Chapter 885

"It's really not." Sitting in the driver's seat, Jiang Tu said to Ning Feng, "I was originally from the south of Haicheng, but I moved here because of an accident at home."

"Oh." Ning Feng nodded, "So we can be regarded as fellow villagers, and I am also from Haicheng." He actually started a conversation with him directly.

Jiang Tu really has never seen this kind of alchemist, shouldn't the alchemist be superior?Why is it the same as the little brother next door?

In fact, Ning Feng is really not a high-handed person, he actually didn't put himself so high in the first place.

The two chatted while driving to Jiang's house.

Although the Jiang family is not a big force, the house is quite luxurious.Although the place where he lives is not in the urban area, after leaving the urban area, Ning Feng always feels that such a big village belongs to his family.

The village was immediately rounded up, and the buildings inside were very structured, apparently specially planned.

But after Ning Feng was invited in, his guess came true.This place really belonged to their family. From the guards and patrols inside, Ning Feng actually felt that they used to be a big family.

It is really well-organized, which is totally different from ordinary small households.

Ning Feng glanced around, looked at him and laughed, is it true that the family does not enter the house?

"Mr. Ning, this way please." Just as Ning Feng was giggling, Jiang Tu directly interrupted Ning Feng's thoughts, and then led him to walk in another direction.

Ning Feng followed him into a room. Although this room was not very luxurious, it was very delicate.Entering inside, the pink girly series is unexpectedly arranged.

It can be seen that the hostess should not be very old.

"Mr. Jiang is back." A middle-aged woman walked over and said to Jiang Tu.

Jiang Tudao: "How is Miss?"

"It's still the same, but Master Liang is using medicine, but I don't seem to have much effect. It's been several days, and each medicine is so expensive, but it has no effect at all." The middle-aged woman complained: "Not to mention spending money, the lady is almost being fed into a medicine jar."

"Don't talk nonsense, Master Liang is a first-grade pharmacist, so he has his reasons for doing so." Jiang Tu reprimanded her.

Ning Feng thought for a while, the symptoms described earlier, it seems that a first-grade pharmacist can't solve it, right? "That's right, don't let him give medicine, this disease cannot be cured by him."

Ning Feng said to Jiang Tu that some people's level is really not very good, but they are obviously not good at managing themselves, but they still make money in name.

This kind of talent is the most hated.

But how can ordinary people tell whether it is effective or not?I also think it takes time for the medicine to work.

"Who is talking nonsense?" A 50-[-]-year-old man suddenly stepped down upstairs, and he yelled at Ning Feng.Because Ning Feng didn't shy away from what he said just now, and he wasn't afraid that he would hear it, so his voice didn't drop at all.

"You? A child with a yellow mouth, how dare you say that my medicine doesn't work?" He looked at Ning Feng contemptuously, and then said to Jiang Tu: "You can't always invite some messy people back. He might not be a charlatan, but in the end he couldn't cure the disease and was cheated out of money."

Ning Feng really didn't know how this person had the nerve to say this. After all, there were not many people like him who dared to call others liars without seeing any effect after treatment for so long.

"Master Liang, don't be angry, the illness is naturally discussed with each other." Neither Jiang Tu wanted to offend him, but he knew Ning Feng's identity, so he wouldn't offend Ning Feng because of him.

"Hmph, what strength can a little liar have." He said to Ning Feng with disdain: "This old man's pill, as long as you take another seven pills, it will definitely be cured."

After hearing his words, Jiang Tu was immediately stupid?Need seven more?After taking only three pills, I was almost bankrupt, and I still need to take seven pills. This kind of pill is more expensive than diamonds.

Ning Feng wrinkled his nose and sniffed, "Atractylodes macrocephala, pinellia, borneol..."

He mentioned dozens of medicinal materials in one breath, "There are also heather leaves!"

The more he said, the uglier the man's face became.Jiang Tu didn't know what Ning Feng was talking about, so he could only look at Ning Feng stupidly.

Ning Feng smiled and said to Master Liang: "Are you right? There should be nothing wrong with these kinds of materials, right? Are you sure that these medicinal materials can be refined into elixirs? If you buy them in a pharmacy, they will probably be fine. About 200 yuan?"

"Nonsense, what do you know?" He hesitated. From what Ning Feng said just now, he could already understand that Ning Feng is a professional.

It's okay to deceive people who don't understand with my half-baked technique, but it's impossible to deceive Ning Feng.

"I also know that you are not a first-rank pharmacist. Although you have gained some insight, you are still far from a first-rank pharmacist." Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "Are you right?"

"Nonsense... nonsense... nonsense..." He looked at Jiang Tu and said, "Who is this person you are looking for? He is a braggart and he doesn't even make a draft. It's just nonsense."

Jiang Tu's complexion is not good at this time, he can already be sure that he has been deceived, this is not a pharmacist at all.

Ning Feng smiled at him, then looked at him and said, "Since you think I'm talking nonsense, please come and see how I cure the disease, there is no need to eat so much..."

Convincing people can't just rely on one's mouth, you have to convince him completely.After seeing something, Ning Feng felt that he needed to show his strength in front of them.

Then the performance of strength naturally requires a stepping stone, and it is obvious that he is the stepping stone.

"Look and see!" In fact, he was basically exposed, after all, he is really not a pharmacist.But he suddenly found an opportunity. This condition is not so easy to treat.

This kind of illness is quite complicated. If he can't be cured, I can slander him, and won't my suspicion be cleared?Isn't this enough to continue bluffing and deceiving?

"Tell you, this kind of illness is quite complicated, and your strength can't cure it at all." He looked at Ning Feng and said disdainfully. In his opinion, Ning Feng was just a little bit stronger than himself, probably just now. Into a product.

First-rank pharmacists don't even think about solving this problem.

"Let's go up!" Ning Feng said to Jiang Tu, and then several people walked up in a mighty manner.Open the door of the bedroom, this bedroom is still in the pink series, and there are various cartoon dolls around.

And there was a woman lying on the bed, this woman was very beautiful.It's not that kind of cold beauty, but a little bit cute.

Her face was very pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and her lips were a little pale.The whole person is lying quietly on the bed. If she is not a patient, this will be a very comfortable picture.

(End of this chapter)

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