Chapter 643 The Curse of the Heavenly King, the Strong Talker

The fighting arena has always been opened by the main brain out of thin air.

As the fourth largest realm of the spiritual world, Xuanxiu Realm, was in the middle of Daohai, there was a loud thunderclap, and a huge arena that looked like a small world appeared out of thin air amidst the mist, and the much-anticipated battle finally arrived.

The place where the arena will open has already been determined, so as early as a few days ago, this sea area was already full of monks. The ferocious sea beasts that originally lived here felt the terrifying breath and immediately avoided it. , not daring to get close at all, for fear of being caught and used as a mount by accident, or simply roasted and eaten.

Thousands of eyes are watching, and in front of the live broadcast of the virtual star network, there are countless trialists looking forward to it... Qin Changfeng, who is below the top, is he joking with his life, or is he really going to complete the military master? The feat of beheading the Heavenly King will have its final result immediately.


Suddenly, the sky collapsed, and a black shadow like a god and demon rushed over. It was a giant with all fours sitting on the back, with a man sitting on his back, with cold eyes and fierce aura.

The Void King is here!

And his battle pet, or mount - the giant Batu.

This giant was originally a tester, but he was defeated by Queen Xu in a battle a long time ago, and was transformed into a war servant by the latter's unknown method. The relationship with Qin Changfeng is the same, they are regarded as a whole, so they can naturally fight together in the arena, and the mastermind agrees, and no one can say anything wrong.

Moreover, it is rumored that this Batu has the bloodline of the giant royal family, the kingline of all giant races in the world, the power of the flesh bloodline is powerful, the terror is boundless, it can be called the giant king, has the fighting power of the king, and even has the opportunity to become the real king of giants in the future By!
King Xu brought him here, apparently to rule out any possibility of accidents and not give Qin Changfeng a chance to struggle.

Sitting on the giant's back, he manifested a human body, holding a white spear like crystal, like a god of nine heavens, his whole body was majestic and mighty.

"Qin Changfeng, get over here, the Witch King died so tragically, don't you want to avenge him?!"

King Xu drove the giant directly into the fighting arena, glaring at all directions, roaring towards the sky, his voice rumbled, shaking the sea below violently, and immediately set off a stormy wave, hitting the sky, the scene was extremely terrifying.

Qin Changfeng had arrived earlier, but he did not go to the arena, but disappeared in a void not far away. Apart from him, he could only follow the shopkeeper. As for Zhou Zhiruo, Piaoxu, Ade and others, they were all there. Waiting below the ring, as an upright spectator, there is no danger.

Hearing King Xu's disdainful voice, Qin Changfeng looked at the shopkeeper and asked expressionlessly: "What happened to the King Wu?"

With the shopkeeper, he smiled lightly and said: "A heavenly king on the eighth floor, but he has just been promoted not long ago, and his strength ranking is far below that of the Void King. When you were preparing for the battle, he challenged the Void King, but he was defeated by the Void King's space holy law." Peel off the skin, smash the bones one by one, and then tear the soul little by little to die."

"Is he out of his mind?"

"No, he is using his life to help you fight for the chance to win."

"What do you say?" Qin Changfeng's face remained calm, and no one could see what he was thinking.

The shopkeeper always maintained that kind of smile, "The Witch King is gifted with curses and his natal supernatural powers. Everything about him is related to curses, and his death is actually the last curse he cast with his own life." , so this curse is invisible and invisible, and no one can detect it unless the emperor inspects it at close range. The curse lasts for five days, and during this period, as long as the conditions are met, King Xu will be cursed to death immediately, and he will be killed on the spot!"

"What kind of curse is this?" Qin Changfeng suddenly opened his eyes wide, and cursed a heavenly king to death without a trace, which is really unimaginable.

"You don't need to know. In fact, you can completely forget about the existence of the curse. This is why I didn't tell you before. What you need to do is to fight the Void King according to your established thinking, and do everything possible to kill him , Destroy his physical body, as long as you do it, the battle will end! If you can't do it, you don't need to know."

"You make it difficult for me to do this, make me misunderstood, and affect my bright and stalwart image, and I think that with my current strength, there is no need to use these disgraceful methods..."

"You must!"

The shopkeeper didn't wait for him to finish, so he interrupted his words and said in a deep voice: "Until you reach that level, you will never know how big the gap is. In fact, outsiders' judgment and ridicule of you are not wrong! Why do you think you are the king of heaven?" ? King of the Great Dao! If you are now at the top level of all skills and basic abilities, you may still have a [-] to [-]% chance, but in this state, if you don’t have this curse, you will definitely lose!”

After hearing this, Qin Changfeng was not only neither surprised nor angry, but also chuckled and said, "So you prepared all of this early in the morning, the Witch King is your real killing move, and I'm just your front piece?"

Sui shopkeeper sighed: "There is no one who is the pawn, each of us is just doing what we can. Even if we die, if there is a need, I can do the same."

"You are willing, but why is the Witch King willing?" Qin Changfeng's smile became more and more obvious, and his smile was inexplicable. "He is a majestic king with an infinitely bright future. Why should he use his life as a curse?"

Contrary to Qin Changfeng, the shopkeeper became more and more calm, and said lightly: "What he owes me, what he owes Emperor Ming, he must pay it back, and he has to pay it back."

At this time, the smile on Qin Changfeng's face suddenly disappeared, and a chill appeared in his eyes, and he said coldly: "The last sentence, you have done so much and paid such a high price just to save a woman, is it worth it?"

The shopkeeper has long lost the easygoing and calmness of the past. He looked at Qin Changfeng without blinking for a moment, and then said word by word: "You have asked this question once, and this is the second time. I I don't want to hear it a third time!"

"I also hope that this kind of thing is the last time!" Qin Changfeng snorted coldly, summoned the Demon God, straddled it, and turned around to go to the battlefield. King Xu in the arena showed signs of going mad, mocking Qin Changfeng for fleeing before the battle , Be a shrinking turtle.

"Despicableness belongs to me, and glory belongs to you Qin Changfeng. The long river of time must record your unrivaled record of defeating the king of heaven as a military leader. As for the truth, this world does not need it!"

Hearing the voice from behind, Qin Changfeng smiled again. He didn't care about meanness and light. As long as he could win, let alone one curse, he would welcome three or ten curses. What he didn't like was that he I didn't know this until the last moment, and I didn't like that I was really arrogant all the time, even the shopkeeper thought that he couldn't win by himself.

Looking at his resolute back, the shopkeeper also murmured: "You still don't understand, she is not just the imperial concubine of Daoxian, in the future, whether it is me or you, maybe there will be times when she will be needed..."

"Qin Changfeng, don't you call yourself a strong man? Come here, I will tell you what a real strong man is today!"

On the arena, King Xu, who had been waiting for Qin Changfeng for a long time, yelled at the void. He was sure that Qin Changfeng must have heard it. The revenge of Feng Molesting and murder is all for Shiyuan in the bet. This kind of treasure has an irreplaceable effect on his impact on the emperor's realm!

A surge of blood was overwhelming, rushing from afar, and fell on the fighting arena in an instant, a terrifying desolate beast that the world had never seen before was exuding blood and fire, shaking the endless starry sky of the five realms of the spirit world.

Qin Changfeng's black hair was draped behind his back, his eyes were deep, and he was sitting on the back of the demon god, with the aura of law drooping around him, like an ancient god of war going out to fight. Could it be that you are the legendary strong talker?"

"Haha... When it comes to talkativeness, who can compare to you, Qin Changfeng? This king is willing to bow down, but this time, try it, can you save your life with your mouth?"

King Xu laughed loudly, flamboyantly and confidently, with an air of being the only one in the world, close to that kind of boundless conceit, as if he regarded Qin Changfeng as an ant.

Qin Changfeng raised his head, and said proudly: "Only those with a weak heart can duplicity what they say. As a truly strong person, one should be modest..."

"shut up!"

King Xu let out a loud roar, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, the void trembled with him, raised his spear and pointed at the sky, the entire small world as the arena was suddenly darkened, the sky and the earth fell into boundless darkness, only a circle that was extremely dim The full moon hangs in the sky.

But it did not bring light to the world, but endless coldness and killing intent, which made people feel frightened from the soul.

"The dark moon has no light!"

As soon as these four words came out, some of the spectators on the scene immediately shrank their pupils, revealing the color of trembling. The dark moon is one of the three methods of the sky and the sky.It is based on the law of the yin and yang, combined with natal star power and an original skill. Under normal circumstances, let alone a monarch, even if it is a king of heaven, there are many people who cannot stop it, and there is a danger of falling. It is extremely terrifying!
King Xu didn't want any accidents, and he didn't want to give Qin Changfeng any chance, so the first move was a killer move, and he made up his mind to crush Qin Changfeng, a disgusting ant, to death in the shortest possible time.

Sensing the terrifying murderous intent coming from the darkness, Qin Changfeng instantly activated the Heavenly God to descend to earth without thinking about it, and summoned the Huangquan armor to protect himself.


For a split second, only three light sounds were heard, and there was no light at all, but the triple five-element divine light outside Qin Changfeng's body was completely shattered, and then the invisible and traceless extreme yin murderous intent collided with the sea of ​​death of the Huangquan battle armor, and immediately set off an explosion. Huge waves, one flower after another of death flowers frantically swayed but could not be resolved, until finally the terrifying murderous intent came all the way to the Huangquan battle armor itself, leaving a crack on it, and it was finally neutralized.

However, the real crisis has only just begun!
(End of this chapter)

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