Chapter 935 Your Luoshui Sword

Ning Feng also saw how proud they were, and handed them the two pills in his hand.

"These two panaceas are entrusted to you." Ning Feng said with a smile: "I hope your strength can be further improved!"

"Thank you, Palace Master."

The two said to Ning Feng excitedly, seeing that everyone around them had broken through to the Golden Core realm.They are still quite anxious, as it is difficult for them to break through with their own strength.

After all, I have been at this bottleneck for such a long time, and without the help of external forces, this breakthrough time will be even longer.

Originally, the two expressed regret for not participating in the siege of Jianmen this time, because if they didn't participate, they would have no credit, and naturally there would be no gains.

I didn't expect that now the will will be bright, and the palace lord will give two extra rewards.This matter couldn't be better. It seems that there is only a one-foot gap between Jindan Stage and Ningling Peak, but the gap is much larger.

One realm and one heaven.

Unless it is a perverted person like Ning Feng, who has countless perverted hole cards, it is impossible to leapfrog to kill people.

Although Ning Feng's current strength is only in the state of distraction, his martial arts and mental strength are not what a person in the state of distraction should have at all.

To put it simply, his realm is not worthy of his strength.

"This is a battle for our survival, everyone, work hard!" Ning Feng stood up and said, "I guess they have been acting for a few days, and you have three days to improve your strength."


The current popularity is quite strong, as long as one of these two can break through to the Golden Core realm, that strength will be a qualitative leap.

A person in the Golden Core realm is equivalent to several existences at the peak of Congealing Spirit.

"Go back and get ready."

Ning Feng asked them to retreat.

Feng Aiguo and Jia Sicuo looked at the people around Ning Feng with a smile.They felt that the one next to him was a woman, and she was a good-looking woman.

It seems that the relationship between the two is suspected.

After all the people had left, Ning Feng gave up his large seat and motioned her to sit down.

Shen Zhitao sat down in a daze, then looked at Ning Feng blankly and said, "Your strength has reached this level? This is too powerful."

"The idea of ​​the seven sects before was that each sect would have one person in the condensed spirit realm intend to destroy you."

"Thinking about it now, they are simply delusional."

Ning Feng sighed and said, "If it wasn't for the involvement of Shangsimen, I wouldn't have spent so much effort. If Shangsimen had to make a move, it would definitely not be that simple."

"I show my strength to you in this way, just to tell you, don't do anything that is cold-blooded."

"I see." Shen Zhitao was also taken aback for a moment, she also knew why Ning Feng showed off his muscles, but there were indeed such things in Luoshui Island.

Fortunately, I came here once this time. Otherwise, if I found that something was wrong, if the sect turned against the water, the consequences would be really dire.

At that time, I was caught off guard.

"I will go back and explain to the island owner." Shen Zhitao said very solemnly.

"I still believe in you." Ning Feng said to her: "You must not come that day. It will definitely not be too peaceful here. The sword has no eyes, and it will not be good if you are hurt."

"My strength is great." Shen Zhitao sighed, Ning Feng still knows how to care about himself, which is not bad.

"When I came to you this time, the first thing I did was to tell you about the current situation. The most important thing is to see you as a heartless person." Shen Zhitao said, "Stop talking about work."

"Eh..." Ning Feng was very embarrassed, he really hadn't contacted him. "How are you practicing with your master?"

"It's not bad." She said proudly, "I've mastered the Luoshui sword, isn't it pretty good?" When she spoke, her face was full of complacency.

It's like a little woman who is showing off to her boyfriend. She just learned a technique and can't wait to show it to him.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, and said to her, "You do it, I'll take a look. If your strength passes the test, I can let you watch my demeanor that day."

"Then let you see."

She floated down in the middle of the room, then took out a sword and began to swing it. The way she danced the sword was quite beautiful.Every move has a sense of ethereal beauty, like a twisting water snake.

It fell into Ning Feng's eyes with great satisfaction.

"Luo Shui condenses light!"

She drank lightly, and then stabbed forward very proudly.Although she could feel a decent amount of power, she didn't see any light at the tip of her sword.

It proves that her strength is still lacking.

"and many more!"

She was about to move on to the next move, but Ning Feng said to her: "There is something wrong with your move. You come to attack me."

"Attack you? Will you get hurt?" Shen Zhitao said.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "Don't worry, you can't hurt me, just attack with all your strength."

"Then I won't be polite." Shen Zhitao took the sword and killed Ning Feng. After a while, the tip of the sword straightened up and stabbed towards Ning Feng's shoulder with a concentrated point.

It seems that she was reluctant to make a move, and even avoided the vital point.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she sees the flaws of this trick is enough.

Ning Feng took a step forward, and then quickly rushed towards her sword with his fingertips.


Almost instantly, Ning Feng clamped her sword.

"What?" Shen Zhitao was surprised after seeing it, why is this happening?Was caught?What a power it must be.

"It's not that I have great strength, but that your sword is wrong. The strength is not concentrated at all, so it is easy for people to find shortcomings."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he gently took the sword from her hand, and then danced directly.

The sword light flashed and stabbed at her.

She could clearly see that there was such a small spot of light above the tip of the sword, and the blade was actually changing.This is the real Luo Shui Ningguang, who didn't practice all the time before?

Just a foot away from her eyes, the sword stopped, and the sword energy on it dissipated.

"This is the real Luoshui Ningguang." Ning Feng withdrew his sword and said calmly.

"How did you know this trick? This is the secret of our Luoshui Island." She said in surprise, not only did he use it, but it was even better than what she used.

Just so weird.

"I said that I am a martial arts genius, and I can tell at a glance, do you believe me?" Ning Feng smiled.

"Believe it!" Shen Zhitao said with a sweet smile.

(End of this chapter)

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