Chapter 865
"Ning Feng, you are talking nonsense. It's not about my acupuncture at all." Dr. Ye pointed at Ning Feng angrily and cursed.

Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him, looked at him and said: "This is the case you cured yesterday, right? This is the effect of your treatment of a serious illness? Are you ashamed to say it? The matter is already in front of you and you still don't admit it? Are you too serious?" Arrogant."

After finishing speaking, he said to Dean Liu, "Can I go see the patient?"

Dean Liu's complexion was not good. He glanced at Dr. Ye thoughtfully, then shook his head, and said to Ning Feng, "Let's go together."

Ning Feng led the man outside, and when he got to the door, he said to Lou Qiang: "You have seen the situation today clearly, and you can make a decision after thinking it through, not every time someone wipes your ass .”

Dr. Ye's face is already livid, why did such a thing happen at this time?Is my acupuncture really flawed?
It shouldn't be, there will be no mistakes in your own stitches.

He was not reconciled, so he followed out. He wanted to see the specific situation.

Now Lou Qiang is the most embarrassing. He just dismissed Ning Feng and wanted to promote Dr. Ye, but this happened to him.

"What about this matter?"

The person next to him looked at Lou Qiang and said.

Lou Qiang sighed, "Let's put this matter on hold for now, let's go and see how the treatment is going."

The patient has been pushed to the emergency room, and the family members cannot go in naturally.With Ning Feng making a move, he was relieved a lot, and he had to ask Ning Feng to make a move.

Because he doesn't trust others, only Ning Feng's medical skills are the guarantee.

But these people still changed their clothes and went in, where a very urgent rescue was carried out.

After Ning Feng entered, he immediately signaled these people to leave.He went directly to the front to look at the patient's condition. In fact, the patient's condition was not that serious.

It is simply because of the blockage of the meridians due to the lack of acupuncture that it will lead to coma. As long as the complete eight pillars of thunder are used, people can be saved naturally.

Dean Liu also nodded to those, indicating that Ning Feng should take over.

Naturally, Dr. Ye was also beside him, staring at Ning Feng with a very bad expression, he wanted to see what kind of method he could use to cure him.

He said that his stitches are incomplete, does he know the complete stitches?I am the real successor of Thunder Eight Pillar Needlework.

Ning Feng didn't have time to pay attention to him now, so he took out eight silver needles and placed them neatly on the plate.The so-called Thunder Eight Pillars are naturally composed of eight silver needles.

The eight needles operate in their own ways in the eight major points, but in the end they can form a very perfect round.

Ning Feng slowly spread out the silver needles, and then pressed on every position where the needles were going to be applied, then picked up the first silver needle, and pierced it towards the sandalwood.

This time, enter the body slowly, slowly penetrate the sky part, then slowly enter the human part, then go to the sky part, and then to the human part, repeat this eight times.

Finally, the needle is nailed to the human body.

The sky part is naturally the surface layer, and the earth part is the deep layer, but the human part is in the middle of the sky part and the earth part.Moreover, people are different in size, fat, thin, and short, so it is actually the most difficult to perform acupuncture on the human body.

Because if it is a little shallower, it will reach the sky, and if it is a little deeper, it will reach the earth.

Others may not understand it very well, but when Dr. Ye saw this, he was shocked.

Because Ning Feng's acupuncture is quite powerful, Renbu's acupuncture has reached this level.Of course, this was not what shocked him the most. What shocked him the most was that this step of his was indeed the technique of Thunder Eight Pillars.

Even the rituals before the Thunderbolt Eight-Pillar Acupuncture are the same.

Generally, only the Thunder Eight-Pillar Needlework method will lay out all the needles before it is implemented. In fact, this has no effect, it is just a ritual.

Even if it was just a ritual, Dr. Ye was a little scared, because it showed that Ning Feng really knew how to do it.

But he still has other thoughts in his heart, what if Ning Feng only knows a little bit.After all, the real meaning is not as simple as what he said.

If he also fails in the end, at least prove that he is no worse than him. Although it is unlikely that the position of vice president will be handed over to him, it will be enough to prove that Ning Feng is not strong, and he will save his face a little.

But his idea was shattered almost instantly, because Ning Feng's next move directly convinced him.

Ning Feng quickly inserted the other seven needles into several key points.

This was considered to be the end of the first stage, but Ning Feng didn't stop, he quickly reached the first silver needle, and then slammed into the ground.

The moment it penetrated the ground, the needle tip vibrated immediately.Immediately afterwards, all the other six needles were pierced into the ground, and the other six needles naturally vibrated.

There was also a silver needle, but Ning Feng did not touch it.

This is also the intended meaning of the Eight Pillars of Thunder, the last needle does not move.

Doctor Ye was shocked when he saw Ning Feng, but this acupuncture technique was not much different from his own. How could he explain his own difference?

But Ning Feng told him right away.

"The next thing is the flaw in your acupuncture technique. In fact, your acupuncture technique only uses seven and a half pillars." Ning Feng said calmly to him behind him.

Then, he took out a silver needle and pierced another acupuncture point.

This stitch and the last stitch are completely symmetrical, and both are only in the human body.But the miraculous thing is that after this silver needle was pierced, the two silver needles all swayed.

Dr. Ye was so surprised that he didn't know what to say. Was Ning Feng's injection right?Although he didn't want to admit it, he also felt that his previous acupuncture technique was flawed.

The current stitch seems to be complete.

At the end of the last stitch, there was a faint sound of a smile as the needles moved.

Ning Feng found a stethoscope and handed it to Dr. Ye.Sign him to put the stethoscope on his skin and listen.

He didn't do this to humiliate Dr. Ye, but just to tell some knowledge. He is also a good doctor, except for some jealousy, he is still very good.

He didn't want his career to be over yet, a patient he could afford.

After listening, he looked at Ning Feng in surprise.Then he bowed his head in shame, and slowly backed away.

Because he heard the faint sound of thunder just now, this is the essence of the Eight Pillars of Thunder.This is the complete Eight Pillars of Thunder, what I have learned before is only incomplete.

About a minute or two later, Ning Feng quickly withdrew the needle, then nodded to the people around him to indicate that it was over.

(End of this chapter)

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