Chapter 911 Elders
The Alchemy Alliance established a small branch around each sect in order to better protect them.

But this function has obviously been destroyed, not only did not achieve the previous purpose, but it became a tool for them to make profits.

Fortunately, because of this design, Ning Feng can easily find their positions.

This is an antique Hui-style building with high walls and green tiles. It looks really special.Looking at the words "Alchemy Alliance" on the door plaque, he smiled slightly.

All the changes should be paid back today.

Ning Feng looked at the vermilion lacquered door, then kicked it up.


After kicking it out, the door slammed down.

The people inside seemed to have realized that he was coming, and they had already prepared their positions. Six or seven people lined up in two rows, and old man Xing and Mu Lao stood in the middle.

After old man Xing saw Ning Feng, he suddenly felt relieved, and the knife hanging from his neck finally came down.

In fact, it is more troublesome to hang a knife than to drop it.

But fortunately, I was already prepared. The one I invited was a member of the elders of the Alchemy Alliance, if he dared to kill the members of the elders.

He will definitely be punished by all alchemists.

So this time, I have already stood on the ground of morality and strength.The strength of this Mu Lao is not so simple, after all, he can reach the step of the elders group, and his mental strength is not bad at all.

"Old man Xing, do you know why I came to see you?" Ning Feng looked at the guy with a smile and said.

Of course, old man Xing knew what was going on, but he still pretended to say, "You dare to break into the compound of the Alchemy Alliance without authorization, do you not want to live?"

He was unwilling to answer the question and changed the subject directly.

"I'm also a member of the Alchemy Alliance, how could this be trespassing?" Ning Feng had a smile on his lips, and he also noticed that Mu Lao was getting older.To be honest, his current strength doesn't care about a person with level five mental strength at all.

My own Buddha clone is enough to offset anyone's attack on my spiritual power.

"It's a shame that you know that you are a member of the Medicine Refining Association. This is how you treat the members of the Association? It's unreasonable to kick in the door." Old man Xing relied on someone to support him, and pointed at Ning Feng to teach him a lesson.

Ning Feng laughed, "Hahaha... It's really interesting, you know that you are a member of the Alchemy Alliance? Why did you use three Jiyang woods to kill yourself on the Jianmen? The people in the alliance betrayed? I don’t know how many people have been exchanged for benefits by you after so many years.”

"Your behavior, I have spread it everywhere. It has been three days, and it is estimated that the spread is almost the same. Most alchemists should know what kind of virtue you are."

Ning Feng has not been idle for the past few days. He has spread the story of this guy and the matter of Jianmen.

Naturally, they don't want others to know about this kind of embarrassing thing, but the more they don't want it, the more they want it.

Old man Xing looked at Mu Lao in horror, "Mu Lao, this guy is completely slandering."

"Don't be nervous." Mu Lao waved his hand, looked at him and said, "At that time, I will give you a clarification from the elders. If there is no elders, no one will believe it."

Old man Xing finally felt relieved. Although this spread will indeed affect his reputation, a direct clarification will be more effective than his words.

The prestige of the group of elders in everyone's mind is quite great.

"Boy, what can you do even if you do this? As long as there is a regulation from the elders, all your actions will be in vain." He was very proud, as long as he mastered Mu Lao's thigh, he was basically invincible landed.

Mu Lao also looked at Ning Feng with a smile. If this guy is smart, he should get out as soon as he sees him.Isn't it self-defeating to stay here?

But Ning Feng didn't seem to want to leave?Isn't your identity obvious enough?Or is this guy just too stupid?
Of course Ning Feng was not stupid, nor was he not being obvious enough.He didn't go because he wasn't afraid!
Facing old man Xing's pride, Ning Feng didn't say anything, at least with an intriguing smile, he took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and threw it towards old man Xing in a ball.

"Open your old dog eyes and see."

Old man Xing was very angry at Ning Feng's insulting words, but he didn't dare to do anything, because he was not Ning Feng's opponent at all, and he didn't react at all after taking a look at Mu Lao.

He had no choice but to pick up the piece of paper and read the content on it.

"See what kind of idea you have, no matter what tricks you play, I can find a way..." He couldn't continue, thinking that this matter had firmly stood on the moral high ground.

But after seeing this piece of paper, he was a little shaken.

His hands began to tremble uncontrollably, because this piece of paper had already ruined his reputation, and he would face more people's spurning.Even if he was killed, others would applaud Ning Feng.

Seeing that Old Man Xing's behavior was not right, Mu Lao hurriedly took the paper.You don't need to look at the content, just look at the bottom seal to know where the horror is.

"You're not giving me a way out—" old man Xing roared, gnashing his teeth.

"Yes, I just didn't give you a way to live. Didn't you also give me a way to live? Don't you say you have an excuse? Even if you die here today, you will get nothing but spittle. Now you still think your clarification regulations are useful ?"

Ning Feng said proudly.

He sent it in the name of the elders group before, and there is basically no room for this matter to be returned.Because Ning Feng had already taken the lead, he told the whole story, and in the end it was stamped with the seal of a member of the elders.

Could it be that there is a group of elders behind him?

Mr. Mu didn't expect that things would be so complicated, and that this guy would take the lead.

But as long as his identity is here, it is impossible for Ning Feng to win.

He absolutely did not dare to do anything in front of him, let alone do it to himself.Because it was a taboo thing, old man Xing's reputation was completely ruined, but he had to save his life.

Otherwise, with so many people following me, how can I rest assured in the future?
The Alchemy Alliance has been formed for such a long time, and there are naturally various forces intertwined in it, and my power is accumulated by relying on these people.

Besides, with this identity, it shouldn't be difficult to keep him.

He could hit him, but he couldn't move himself.

"Boy, you are very smart. Although I don't know who your backstage is, you can stop here today." Mu Lao said with cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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