Chapter 840

"Please advise." He said to Ning Feng: "When I refined this elixir, I also felt that there were some flaws, and there was no feeling of being overwhelmed at all. It feels easier to refine than the third-grade elementary .”

His attitude seems to be good, he is a good boy who is serious and loves to study.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Because you haven't comprehended the core. Your elixir is a ten-spirited elixir, which was supposed to use the aura of the ten directions, but you did use the aura of the eight directions when refining it."

When he heard this sentence, he suddenly had a look of enlightenment, "The eight-direction aura belongs to the heaven and the earth itself, so it doesn't need much effort at all. The ten-direction aura is against the heaven and the earth, no wonder I feel a little relaxed Yes. Thank you for your advice."

In terms of refining medicine, he was still quite sincere and humble, and his understanding was also very high. He was worthy of being a genius in the province.

Ning Feng just dialed slightly, and he understood the essence of it.

"So, this elixir is not a Ten God elixir at all, it just has an appearance." He looked at the elixir in his hand and said, originally he wanted it as a sign of his breakthrough.

It all seems fake now.

"Didn't you find that it doesn't smell that good, and it's a bit weird?" Ning Feng smiled and nodded at him.

"I'm still careless." At first, he just wanted to finish it early so that he could defeat Ning Feng.So when you smell the fragrance, you feel it.Didn't find it overly fragrant at all.

Now he felt something different.

Ning Feng looked at him and said: "The fragrance is too much. Whether the medicine is successful or not depends not only on the shape, but also on the taste and luster. Any flaws need to be remedied."

"Understood." He glanced at Ning Feng, then smiled and said to him: "Thank you for your reminder. I think it is still far away, and I still need to go back to study."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Ning Feng, then threw the fake pill on the ground, turned around and left.

No matter how you call, you can't call back.

"My basics are still not enough, I'm going back to practice the basics, thank you for your guidance." He left without looking at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng picked up the elixir on the ground, looked at his back and said: "What I want to say is that although your elixir is not a ten-shen elixir, it is still good for refining. Don't you know that there is a kind of elixir called Eight and Dan?"

Bahe Pill is a kind of elixir that heals the damaged sea of ​​consciousness. The previous steps are exactly the same as the elixir he refined.It just needs to be processed again, and it is this kind of elixir.

It's a pity that this child is determined to go back to learn the basics, probably because he was stimulated by Ning Feng's proficient basics.After all, whether it is mental control or fire control ability, he is still a bit short. .

This process will be a very good experience for him in the future, and the foundation determines how high you can go.

"In the next match, you will face Li Bingxue, who is now recognized as No.1 in the Southeast League. Her strength is unfathomable. She has never shown her highest strength. Every time she fights, she is slightly stronger than her opponent. The advantage wins." Lao Huo said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng nodded, it seems that the next opponent is a person with more personality.Every time she wins with a slight advantage, it shows how powerful she is.

Without strength, it is impossible to know from the beginning what kind of elixir the opponent is refining.

But he didn't leave, but walked to his own pill furnace, and directly raised the fire again.

"Huh? What is he doing? Why is he back in front of the pill furnace? Does he want to continue refining medicine?"

"But what is he doing refining medicine at this time? Isn't the competition already over?"

Everyone stared at Ning Feng in puzzlement, not understanding what he was trying to do now.

But Lao Huo did see it clearly, because he had seen Ning Feng throw the discarded Ten God Pill into the pill furnace just now.

"Is he still planning to reshape it?"

Reshaping the elixir is a very troublesome thing. If the reshaping is so simple, there is no need to be so cautious in the final stage of the elixir.

Watching the process of Ning Feng's reshaping, he fell into deep thought. If Ning Feng really has this kind of strength, can he be allowed to participate in that matter.

He watched Ning Feng's movements seriously. Ning Feng had been hiding his strength, and he didn't even know how far he had reached.

But if he can succeed, he will be able to reach this point.

If Ning Feng knew that he thought so, he would definitely refute him. If he had the ability to reshape, would he still participate in such a competition?

The reason why he reshaped it is because this discarded Ten God Pill and Bahe Pill are a perfect match.And Bahedan happens to have a step to take out of the oven to cool down.

Ordinary elixir is already useless the moment it is released.

But he didn't know what Lao Huo thought.

Now he just wants to transform this elixir with all his heart and soul, so that the fire will be lit again, and then he will directly arouse the eight directions of spiritual energy again.

But Bafang Lingqi can't be injected directly like this, but another method is needed.

If it's that simple, it's just another waste pill.

As soon as his spiritual power moved, he immediately attracted all the auras from all directions to surround him.Slowly fused together in the sky above the pill.

Ning Feng slowly suppressed these auras tightly together. What he has to do now is to condense the auras. This is the only difference.

This is why it is necessary to cool the elixir out of the furnace, the original hot elixir is very soft.If it is injected with this condensed spiritual energy, it will easily destroy the medicine.

So it must cool down before proceeding to the next step.

His powerful mental power instantly compressed the misplaced spiritual energy in the sky above the elixir, and a cloud of white mist was floating in the sky, ready to fall at any time.

Ning Feng used a wave of mental power to suppress the flame, slowly roasting the elixir.The moment the skin of the elixir turned red, the cloud of white mist was immediately suppressed in the elixir.

At this moment, Ning Feng slapped the bottom of the pill furnace directly, and the water prepared before turned into water mist and shrouded around the pill.

The elixir was cooled down quickly, and the aura was completely absorbed by the elixir.

"Huh!" Ning Feng took a long breath, and then took out the elixir.This elixir is only the top grade of the third grade, it is not very powerful.

"Hiss—successful? It actually succeeded, and it's another third-grade high-quality elixir, just for a while? It's too powerful."

"This person's strength is really not hidden. He has refined a third-grade high-grade elixir in such a short period of time. After taking it, it seems that he still has reservations."

Everyone didn't notice that Ning Feng threw Zhou Haobo's elixir in, so they always thought that this elixir was refined by Ning Feng himself.

(End of this chapter)

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