Chapter 843 Ten Percent
In fact, Mr. Su originally wanted to resist asking the other party when he couldn't help it, so that he could save his face.And it will not fall to the point of being passive.

If you take the initiative to speak, you are asking for help, and whether you agree or not depends entirely on the attitude of the other party.

But if Su Miaohan said it by himself, then he is asking her as a parent, and she has no way to refuse.

But under such a strong coercion from her, Su Miaohan didn't say a word, she might not know that she was invited for something!

It can be seen that every time Su Miaohan can't help being looked at by him, Ning Feng will pick up a chopstick dish for her, and then push her back.

He kept silent all the time, just waiting for himself to beg her.

Of course he looked at Ning Feng with all kinds of hatred, but facing him, he had nothing to do.Previously, she thought that she would be able to handle Su Miaohan in terms of character.

But after having Ning Feng, it is impossible to make a decision.

He could only let go, put down his chopsticks, and then said to Su Miaohan: "Miaohan, the company's affairs are going smoothly recently, right?"

Su Miaohan quickly stopped her chopsticks, glanced at Ning Feng, and then said to the old man: "Everything is on the normal track, the Xia family has no way to pose a threat."

Ning Feng laughed and said, "Now the Su Clan is monolithic internally, and there are almost no enemies outside. Whether it is a foreign thief or a domestic thief, there will be no chance at all."

When he finished speaking, his eyes drifted to Cheng Hua from time to time.This is satirizing Cheng Hua for colluding with outsiders to overthrow the company.

"Ahem..." Mr. Su glared at Ning Feng, then looked at Su Miaohan and said, "As long as everything is fine, your energy is limited now. I heard that you are investing in a cosmetics factory, or you should hand over the factory to me." Let your aunt be responsible. After all, it is a family, and it is more reassuring than others to use it."

His real purpose was finally revealed, but now Ning Feng finally achieved his purpose.She was afraid that she would meddle in the internal affairs of the company, but now she finally changed her focus.

"Not necessarily. Sometimes family members can't tell for sure, so it's better for outsiders to rest assured." Ning Feng said quietly.

After he said this, Cheng Hua's face turned black for a while.

But they pretended they didn't hear it, and continued to look at Su Miaohan and said, "The Su Group can be handled by you with confidence, so it's okay to let your aunt be in charge of this factory. After all, she was also the host before." Those who have passed the Su Group will definitely be able to do well."

At this time, Ning Feng also stopped the chopsticks in his hand and said: "Um... You handed over the Su Group? It seems that we bought it with our own money. I don't know who insisted on selling this company to other companies. Well, if it didn't happen that that company is also our controlling shareholder, it might not be the case.

Although she was in charge of the Su Group, but how did she make the company look like?It would be better without her.We don't have to worry about using her. "

"Boy, you are looking for death." Cheng Hua couldn't help but slapped the table and cursed: "Do you have a place to speak here?"

"Isn't what I said the truth?" Ning Feng said with a casual smile, "I'm telling the truth, and everyone in the Su Group now thinks the same way."

Nonsense, could it not be the idea?After such a long time of cleaning up, all the people in Cheng Hua had been dealt with.

"This is a matter of our Su family, where do you have the right to speak?" She pointed at Ning Feng and cursed, "Don't think that you can order people so arrogantly by eating soft rice, do you really think you have the ability?"

It's hard to hear those words.

Su Miaohan also directly patted the table and stood up, saying: "Please keep your mouth clean. He is now the second largest shareholder of the Su Group, and also the largest shareholder of the makeup artist you requested. Do you think he is qualified?"

After Su Miaohan finished speaking, Cheng Hua was stunned for a moment.This person turned out to be the second largest shareholder of the Su Corporation, the largest shareholder of Makeup Chang?
Isn't Nima too surprised?
Ning Feng waved his hands at them and said, "Come here... Sit down, don't be so angry, we are all a family, let's have a good chat."

He looked at old man Su with a smile and said, "I can let her participate."

"En?" Old Master Su looked at Ning Feng, thinking that he would not agree so readily.Of course he knew what Cheng Hua wanted this cosmetics factory to do, and it was nothing more than a trick to get it into his own hands.

Don't think that being the largest shareholder is powerful, there are countless ways to get the largest shareholder out.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "You guys cashed out the stocks before and sold them for a lot of money, right? I can let you participate in the shares and give you 5.00% of the shares, as long as you can pay the price. It should be possible, right? They could be sold at the beginning. How much money?"

When he said this, Cheng Hua's face turned red. All her money had been invested in the previous Xia's family.It's already lost, where is the money?
If you have money, do you still need to ask him?

Of course Ning Feng knew about this situation, but he had his own ideas in doing so.This has to be done to make her shut her mouth.She wanted to get involved, but definitely not to work for herself.

It must be trying to get rid of the company.

This is to tell her not to think about sensitive matters such as tainting equity in the future, and to give her no way out from the beginning.

"Of course the money has been invested in other parts. There is no funds yet. Although she didn't do very well before, she has a lot of experience and contacts. Let her become the president of your factory, and then give her whatever you want. Ten percent of the shares will do." The old man said bluntly.


What does Lao Tzu want his connections for?Use her connections to hollow out your company?Be a president at will, give [-]% of the shares at will?

The company's future earnings are definitely very impressive.

Su Miaohan's face turned red when she heard that, this is just talking nonsense, and directly gave you [-]% of the shares?He planned to ask for [-]% of the shares without paying anything.

Do you really think the money was caught by the wind?
"This matter is not acceptable." Su Miaohan said directly, "What is the concept of [-]%? I only have [-]% of the shares in this company."

In fact, they had already thought about it before, in order not to be controlled by the Su family.Ning Feng invested 60.00% of the shares with technology, Su Miaohan contributed 30.00%, and the rest was invested by Su Group as a legal person, accounting for [-]%.

Therefore, Ning Feng's shares will never be moved. As long as they are not listed, he will not move.And he didn't plan to go public either, the money was enough anyway.

Now it costs [-]% to speak directly?You must know that Su Miaohan personally invested [-] million yuan, and she only gave [-]% of the shares for Ning Feng's face.

The Su Group invested one billion yuan as a whole, and only got 30.00% of it in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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