Chapter 924
The news was like waves, spreading from the front to the back one after another.Everyone was in shock.

"Integrated with just one phone call? Isn't that too powerful? What is the background of our Palace Master?"

"Yeah, how could this happen? It was just a phone call, and the people from Lingcang Palace returned."

"This really impresses me, his hidden power is frightening."

The disciples felt that Ning Feng was amazing, as if he was here to solve this kind of thing, to solve this kind of problem.

"Lao Jiang?"

The Tiankui generals are stupid, it's simple.

They are quite familiar with Lao Jiang. Lao Jiang is the chief general of Lingcang Palace, but his strength has dropped a lot since he experienced that incident.

But where there is Lao Jiang, there is that one, the strongest master of Lingcang Palace——Xu Jiao!
The strength of these two people is the most influential two in Lingcang Palace.

Among the Sea Shark Palaces, Lingcang Palace is the only one that can compete with Guhua Palace.The strengths of the other palaces are quite different. There are a total of four Tiankui generals in Lingcang Palace.

As for the other palaces, it is estimated that there are only one or two Tiankui generals.

If he subdued half of the power of Lingcang Palace in one go, it would not be easy for the Palace Master.

Geng Chong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ning Feng and said decisively: "The Palace Master is amazing, Geng Chong admires it."

Ning Feng made a casual move, saying that he would not care about this matter.

Then he stood on the stage and shouted to the disciples below: "Today, I, Ning Feng, became the lord of the Sea Shark Palace, so I naturally led everyone to rise. From then on, we will not lack money, nor medicine pills." , as long as they can perform meritorious service, they will be rewarded."

Feng Aiguo stood up at the right time, and said to the people below: "This is the one who sponsored us before. He has a lot of money. At the same time, he is also a fifth-grade pharmacist. For him, all kinds of elixirs are just at his fingertips." .”


Everyone didn't know that Ning Feng still had this identity, and they were shocked for a while. It must be much more convenient to have a palace master who is a pharmacist.

Thinking about those elixirs makes people jealous, and he is now at the fifth rank. In time, what realm will he reach?
Ning Feng looked at them with a smile, and decided to give them another boost.He glanced at Senior Brother Lu, and then said to him, "Give me your sword."

Brother Lu was stunned for a moment, and although he was puzzled, he still handed over his sword to him.That sword was originally an ordinary sword, not even an ordinary spiritual weapon.

"What attribute do you like?" Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said.

Senior Brother Lu didn't understand what Ning Feng said, so he could only answer: "My spiritual power is on the cold side."

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth smiled slightly, and then directly dipped a little material from his ring, and directly outlined it on the sword.

"What is this for? What is the Palace Master thinking? What is he doing with the sword?"

"I don't understand either, what are you doing so smeared?"

"If you don't understand, let's take a look. I guess we'll know what to do in a while."

Ordinary disciples naturally don't know what this is, but the Tiankui generals do.

The way they looked at Ning Feng became different. How much did this palace lord surprise them?His current method is obviously the method of refining weapons.

The status of a craftsman is no less than that of a pharmacist.

If he had two identities in one person, his identities would be too noble to bear.

Everyone stared at the boss, and all looked at Ning Feng cautiously.From time to time, they had to look at each other, all of them were surprised.

If it is true, they can really pick up the treasure.

I saw Ning Feng smearing some things on the sword casually, and then wiping it casually with his hand, after which the mental power was sprayed thinly.

Signaled Senior Brother Lu to take his hand over.

He directly took out a drop of his blood, and then shaped a blood mark, which was directly engraved on the hilt of the sword.

"This is a meeting gift for you." Ning Feng handed him the sword directly.

"Zhongpin..." His voice was trembling, and the sword in front of him turned out to be a Zhongpin's spiritual weapon.

It was processed by Ning Feng just now, and the ordinary sword was actually processed into a middle-grade spiritual weapon.

"Thank you, Palace Master!"

He knelt directly on the ground, kneeling so hard that it hurt even thinking about it.You must know that since the destruction of the Sea Shark Palace, they can no longer use spiritual weapons, and can only use this ordinary weapon.

The gap between ordinary weapons and spiritual weapons is much larger.

Ning Feng waved his hand casually, "Work hard in the future, I have inexhaustible wealth here."

Senior Brother Lu took the sword and waved it casually twice, and as he swung it, the surrounding area felt cold.At least twice as strong as before.

Suddenly there was a burst of power, and then a tree under the stage was frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Ha ha……"

He couldn't help it.

But his arrogant appearance is very annoying.

"Go!" Ning Feng kicked him out. This kick was so clever that it could pass through his sword net and land on his ass.

"Damn, who told you to play around here, you don't have to pay for destroying trees?" Ning Feng roared.

Brother Lu also found that Ning Feng was not only so powerful, but also his strength seemed to be not bad, he could directly kick his ass in such a situation.

He really respected Ning Feng.

The strength of this Palace Master is unfathomable.


"If you know you're wrong, get out!" Ning Feng had subdued this guy. As the leader of his disciples, things would be much easier after subduing him.

Seeing the envy of the people below, Ning Feng smiled and said to the people below: "Are you jealous?"


I don't know which guy yelled in the crowd.


Then all of a sudden everyone roared together.

Looking at the situation, Ning Feng was very satisfied, and said to them, "You're jealous, right? I have plenty of these things, but I won't give them to you for nothing. If you want them, give me credit for them!"

"The road to the rise of our Sea Shark Palace is ahead, and there must be opportunities for you to make contributions."

He finished chanting some provocative and boring slogans, and then disbanded.

After everyone left, Feng Aiguo saluted Ning Feng very respectfully: "Palace Master."


"Do you have something to do by doing this?" He also saw that there was no need for Ning Feng to show such a strong strength today.

He must have made some big moves in doing so.

Ning Feng smiled at him, "Let's go to the conference hall and make a plan. I have a chance to rise."

(End of this chapter)

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