Chapter 846 Your Dad

In the middle of a square on the top of the mountain, a beautiful figure stood in the middle. Although the corner of the mouth was bleeding, the right arm seemed to have been broken, so casually drooping.

But her eyes were very firm, she stared at the person sitting on the first seat and sneered, "Who else?"

The leader did not expect that she would have such strength, and it had been such a long time.She had already wounded nearly ten people, including one of her elders just now.

He didn't even think that her strength had reached such a level.

The one in the center of the arena was naturally Andie. Since she was captured, she was ordered to fight with these disciples.The leader's original idea was to use these people to kill her.

Then humiliate her, but the reality doesn't seem to be very good.

She actually defeated more than a dozen people in a row, and even defeated one of her own elders. This kind of progress is too fast.

Andie looked at him and said: "There are already ten leaders, and there is the last one. You said that I can leave after defeating eleven disciples, and we will have nothing to do in the future. Now there is only one more, if you think If you don’t have self-confidence, you can continue to send the elders as disciples, but if you really can’t, you can do it yourself.”

It was originally agreed that it would be enough to defeat the eleven disciples, but in the end he broke his promise and went to the elders.If Andie wasn't for the maid on the mountain who had served her for a long time, she wouldn't have been easily taken up the mountain by him.

The leader knew that she still had feelings, especially for the maid who had been taking care of her before.Threatened her with this, and a deal was made.

If you defeat eleven disciples at will, you can lead them away.

He never imagined that Andie's strength would improve so fast that it would have reached the state of concentration.Of course he couldn't think of it, how could the people around Ning Feng be short of pills.

They are all knocked like jelly beans.

But none of the eight or nine disciples could do anything to her, and she was easily defeated by her.After all, the strength of the disciples has not yet reached this level, even if more people go up, it will be free.

In the end, it took an elder to beat her seriously, but that elder was directly killed by her.

"I didn't expect your strength to have reached such a level." The leader stood up directly, then looked at her and said, "You witch, not only killed the disciples of our sect, but also killed the elders, it seems that you can't I leave you."

Andie gave him a cold look. "If you want to go back on your word, just say so. Why bother? At the beginning, the eleven disciples were promised, but later the elder couldn't do it. Are you going to come in person? Then you come and try."

Although she spoke harshly, she really had no chance of winning against the leader. His strength was innate after all.And he was seriously injured, so he must lose.

Why did I believe what he said in the first place?It's just that who would have imagined that the person who was very dignified in her mind since childhood was such a villain.

"Sharp teeth, see if I won't abolish you this time." The leader really didn't dare to send disciples up at will, even if she was seriously injured, she might defeat these disciples.

The only way to be sure is to do it yourself.

He was also afraid, after all, there is a limit to being shameless.Eleven disciples have already been replaced by elders and leaders. If there are more people, his image in the hearts of the disciples will be greatly damaged.

As he spoke, he jumped down and slapped An Die with his palm.

Andie didn't flinch at all, she knew that even if she flinched, she couldn't escape, so she might as well fight.

She greeted him directly with her left hand.

But the result was almost conceivable, the dark butterfly flew out like a kite with a broken thread, hit the ground hard, and the other arm was probably broken.

She was lying on the ground, her long hair scattered casually, her whole body was full of decadence and helplessness.

The former first sister turned out to be like this with the leader.Even among the disciples watching the battle, none of them applauded, and none of them satirized her.

They themselves couldn't fight eleven people in a row and kill the elders.

In fact, she looks very good-looking. The former ice beauty is now lying on the ground without the slightest resistance.

The leader who had originally planned to kill her with one palm suddenly had another idea. He walked over and stuffed a pill into her mouth.

Then he said to the two female disciples: "Pull this man into the room for me."

"Andie, you were raised by me anyway, you can still do me a favor before you die." He looked at Andie sinisterly and smiled, a lustful light flashed in his eyes.

Andie instantly understood what he meant, and then spat fiercely at him.

"Don't try to succeed." She said coldly.

"Your strength will be wasted when you die. Let's have a yin and yang intercourse, and then I will give all these strengths to me." The leader looked at her sinisterly and said, "Do you think this matter is up to you? Have you Do you feel a little hot now?"

He whispered in her ear.

After finishing speaking, he laughed directly, and then said to the two disciples, "Carry it in."

He waved his hand directly to make people start.

But just when the two disciples were about to carry the person, they suddenly let out a scream.


The leader frowned and looked back, the hands of the two fell to the ground, and both of them were rolling back and forth on the ground.

And the dark butterfly is no longer in place.

He looked up, and in the distance, there was actually a person holding Andie and staring at him viciously.

This person actually chopped off his disciple's hand without him noticing, and even carried An Die away.Strength should not be underestimated.

"Who are you?" He looked at Ning Feng and said coldly.

Ning Feng said: "Your father!" The words he said were like air-conditioning, and everyone who heard it felt a strong murderous aura.

After he finished speaking, he stuffed a pill into An Die's mouth.Then he put her down as if nothing had happened, and the next step was to set her bones slowly.

About 3 minutes later, Ning Feng looked at her gently and said, "Move, how do you feel?"

After An Die heard Ning Feng's words, she moved her arm casually, and it turned out to be really healed.Can fractures be healed so quickly?This is too amazing.

"Who is this person? Healed him just like that? Did you see that Andie actually did it? Does he have witchcraft? This is too strange."

"I can't understand it either, it's really weird. This person's identity must be something extraordinary, he must be very powerful."

"I also know that it's not easy. Just now, he was cured so easily. But he was aggressive, so it's probably not a good thing. The leader doesn't know how to deal with it?"

"Don't worry, there is a leader here. The leader has the strength of the innate realm. Who else would be afraid of a person with this strength. Don't worry."

After all, these people are just young people, and they haven't had much contact with the outside world. They really thought that a person in the innate realm could be so arrogant.

(End of this chapter)

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