Chapter 645 Space Supreme
In all fairness, from this battle till now, Qin Changfeng's combat prowess has not diminished his prestige of "King of Fighting" at all.

If it is a struggle in the same realm, looking at the entire 24 towers, there are very few military leaders who can contend with it. The flying arrow that devoured the void just now made many eighth-floor testers terrified. It was blown out with one punch, but they knew that they were not King Xu, if it were them... they couldn't stop it!

Putting these aside, Qin Changfeng's ability to survive unscathed under the two attacks of King Xu Cangqiong until now is enough to make most kings far behind.

Especially that step of emptiness has amazed countless powerful people.

In fact, the mysteries of the Law of the Great Dao are there, and everyone can understand them, and then control and transform them into their own power. The power that can be displayed will also be very different.

This is related to the skill and supernatural power that carries the profound meaning of the law. The attribute and potential of the skill determine what kind of realm it can exert the corresponding profound meaning of the law. Conversely, the strength of the supernatural power determines the upper limit of the power of the law.

Take the law of truth and falsehood as an example, there are very few people who can master it, and most of the rare people's use of this method is limited to summoning real existence from nothingness to help in the battle, and they can completely create something out of nothing. Or there are very few that turn reality into fiction.

It's not that they don't want to, it's that they don't have the appropriate magical skills as a carrier, they are powerless and can't do it!

Therefore, as soon as Qin Changfeng transformed himself into an illusion, it immediately set off a huge wave in the hearts of those powerful practitioners.

Ask yourself, few people below the realm of Heavenly King think that they can be sure of winning against such Qin Changfeng, and at this time, it is only a minute or two before the battle starts, judging from the current situation , he probably still has a stronger hole card.

However, he who was already so amazing was still suppressed by King Xu, which indirectly proves how terrifying the existence of that realm is!
King Xu is only close to the list of the strongest eighteen heavenly kings, and is not really among them. It is hard to imagine how powerful those who are at the top of the list, even the emperor-level supreme beings, are. In the first battle, even the starry sky of the fantasy world was shattered.

"The sky is empty!"

Just when everyone was stunned and fell silent on the spot, King Xu pointed again at the divine spear in his right hand, and a ray of holy light rushed up to the sky, pierced through the heaven and earth, and submerged in the divine sun hanging high in the sky, which was originally created after the Destiny Dream Butterfly appeared. The slightly dim light, after gaining the power of this holy light, instantly became more powerful, and the pressure increased violently like the sky falling apart.

At this time, when the light shines again, it is not just a burning of light and heat, but as the light that suddenly changes from golden yellow to white advances, the void where it passes is smashed and collapsed inch by inch!

Qin Changfeng gasped again. Although the move from "Scorching Sun" to "Void Sun" is essentially the same move, the power of this time has not only doubled?
The reason for such a change is that in addition to the law of the sun, King Xu has opened up a second law in this supernatural power - space!
This is what he is born with, and it must be the one he has the deepest grasp and the strongest use.Just now, he blasted out the flying arrows with one punch, which proved that his attainments in space were truly unfathomable.

Qin Changfeng knew that, at least for now, he could not hold a candle to him.

Of course, when he shot that flying arrow in the void, he never thought about what he could do to King Void, it was just for verification...Since the law of the void is suppressed in front of King Void, then in the next battle, it will be true. There is no need to use it to "disgrace yourself" and waste precious opportunities.


The butterfly flapped its right wing lightly, and Qin Changfeng stepped out. The second teleportation appeared hundreds of feet away, and the distance to King Xu was even closer. At the same time, his body returned to reality. It shines forward, but the target is not Void King, but the giant Batu he is sitting on!

King Xu is naturally the real target, but if you want to defeat him, this giant is an insurmountable hurdle. Based on the information you have already obtained, you have deduced the results countless times in the infinite battle environment - if you want to kill King Xu, you must first Kill this giant!
The bloodstain of the flower of death appeared on his body, and the giant king Batu immediately felt his blood boil, tearing his blood vessels crazily, and he couldn't help roaring in pain. At the same time, the seeds of death had been planted in his body, crazily devouring life, and then took root Sprout, a terrifying flower of death, grows in flesh and blood...

During the first battle with Peng Jiu, most people knew that Qin Changfeng's gaze turned the tide of the battle and severely injured the arrogant of the fairy kingdom, but they didn't know the real situation, even King Xu didn't take a closer look.

At this time, after being stared at by the eyes of the god of death, he immediately sensed the power of this purpose from the servant... The rushing blood Batu, as a giant strengthened by pure flesh, can resist and even suppress it, but the blood in his body The flower of death made his hair stand on end. When the flower really blooms, he will surely die!
The power doubles every second. It is no exaggeration to say that even if it has not reached the top level of proficiency, this type of death gaze still has infinite possibilities. It is not an exaggeration to say that it has the greatest potential. One sentence is enough to describe it—— Given enough time for Qin Changfeng, he could stare to death even the Supreme Emperor.

"It is indeed very strong, but your realm is too low!"

The admiration in King Xu's eyes flashed away, and he stretched out his left hand to press Batu with a sneer, only to see that after his palm touched the skin of the giant's back, it was as if it had touched the surface of water. There were rippling ripples, and then his palm was inserted into the giant's chest from behind.

This was originally a terrible and bloody thing, but at this time the giant did not have any unusual reaction, and there was no blood flowing out of that place, as if the place where the palm was inserted had never suffered any harm.

Seeing this scene, everyone watching the battle from all sides of the arena widened their eyes, showing expressions of disbelief—the king of Xu actually used the profound meaning of space to shuttle his palm through the void and directly insert it into the giant's body!

You must know that it is not difficult to teleport and shuttle in the void and empty space. As long as you have mastered some of the profound meanings of space, you don’t even need to condense the original source. Because life is not a dead thing, the internal space forms a small world by itself, and it is integrated with the physical body. In short, the physical body is like a natural internal space barrier.

It is almost impossible to enter the internal space without breaking the barrier, not to mention that the target has not suffered any damage, if it is not for the control of the void, it is absolutely impossible to do so.

Because of the legend, it is impossible to travel through ordinary parallel spaces. It is only possible to enter the world of low latitudes from a higher dimension.

This is like a person in the three-dimensional world, who can become a painter and change, add or erase anything from the perspective of God on the two-dimensional world.

Therefore, if a person enters the four-dimensional world, he can also become a doctor, who can do whatever he wants with a scalpel in the three-dimensional world!

Dimension is the highest mystery of space! !

Soon, King Xu's palm withdrew from the giant Batu's body, and when it emerged from the water-like space ripples, people found that there was a strange grass in his hand, which was transformed into something, neither blood nor flesh. It's not energy, it's hard to guess, but it has a terrible aura of disaster, which makes people outside the ring feel like they're dying!
King Xu crushed the grass of death grabbed out of Batu's body. Others didn't know what was going on with the grass of death, but Qin Changfeng knew it well, so he was even more shocked at this moment .

One thing is not difficult to guess - since King Xu can help him grab the grass of death directly from Batu's body, he can also attack directly from the enemy's body, and destruction is always much easier than saving people!

This can't help but make people feel horrified, because almost all monks' defenses are based on external strength. No matter the armor armor or the powerful physical body, they block the damage directly from the outside. Relatively speaking, the inside of the body must be strong. The most vulnerable, the internal organs are not so fatal to the existence of high realms, but what about the natal star soul in the dantian, or the divine soul in the sea of ​​consciousness?

The consequences are only four words - unimaginable!
Seemingly seeing Qin Changfeng's palpitations, King Xu raised his right spear for the fourth time while watching with a sneer.

"Ten Fangs of the Moon!"

After the words fell, the sky and the earth were once again fearfully silent, and next to the virtual sun and Shenyang, a completely black moon emerged, quietly and silently, one black and one white juxtaposed with the Shenyang in the sky.

Besides, the appearance of this round of Youyue seems to have no other changes. If you really want to study it carefully, it may be that for a moment, Qin Changfeng felt a weak and non-existent wind like a breath blowing heart disaster. Pass.

But at the next moment, Qin Changfeng's face suddenly turned pale, and at the same time, a mouthful of scarlet blood spewed out. He was still injured after fighting until now!
And it wasn't a minor injury, the weak wind didn't blow over the surface of the body, but directly into the body! !

At this moment, his internal organs were all injured, with dense cracks, almost dismembered.The thing he was worried about happened—Xu Wang could really launch an attack directly from the enemy's body. This style of Youyue Shifang is the combination of the two laws of void and Taiyin, and then directly tear the space in the enemy's body from a high latitude. A fatal blow.

Ten directions do not refer to the directions of up, down, left, and right, but above all, nowhere to avoid, and everywhere!

(End of this chapter)

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