Chapter 882 Five-Colored Golden Pill
The two lifted the lid of their alchemy furnace almost at the same time, and then two rather strong fragrances came out along with two rays of light.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he took the pill in an instant.

Ning Feng looked at the golden elixir in his hand, and then smiled, it's a fifth-grade elixir!Although it is a pity, it is understandable to do so in order to hide his strength.

In fact, he didn't complete it completely, because he had already discovered that what the other party had refined was just a fifth-grade elementary pill.What he is now refining is already a fifth-grade middle-level pill, and it is very easy to defeat him.

There is no need to show all your strengths.

Lao Ji is quite dissatisfied with Ning Feng's appearance, after all, his strength is really against the sky.Even a fifth-grade elixir was refined, but the quality still needs to be tested carefully.

He is very confident until now. With Ning Feng's unskilled mental power, he will definitely not refine a higher-grade pill than his own.

Ning Feng smiled at him, put the pill in a jade bottle, and carefully put it in front of Lao Huo and Lao Niu.

Lao Ji responded with disdain, and then put his own elixir in front of the two of them.

He proudly said to Ning Feng: "It's not bad to have such strength at such a young age, but if you lose, you lose. Your mental power control is still a bit weak, and you are definitely not my opponent in terms of quality. "

Of course he was confident in saying this, because he felt that Ning Feng didn't seem to maximize the power of the elixir in order to dispense the medicine at the same time as himself.

In other words, there is still a part of the efficacy that has not been brought into play.

If this situation existed, he would at best be regarded as a fifth-grade inferior elixir.He couldn't be able to refine a fifth-grade high-quality elixir in this situation.

Ning Feng smiled at him, then looked at the medicinal material from time to time and said, "Isn't the final result still up to others to judge? Does what you say work?"

Old Ji naturally thinks that Ning Feng is not giving up, and said proudly: "It's not bad to have such a promise at such a young age, but it's a pity that you will have to quit the medicine refining world in the future. Don't you feel very sad? have no choice?"

His cheap look is really hateful, it's the kind of look that makes people want to tear him apart.

"Stupid!" Ning Feng said two words lightly from between his teeth.Of course, by the way, he also looked like he was stepping on dog shit, and in the end he reluctantly made a very disgusted expression.

It's in place, it's a performance at the level of an actor, and this detail is perfect.

"You..." He pointed at Ning Feng. Although he was very angry inside, he racked his brains and didn't know what to say to him, "Bastard!"

Why does this bastard feel like a woman scolding a scumbag?Was his vocabulary so lacking?

Ning Feng glanced at him disdainfully, "For such an old person, his speech is not civilized at all. You can't talk to this kind of person. If you don't talk about quality, it will be contagious."

This is so shameless, it seems that he called himself an idiot first?

How could this man be so thick-skinned, Lao Ji was so angry that he was about to lose his temper.Compared with being thick-skinned, he was still a little worse, and finally let go of the word Ning Feng very helplessly.


"If you have the ability, don't compare it with your mouth, but your strength." Ning Feng looked at him and said.

Lao Ji was very hurt, didn't he compete with him in the first place?Wasn't he the one who scolded people first?Why is it all on me in the end?

"Hmph, Zhuzi, when the final result comes out, you will cry sometime."

The expressions of Lao Niu and Lao Huo are no different from crying now. After seeing this result, they are almost crying.

This result is really different from what they thought, and the final result is too different.

Lao Niu glanced at the people at the scene, and then said: "The elixir refined by Lao Ji is Dry Leaf Pill. The effect of the elixir is to improve the efficiency of practice and allow people to enter a more advanced state of meditation."

To be honest, this elixir is really good. The elixir that can speed up the practice is always everyone's favorite.Generally speaking, those pills that directly increase one's strength have huge side effects.

But this kind of medicine that speeds up your practice doesn't have so many side effects, after all, its function is only to help you deepen your meditation.

"Withered Leaf Pill, it really is a fifth-grade pill. It's powerful, powerful. If this pill can be owned by me, it will definitely increase my strength a lot."

"It's really not bad. It's a good pill, which has an important effect on cultivation."

"If you take the fifth-grade dry leaf pill, it may be directly upgraded by one level."

Although everyone admired this Dry Leaf Pill, they were not too enthusiastic. After all, this kind of thing has not yet reached the level that makes everyone crazy.

Of course, Lao Ji knew that it was going to be very fruitful, but he was only a little sure about the elixir of the fifth grade and above, so he had to do this as a last resort.

"Fifth grade is inferior." Lao Niu said it lightly.

Lao Ji also knew what his level was, so there were not too many surprises.

After Lao Niu said this, he took the elixir from Ning Feng with a very nice expression on his face, because this elixir was beyond his expectation.

"The elixir refined by Ning Feng is the five-color golden elixir, and its effect is..." He paused for a while, obviously resisting a strong desire and said: "It can improve people's strength, there are many..."

He doesn't know exactly how much it can be improved, but it is not a problem for a person in the innate state to take a five-color golden pill to rise to the state of distraction.

In fact, he still underestimated this kind of elixir. The effects he said can actually be achieved in Panacea.The five-color golden pill is enough to make the current Ning Feng reach the realm of congealing spirits.

These people are basically people who have made achievements in the realm of spiritual power, but there is still some gap in spiritual power.

But if you want to refine high-level elixirs, you must naturally have the physical strength to keep up, which requires the cooperation of spiritual strength.So this elixir naturally made them envious.

As long as you take this elixir, you can improve several realms for no reason. This elixir is very enviable.

Not only him, even some people in the stands were shocked when they heard the name.

Five-color golden pill, this kind of pill is basically the best way they know to improve spiritual power.How can it not be exciting?This is much more attractive than the dry leaf pill.

(End of this chapter)

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