Chapter 836
Zhou Haobo also noticed Ning Feng's movements. After watching him finish his work, he just sat beside him casually, as if he was waiting for him.

Immediately a little anxious, several raw materials were burned due to carelessness.

This is exactly Ning Feng's purpose, which is to make him uneasy, so that the probability of his losing is even greater.

Ning Feng looked at him and said with a smile: "Don't worry, take your time. I'll wait for you here." He was obviously provocative and doing it on purpose.

His provocation was successful, and Zhou Haobo failed to refine it several times.

He gave Ning Feng a vicious look, and then said, "Little man."

After cursing, he closed his eyes and calmed himself down.I closed it for about a minute, and when I opened my eyes again, the impatience in my eyes was gone, and I didn't rush to refine the materials, and I finished everything carefully.

Ning Feng still had some admiration for him, for he was able to adjust his mentality so quickly.It seems that this person is also unusual, and he really can't relax too much.

"Don't think you can beat me with some dirty tricks." He said to Ning Feng after refining all the materials.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, didn't say anything, just threw a stalk of poisonous weed he had prepared into the alchemy furnace.

"Hmph!" He was naturally not polite at all, and threw a purple fruit on himself into it.Ning Feng glanced at it, and was immediately shocked. This thing is Ziqiong fruit, which is an important material for refining the Ten God Pill.

The Ten God Pill is the highest elixir among the four ranks, and this kind of thing is of great help to the spiritual power.It is very popular among practitioners who practice spiritual power.

It can instantly boost a person's spiritual power by a large amount, and the spiritual power of level five can instantly reach level six, which shows how powerful it is.

However, the difficulty of refining this kind of elixir is naturally not small. Naturally, the Ten God Pill needs to be protected by the ten-direction spiritual energy to become the Ten God Pill.

Originally, when he saw the elixir he refined, Ning Feng was still a little nervous, but looking at his refining technique, it seemed that he only set up eight directions of spiritual energy, which was not enough for ten directions at all.

The power of the Ten God Pill lies in the last two auras, and the eight auras are originally in harmony with the eight directions, in fact, this is not difficult.Only Shifang wanted to resist Bafang's aura, forcibly replacing him with Shifang's spiritual power.

Therefore, Bafang is not very difficult, and the elixir refined in this way has no effect at all.The final shape is not a good medicine.

After Ning Feng understood it, he immediately felt relieved.He glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, and saw that he was looking at himself.Smiled at him, and then moved mentally.

A fiery snake appeared directly from the bottom of the alchemy furnace, and then directly revolved around the alchemy furnace. This fiery snake exited from the door and then entered from the Kanmen.

Then exit through the Kanmen, and finally enter through the Qianmen.

"Pill Fire Skill?" Immediately, someone could see that Ning Feng was playing with fire, and he was showing off his ability to control fire.

"I'll go, his fire control ability is so powerful, not only can he bring in and out the plasticity of the flame, but also it won't affect the refining of the elixir."

"You're wrong. Pill Fire Skill is not just a technique to control flames. It is to use these things to make raw materials refining faster and with higher quality. But although this technique is very beautiful, it is very difficult to control. One who does not Be careful and you will destroy the material."

"If it is not in a hurry, ordinary alchemists will not use this method at all. Of course, unless they are masters, ordinary alchemists will not be able to do this at all. Ning Feng's skills are obviously at the master level. "

"He's really challenging Zhou Haobo. From the very beginning, the two of them have been fighting against each other. They have been competing in every process. The original boring process has become so interesting."

Everyone looked at the people in the middle of the field and said, they were all looking forward to Zhou Haobo showing off his Danhuo skills.

"Excellent." Old Qin couldn't help looking at Ning Feng and said, "The flames have been controlled to such an extent, and the poisonous grass has been half refined in this moment."

Old Huo said with a smile on the side: "It's still Haobo who is calm, facing this kind of brilliance, he is unmoved, and he is refining his own things with peace of mind."

"Actually he was wrong, he was still taken into the ditch by Ning Feng." Lao Qin frowned and said, "At this time, the pill fire technique must be used. You should be able to see that the pill refined by the two They are all pills of the third rank and above, do you think it is too late to refine the pills of the third rank in one day?"

After he finished speaking, Old Holden immediately understood.Looking at Ning Feng's eyes is like looking at a cunning fox.

Ning Feng had been teasing Zhou Haobo to compete with him before, and then suppressed the other party to some mistakes.As a result, in this round, he became a little too calm.

Facing Ning Feng's provocation, the first thing he thought of was that there was fraud in it, so he had to reject it.

And this round must use the pill fire technique. After using the pill fire technique, it can save time in the second time-consuming process of refining the main material.

It is impossible to accelerate the subsequent fusion process and must be warmed.So only at this time can save time.

"Can this be deceitful?" Lao Huo understood it, and admired Ning Feng immensely. Such a trivial matter could take so much thought.

Old Qin shook his head, "Maybe he can help us win the first place in the Southeast League. This guy can always surprise people, and this kind of ghost is the best against those in the North League."

"Oh, then you think we won?" Lao Huo looked at him excitedly and said.

"Although I am optimistic about him, but he must have the strength to win." Lao Qin smiled and said. "It's ours, I will fight for it, besides, Haobo is not bad."

Ning Feng originally thought that his strategy would succeed, and it was very successful at the beginning.

Everyone also thought that they couldn't see the comparison of Dan fire skills, and they were a little disappointed.

But Zhou Haobo also started to move suddenly, with a movement of mental strength, a fire belt was brought out directly, then quickly shrunk into a ball outside, and got in through another door.

Seeing him start to act, Ning Feng was a little disappointed.Although he was easily influenced at the beginning, but he can react quickly, and he is indeed a good alchemist.

Next, I will not lose to him, because the elixirs I refined are not of the third rank.

(End of this chapter)

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