Chapter 621 You Have
"Then do you have time tomorrow?" She looked at Ning Feng and asked.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Why don't you have time to serve beautiful women?"

"Thank you!" She looked at Ning Feng and said, "Master is very important to me. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be able to support such a big stall by myself anyway."

"When I developed from a small businessman to now, there are countless people who have other ideas about me, and countless people have ideas about property. Fortunately, the master saw my talent and accepted me as an apprentice. Because of Master's support, I can stand firm."

Ning Feng looked at her and said: "It can be heard that you and your master have a very good relationship. So I will definitely try my best."

"Is the success rate high?" She looked at Ning Feng and said, "If your success rate doesn't feel very high, I don't dare to be too complacent."

Ning Feng wiped the corner of her eyes and said, "90.00% nine point nine!"

"Why not [-]%?" She just hoped to get this kind of conclusion, because only in this way can her master have the hope of being alive.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "The remaining [-]% is on God. If it is determined, I can't help it." After speaking, he waved his hand at her.

Shen Zhitao hugged Ning Feng directly, kissed him and said, "Thank you so much."

"Isn't this a little too direct?" Ning Feng asked in surprise, does this girl really like him?Are you still teasing yourself?It's really hard to guess.

"It's a benefit for you." She stood up with a smile and said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "Then forget it? Is it just a little welfare?"

She gave Ning Feng a blank look, "Isn't it okay to take such a big advantage?" The resentful eyes were full of dissatisfaction with Ning Feng.

"Okay, I lost." Ning Feng said: "Can you stop that seductive look of yours, your heartbeat is almost breaking through one hundred and two."

"Hey..." She smiled slightly at Ning Feng, then stretched her waist, her curves were perfectly exposed in front of Ning Feng. "If you can help me with this, I am willing to hand over all matters related to Haicheng to you."

"Business matters?" Ning Feng said helplessly. In fact, he is not very interested in that aspect, especially the consortiums like them, who think about how to use money to make money every day.

It's too much brains.

"I don't really want to dabble in this area." Ning Feng glanced at her with a wink and said, "This is not a good reward, why don't you think of a new way?"

He originally wanted to tease Shen Zhitao.

But Shen Zhitao unbuttoned the button on his clothes, revealing a deep ravine, then walked in front of Ning Feng, touched his chin and said, "Do you dare to want it?"

Ning Feng quickly closed his eyes that were about to become blind, and said, "Okay, I was wrong, so don't give me this benefit lightly. I'm afraid that if I don't pay attention, I will lose blood and die."

"Nothing." She touched Ning Feng's chest muscles with a smile, then buttoned her own button and said, "This is something you dare not ask for." After speaking, she continued: "Of course the affairs of Haicheng will not I'll let you handle it, the reason I gave you this position is because I want you to eat Bawang's meal freely in Haicheng."

"Huh? Is there such a good thing?" Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, "You can try it."

Shen Zhitao looked at him and said: "Of course, the companies I invest in are basically blooming everywhere, and they are mainly concentrated in these big cities. In Haicheng, there are basically every two big restaurants on average. It’s the same for the hotel, as well as other aspects.”

Ning Feng was not polite, and said to her: "That's fine, then I'll just be in charge of eating the overlord's meal. I won't get involved in management."

"I don't think you have anything to do today, why don't you go out with me? I think you are quite good at antiques, help me choose a gift." She looked at Ning Feng and invited.

Ning Feng said: "Who are you buying a gift for?"

"Of course it's my master. Tomorrow is her old man's birthday. I must buy something good." She glanced at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng nodded and said: "It should be! Let's go, I really have nothing to do now."

"But this time I must buy something new. My senior sisters can definitely find good things, but it is really difficult for me to find something comparable to them in the world." She sighed Tone, said: "Forget it, just do your best."

"Yes, the key is the intention. As long as the intention is realized, everyone will understand." Ning Feng also comforted. After all, she is running her business empire. levels.


The two went to the Antique Street together and wanted to find a good thing. The things here are not very high-grade, and Ning Feng just picked up a few things at random, that is, he could only play with them at will.

"It doesn't look like there is any good stuff here." Ning Feng said helplessly while pulling Shen Zhitao.

"Hey, I've been preparing for a long time, and I have a few backups, but I always feel that it's not interesting." Shen Zhitao also said helplessly, she put her hands on her forehead to block the sun, looking at the places she had already visited. The store said helplessly.

It is basically difficult to find things like spiritual weapons here, and some good gems and jades are too popular.

At this moment, a thin-looking man pulled Lan Ningfeng and said, "Do you want real antiques?"

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "What? You have?"

He knows that some people can find good things through unclean channels.The source of these things must be unjust, and most of them are obtained from grave robbers.

And if some people don't have a channel to make a move, they will casually observe the comers on the street, and then they will hook up with someone who they think is capable of buying and will not cause trouble.

"Of course I don't have one, but I can contact you two." He looked at them and said, "I don't know if you're interested in taking a look."

Ning Feng and she glanced at each other and said, "You can go and have a look, but let's say in advance that if it's something ordinary, don't waste our time. What we need is something that can be sold."

The man grinned at the corner of his mouth and said, "Of course I understand. If we don't have any good things, can we bother the two of you? If you are interested, you can go and have a look with me."

The strength of Ning Feng and Shen Zhitao is really not afraid of any traps and the like, and it is basically impossible for ordinary people to set up traps for them.

(End of this chapter)

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