see a doctor, there are many people who can see a doctor."

Ning Feng said lightly: "There are more people who can see a doctor, but not many people who can eavesdrop."

"You're slandering me! Don't you see that my prescription also works? It works because I eavesdropped on you?" He pointed at Ning Feng and cursed, "You have a bad mentality at a young age."

Ning Feng smiled disdainfully at him, then pointed to the patient behind him and said, "Is this what you call the effect?"

Everyone looked at Ning Feng's hand, and the patient who had stopped scratching before started scratching again, and kept pulling at his few hairs left.It looks very painful.

"Ah - I can't take it anymore, it seems like there are countless bugs crawling in my body, what did he give me to drink?" The patient glared at Chu Yuejin and asked.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die." He scratched his body with both hands unceremoniously, and bloodstains appeared one after another.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Is this the effect of your medicine?" He said to him with disdain: "Your medicine lacks the two most important things, the medicine that induces the medicine and the medicine that neutralizes the nature of the medicine. This The nature of the medicine is hot, and it needs to be neutralized with cold medicine.

Don't look at the previous prescriptions are already very balanced, but the lack of these two herbs is not suitable for this condition. "

He waved to the nurse and said, "What you're doing is just turning him from yang deficiency to yin deficiency, and it won't have any real effect."

At this time, the nurse also fed the patient the medicine according to Ning Feng's instructions.

Although he still made a fuss for three to five minutes, he gradually calmed down after that, and gradually stopped crying out for itching and pain.

Ning Feng said to Chu Yuejin: "Do you still think your prescription is correct?"

The reality is already very obvious. The physical condition of the patients treated by Chu Yuejin is rapidly deteriorating.After taking Ning Feng's medicine, it got better, and everything became clear.

He just eavesdropped on what others said, and he hadn't listened to the complete prescription. I really don't know how he will be in the Chinese medicine field in the future.

"!" He really couldn't say anything, the reality was already clear, he could only snort coldly, and left with a flick of his sleeves.

He really has no face to stay here.

At this moment, everyone looked at Ning Feng and began to applaud.

"Sure enough, a hero is born in a young age. He is amazing. He can cure this kind of disease at a young age. It's really amazing. This kind of talent is nothing to say, but I don't know where he came from?"

"He never said it. He must be some kind of expert. People don't want to say more, so don't ask. You can't admire this kind of medical skills."

"The biggest contribution this time is his, and Haicheng Hospital has also been rewarded. This old Liu's vision is still the same vicious, think about how much credit they have already made in such a short period of time?"

"Hey, there is no way, who let him catch Bao. This Ning Feng has a good face. When will our hospital produce such a talent."

"Forget it, this kind of situation is rare, let's go back and study and improve obediently."

Everyone praised Ning Feng a lot.

Of course, the next step is to treat the disease. Everyone took the medicine according to Ning Feng's prescription and began to distribute it to the patients.As long as you continue to take three to five pairs, you can completely recover.

The patient is naturally grateful to Ning Feng, and Ning Feng has not lost the power of various merits this time.

"Ning Feng, you are the hero this time. I have to invite you for the credit this time." Mayor Fang patted Ning Feng on the shoulder and said.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Everyone has contributed, so I won't get involved. Just share it equally. After all, everyone has contributed."

(End of this chapter)

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