Chapter 849 Bronze Lamp

Ning Feng watched an old man who looked almost the same as an ordinary old man slowly walking over. Although he walked slowly, he was very steady.It looks like a person with a certain foundation.

Holding a bronze lantern in his hand, with disheveled hair, he slowly walked towards this side.

In fact, Ning Feng knew that there was such a No. [-] person here, because Andie had revealed before that there was a master guarding the Treasure Pavilion.This expert has never appeared, so it is probably him.

If such an important occasion is entrusted to him to guard, the strength should not be inferior.

"Young man, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. If you take him away, we won't hold him accountable. How about you let him go too?" The old man's voice came faintly.

Ning Feng glanced casually and knew that this person's strength should probably be in the state of distraction.It's not that powerful, of course, if it is among these people, it is indeed relatively powerful.

These people are not as knowledgeable as Ning Feng. They look down on those in the state of distraction, and don't care about those in the state of condensed spirit. There is also a girl in the Jindan period.

In comparison, this person in the state of distraction really cannot be said to be very powerful.

But Ning Feng still didn't take it lightly, because although he had no fear of this old man, he was still very interested in the bronze lamp in his hand. There seemed to be a different feeling in that thing.

It should be a very powerful thing, because just after this person appeared, the tortoise shell seemed to be trembling all the time, obviously wanting Ning Feng to take it down.

The tortoise shell hasn't been in this state for a long time.

He had this kind of reaction before when he was having sex with Su Miaohan for the first time, and before that tattered pill furnace in the antique shop.

And both times, Ning Feng suddenly absorbed an inexplicable force, and these two forces have been sealed in the tortoise shell.

He can't control these forces, but these forces are indeed very powerful.

But if it has this kind of reaction, then this thing must be obtained.

"Yes." Ning Feng looked at him directly with a smile and said, "But I have one condition."

"Let's talk about it." Even though the old man was calm, he was still a little anxious after hearing Ning Feng's quick answer.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Then you can exchange this bronze lamp in your hand."

"No." He directly refused, "This request cannot be granted." Of course I can't agree, this is their most powerful treasure, the reason why he holds it.

It was because I was not sure enough against Ning Feng alone.

Ning Feng has such a good treasure as the alchemy furnace in his hand, and he can't deter Ning Feng if he doesn't have something in his hand.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "Then there's nothing to talk about." A wave of spiritual power was injected into the pill furnace again, and then one of the leader's arms exploded directly.

"If you want people or things, you have to choose one, right? If you can't afford it, you will take advantage of it, right?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.He smiled very much like a bandit.

Of course the old man didn't want to, his eyes were cloudy, but when he looked at Ning Feng, they were very sharp.

"If you don't let him go, I can assure you that you won't be able to go down the mountain." The old man vowed.

"Then you promise me." This person has already seen that his heart is dead, and he will definitely not hand over the thing. Since it is not enough to persuade him with good words, he can only grab it.

No, it's not a robbery.It is more accurate to say that it is to seize the sharp weapon in the enemy's hand and use it for me.

It was they who made the first move, so they were the ones who were wronged, and the ones who should regret and suffer.

I represent justice, so it is also just to grab this light.

When Ning Feng was speaking, a large wave of spiritual power hit the pill furnace directly, "I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't seize it."

As soon as the words fell, the blood of the leader suddenly began to spurt out of his body, obviously suffering from the most serious backlash.Ning Feng had already refined the Nine Ring Saber, so the leader was naturally dead and couldn't be more clean.

The old man was obviously very angry, and the veins on his forehead were bulging, as if he was about to explode and die at any moment.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile, as if I didn't want to do it, but you forced me to do it.

"You must die." His eyes became much sharper than before.

"The leader is dead? Dead? Is it troublesome now? What should we do?"

"Don't worry, didn't you see that the elder guarding the pavilion is ready to make a move? The most important thing here is not the leader, but the elder guarding the pavilion. His power is the greatest."

"Oh, but if the elder guarding the pavilion takes action, I'm relieved."

Everyone looked at the elder guarding the pavilion, and had great hopes for him, just wanting him to quickly eliminate Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at him and said: "Many people have said this to me, but I am still standing here. Besides, if you want to win me with your strength in the distraction realm, it is simply impossible."

After finishing speaking, she looked at him and smiled.

"Then try!" As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Ning Feng. His legs and feet were quite agile, and he couldn't tell he was an old man at all.

Ning Feng looked at him with a grin. After all, he was only distracted, so there was no need to worry too much.

He greeted him with a palm, this time it was tentative, and he retreated as soon as he touched it.

"No wonder you are so arrogant. You are a master of distraction. You have reached the distraction at such a young age. You have a bright future. It's a pity that you are going to die here." After standing still, the old man looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, and said to him: "You don't need to worry about this. As for who died, you really can't say clearly about this matter."

"Then let you taste the power of the bronze lamp." He lifted the bronze lamp, and there was a flame inside. "You are destined not to win this time."

When the flame lit up, Ning Feng instantly felt a great danger. The danger of this palace lantern seemed to exceed his expectations.

But at this moment, a little golden man suddenly appeared in Ning Feng's mind.The statuette quickly demonstrated a set of movements in Ning Feng's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Is this the tortoise shell telling itself how to deal with it?
But no matter how fast you comprehend it, it will take time. It's too late now, okay?

"go to hell."

Suddenly he blew on the lamp.

Ning Feng had no choice but to bite the bullet.This thing seemed to be more powerful than he had imagined, and he was a little afraid of such power.

(End of this chapter)

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