Chapter 615 Beauty is like jade, equal to all beings

"Bold, dare to blaspheme Bodhisattva, unforgivable!"

After a brief shock, the monks on Li Jiancheng's side immediately froze and surrounded the pit to guard the Bodhisattva inside.

At the same time, each one's pupils were red and their beards were furious, wanting to smash that hateful scholar in mid-air into pieces, wishing he could eat his flesh raw.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is a symbol of compassion and wisdom in Buddhism. It has a great wish of equality and selflessness. It is said that when all living beings encounter any difficulties and pains, if they can sincerely call Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, they will be rescued by Bodhisattva. In orthodox Buddhism It has always had a very high status, and it is said that it is the successor of Amitabha Buddha.

How could such a holy Bodhisattva, how could, how could he bear to be so blasphemous, driving him into the mortal world in front of all living beings?

For the honor of a bodhisattva, it is like a collapse of the sky.

Back then when Tathagata fought Qin Changfeng, it was just a matter of point and ending with a draw. Although he lost a little face, he didn't really fall into the mortal world.

What happened to Guanyin today can be said to be catastrophic.

Facing the wrath of the monks, the River God in mid-air slowly, slowly... said warmly in a dying voice: "You guys are so loud, do you regret it too? Since you are so honest, then I will give you the last lottery regret."

Even if they are all manifested with real and fake power, there must be a difference in power, and the colorful nine-turn sky wheel is obviously the most real, that is, the one with the strongest power.

After landing, the entire area around the deep pit was immediately filled with nine-colored divine light. Because it was so strong, it even burned the void, forming a boiling dense atmosphere.

The nine powers of earth, water, fire, wind, devil, witch, Buddha, and Tao are raging at the same time. Even without any rules and coordination, the explosion caused by a simple collision with each other is enough to destroy the world, because it is also mixed with the power of fate.

This blow, not to mention the Xuanwu Gate, completely razed a third of the imperial city to the ground!
After Li Shimin ascended the throne, the history books of this world recorded: In the ninth year of Wude, the former prince Li Jiancheng and the king of Qi had a fornication in the palace. The gods were moved, and the gods and men came to punish the crimes of chaos, and punished 380 seven people who were the chief criminals and their accomplices.

The practitioners around the deep pit, including Li Jiancheng, were all wiped out with one blow.

This body of destiny is far from being a true immortal, but it is also enough to be called a god, and the gap between a god and a mortal will always be like an abyss.

The only one who survived was Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who had half his life left. The Bodhisattvas in this world are as strong as ordinary military lords.

"Young King Qin, the world is beautiful, I hope you can make it even better."

The God of the River lifted the dying Guanyin Bodhisattva from the ground, then smiled at Li Shimin and issued earnest instructions.

"Senior, don't worry, Shi Ming will not let anyone down!"

Li Shimin said in a deep voice, the stains on him now can only be washed away by creating a peaceful and prosperous world, otherwise he will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

The God of the River looked at Shi Feixuan again, and said, "Feixuan, your mission has been completed, return to Jingzhai as soon as possible."

Shi Feixuan had already suppressed the backlash injury in her body, and said with a smile: "Feixuan understands, thank you senior for reminding me."

"Well, let's work hard together, life is so beautiful, everyone needs to work hard to move towards their dreams..."

The River God flew into the sky chattering, looking like he was about to get out of the way.

Suddenly, the clouds rolled in the sky, as if something was brewing, and a great pressure loomed.

At this time, a large hole in the shape of an eye suddenly appeared in the midair, and at the same time, five rays of light floated from it, flying directly into the sky, not only domineeringly pushing away a piece of cloud, leaving a corridor, but also condensing into four sparkling lights. Big characters - willing to gamble and admit defeat!
Undoubtedly, this was a 100% Qin Changfeng-style warning, and it was self-evident who the target of the warning was.


Avalokitesvara's defeat and even capture were obviously beyond Tathagata's original calculations. The sissy river god is so weird that not only can't be snooped out by any means, but also whether it has anything to do with Qin Changfeng's body. It is difficult to judge.

There was dead silence between heaven and earth, especially Li Shimin's heart trembled. It was obvious that the two giants were fighting again. Once they fought, it would be a catastrophe. It was hard to say whether the entire Chang'an city could survive. .

Fortunately, in the end, the clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the pressure also disappeared.

It seems that Tathagata has other plans. It seems that after meeting an opponent who can be tough with him, he is not used to this way of fighting, or is he playing a bigger game of chess?
Who knows, Qin Changfeng himself on Dita Peak shrugged his shoulders, expressing that he didn't care at all.

He is strong by him, he is strong by him, I am stronger than him, and more violent than him!
In the final analysis, isn't it more insidious and shameless than anyone else?

Counseling for a second counts as my loss!

"True Venerable, this disciple has something to ask for." When the dust of the battle settled and the light curtain disappeared, Liu Ruyan said suddenly.

"Say!" Qin Changfeng didn't open his eyes. In fact, he is already doing the preliminary cultivation of Yuanshen. "Have you had early menopause? Mother-in-law's."

Liu Ruyan didn't dare to argue, she lowered her head and lowered her eyes, and said, "This disciple hopes to pass on the position of head of Jingzhai to someone else, so that I can stay with Zhenzun forever and concentrate on serving and practicing."

"Why, don't you treat yourself well?" Qin Changfeng asked casually. In fact, he would not care about such trivial matters, but he asked slightly, showing a little respect.

Liu Ruyan looked up at him, her bright eyes were like water, and she said: "I have figured it out, if you don't live forever, no matter how beautiful things are, they are just dreams."

"Hey! I really can't stand you mortals, and I don't know what's so good about longevity, so I begged for it one by one, especially you women, who live for a long time and stay alone in the empty boudoir, knowing that it's painful to burn your body have no idea?"

Qin Changfeng groaned disdainfully in the tone of someone who had come here, and only left Liu Ruyan speechless, blushing, neither leaving nor staying.

"Okay, I promise you, let's arrange it myself." Master Zhenzun waved his hand generously, and finally agreed, but he never opened his eyes. Such a trivial matter is enough to make him look straight.

"Yes, Ruyan thanked the True Venerable."

Liu Ruyan saluted respectfully, then moved lightly with lotus steps, and left with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. She was wearing a purple veil skirt, exuding a mature atmosphere, and her black hair flowed down like black jade, showing a delicate and charming look. Her delicate dimple, a kind of dignified and strange sensuality, flowed gracefully from between her eyebrows and eyes.

However, when she turned her back and left, the indescribable complexity appeared in her eyes again, and even a little more melancholy than last time.

What is she worrying about...

The biggest regret in life is that beauty is like jade, but no one appreciates it?
Or is it that she has changed from a widow who was almost frozen to death to a noble practitioner, and even a winner in life who hopes to seek longevity, but also has unknown troubles?
In fact, no matter whether it is demons, ghosts or human beings, gods and Buddhas, they all have different afflictions.

It's just that some can be tolerated, while others are even more unacceptable than death.

At this time, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is facing such a situation.

"Monster, what exactly do you want?"

Being sealed and imprisoned in a cave, the Bodhisattva is not much different from ordinary prisoners at this moment. Even though he still maintains the dignity and aura of the Bodhisattva, fear has also been born in his heart.

"Dear Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, I want you to fulfill your great vow—all beings are equal."

In the slightly dim cave, the river god said with a spring breeze, "Think about it, only immortals and Buddhas have been able to take monsters as mounts, or kill them secretly to satisfy their appetites, or use them to satisfy their appetites." The Qi and blood and inner alchemy practice, but no monster has done this to the immortal Buddha, what kind of equality is this?"

"Also, reproduction is the most basic right of life, and every living being should have it. Ordinary people can marry men and women, but gods and Buddhas can't, and those who love each other will be separated. It's really cruel, so for gods and Buddhas It's too unfair, so I want Bodhisattva to show the world what is true equality of all beings."

After listening to this long speech, Guanyin suddenly felt a chill rushing from the back to the top of the head, not because of the coldness in the other lady's voice, but because of the shock when the catastrophe fell.

"You...what are you going to do?" Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, who rescued the suffering, was strong and calm on the surface at this moment, but seemed to be terrified inside.

"What do I want to do?"

Qin Changfeng on Dita Peak smiled faintly, "I want all living beings to be free, except for me—all are equal."

The river god in the cave smiled leisurely, "I would like to ask the Bodhisattva to follow the example of the ancestors by cutting meat to feed the eagles, and to raise monsters with his own spirit; Bodhisattva demonstrates the Dharma with his own body, and talks about an epic love with a make all living beings equal!"

"How sublime, how great, and how respectable, Bodhisattva, aren't you already a little excited?"

"Amitabha, after you die, you will go to eighteen levels of hell." Avalokitesvara folded her hands together and gave up struggling completely. She didn't blame the Tathagata, because she suddenly realized that all these sufferings and difficulties were just a scene for her. Practice, if she can achieve the right result, she will be able to prove the position of Buddha, especially unknown.

Therefore, she can readily accept everything that comes next.

River God didn't care so much, and said with a smile: "If I go to hell, the King of Hades and the evil spirits will also have to be equal."

Guanyin: "..."

At this moment, the God of the River stretched out his evil palm, pointed at Guanyin's eyebrows, cut off a third of her primordial spirit and erased all her memories, and then removed the small half of her primordial spirit and the body of the Bodhisattva. Income in a storage ring.

This was exchanged by Qin Changfeng for emergencies when he saw it in a real store. Its characteristic is that it can store living things directly.

After the River God came out of the cave, he drove a white cloud, and according to the map in his memory, he flew leisurely to the place where Zhu Gangmane was. The third of the three brothers has already met, so it's the second's turn now?


(End of this chapter)

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