Chapter 857 The Ninth Sheet

Ning Feng looked at him and whispered, "Then do you have a map?"

Little Wild Wolf stared at Ning Feng, and then fell into deep thought. After a while, he nodded fiercely and said: "Yes! I have a fragmented picture, and I can be sure that mine is real!"

He obviously had a lot of trust in Ning Feng before he said this.

After all, this thing is quite precious, if others find out, they will be killed.

"Now there are already eight factions that have residual maps." He continued: "And we are one of them, and these factions are the leaders every time."

Ning Feng nodded, looked at him and said, "I have it too."


Little Wild Wolf's mouth opened wide, but he couldn't say a word, his eyes were fixed on Ning Feng, and he didn't dare to move.

"You have it too?" While talking, he distorted his expression.

Obviously, he didn't quite believe Ning Feng's words.

He flipped through it directly, and took out a cowhide map from his hand, then handed it to him and said, "You can take a look."

The little wild wolf took the map suspiciously and took a look at it. After taking a look, his heart beat violently.Then he stuffed the thing back into Ning Feng's hand in a panic.

"Pack it up...pick it up...pick it up..."

He swallowed hard twice, his eyes widened, as if he saw something different.

He took a deep breath and kept breathing for a few minutes before he slowly recovered, but he was still swallowing saliva violently, and his eyes were a little wandering.

"What's wrong? Why do you have such an expression?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

The little wild wolf turned to look at Ning Feng, and said very solemnly: "This thing must be put away, no matter what the situation is, don't show it, don't tell anyone. I didn't see your thing clearly just now. Don't say it, or you will be killed. It's not an ordinary murder."

"What kind of murder is that?" Ning Feng looked at him puzzled and said, being so frightened by him, he quickly took the cowhide back.

"It's the pursuit of the world's top forces." Little Wild Wolf looked at Ning Feng and said, "It's not an exaggeration at all. If you dare to leak a little bit, you will definitely suffer the most serious pursuit."

"Not at all." Ning Feng didn't think it was that dangerous, "Don't you have it too?"

"You are different from me." He looked at Ning Feng seriously and said, "You must believe my words. If I guess correctly, your picture is an internal picture."

"What do you mean?" Ning Feng heard that something was wrong, and hurriedly said to him.

"The pictures that are circulating outside are all pictures of the outermost circle of that place. We can only wander around the periphery. Because there are no internal pictures, no one dares to go inside, and your picture is among our pictures. Basically, the part that extends inside."

The Coyote looked at him and said, his lips dry as he spoke.

Ning Feng also understood that his picture is very different.The graph they have is the outer circle, and their own graph is stitched together on the basis of the peripheral graph.

So this picture is even more precious, because with this picture, you can explore the interior of that place.

"Okay." Ning Feng patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's not that scary, you don't need to be so nervous."

"Just kidding, can you not be nervous. This is not only a danger, but also an opportunity. No one knows what is inside. If you enter it, you don't know what good things you will get when you come out." When the little wild wolf was talking , the body is shaking.

"I've forgotten about it from now on, and I won't tell anyone. Including Wolf King and Snow Wolf, and I didn't read the content just now." He said quickly: "Don't take it out, you know? "

"Understood." Ning Feng looked at the little wild wolf and said. He reminded him ten thousand times, and Ning Feng certainly remembered that he would not joke about his wealth and life.

But this person is really interesting enough to keep it a secret for himself.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Eat, eat!" He walked towards the restaurant with his arms around him.

He himself did not expect that a picture from Andie had such a great significance.But probably none of them thought that such a small killer organization would have such good things, right?
After walking all the way, the little wild wolf finally returned to his soul.But still looks a little abnormal.

"What's wrong with him? His face is pale." Snow Wolf looked at the little wild wolf and said.

"The feet are not used to it yet." Little Wild Wolf happened to have such an excuse to help him lie, and then looked at him and said, "Have you ordered all the dishes?"

"Order." He yelled to the waiter: "It's time to serve, and another dozen beers."

"What's your matter, ask here." Snow Wolf said to Ning Feng: "The surrounding area has been investigated, no one is watching, and absolutely no one will eavesdrop."

"Nonsense." The little wild wolf gave him a blank look. This is an ordinary roadside restaurant, the kind that can be seen through at a glance.Is this kind of place still used for reconnaissance?Know what's going on at a glance.

Ning Feng looked at Little Wild Wolf and said, "Then what is the sign written on it for?"

"This is the admission ticket, because the carrying capacity of that place is limited, and if there are too many people entering, it will cause trouble, so the number of people will be stipulated." He looked at Ning Feng and said: "This is the real top force in the world. decided."

"What is the real top strength?" Ning Feng looked at him puzzled and said.

"I can't touch it, but it's definitely not what we see. These visible powers are not superpowers at all." Little Wild Wolf said, "I saw a person who maintained order in that place before. He is a disciple of a super power and has reached the Golden Core realm."

"So powerful?" Ning Feng almost fell out his teeth. Any random disciple is in the Golden Core Realm?What is the point of a real master.

"However, I have only met such a few people. They are the same every year." Little Wild Wolf said: "It is because of them that I know that such forces do exist."

Ning Feng nodded. It's not surprising to have that kind of super power. After all, if you don't have enough power, you can't reach that level.

Use as much bowl as you have strength.

"Interesting, that's what makes it interesting." Ning Feng said with a smile, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's have a drink."

As he spoke, he directly opened three bottles of beer, and the three of them started working, talking about some messy gossip.

Gossip is more interesting than anything else.

However, even though they want to have a normal meal, some people don't want them to have a good meal.

(End of this chapter)

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