Chapter 653

How much is [-] million top-grade spirit stones multiplied a hundred times?

100 billion!

This is only part of the spoils won by Tian Xingzong through gambling. Even if these spirit stones are transformed into the highest-level fairy crystals, they will cost 1 million yuan. hundreds of them.

How to use this wealth is really a distressing thing.

In order to lighten Elizabeth's burden, Qin Changfeng came up with an idea - he made a rain of spirit stones rain on all the cultivation planets in the Tianxing Starfield, and it lasted for three days!
The euphemistic name is universal joy.

Of course, even such a prodigal act would only reduce those spirit stones by a small amount. Qin Changfeng was very worried, for fear that the beautiful Moon Palace Master would get wrinkled because of this.

Fortunately, he was saved by an item mailed from the shopkeeper.

Mustard Star is not only the name of a magic weapon, but also its refining method. It is indeed the refining method of the starry sky battle castle, one of the victory rewards promised to him by the shopkeeper.

The principle is to use special means to burn the starry sky, surround a whole star, or even a star field with patterns, and then separate it from the big field to become a small world that can be changed in size at will.

Its core principle is the four words "mustard seed Sumeru" that are often said among practitioners. Mustard seeds as small as floating dust can hold the huge Mount Sumeru, which is a very high method of using the power of space.

In fact, to put it simply, this is basically the same as the principle of storage space, but the limit is far from it.

After all, a star or even a star field is so huge, not to mention incorporating it into a mustard seed, even if it is only reduced to the size of a meteorite, it is extremely difficult, let alone how terrifying the energy and resources it needs to consume, just the things involved Space mysteries are not something ordinary monks can grasp.

Therefore, if Qin Changfeng wanted to truly realize this plan, he had to first cultivate a group of superb formation masters and monks who had mastered the laws of space.

Of course, monks can be cultivated slowly, and this plan has never been completed in a short while, as long as Qin Changfeng can consume the spirit stone continuously and quickly, he will be satisfied.

After all, as a strong man with noble integrity, he despises these Adu things the most. If there are gossips saying that he is the king of fighting, the Kingdom of God will be amazed that he is a miser. How can he face others?
At the same time, the Space Shiyuan, which was also in the promise, was sent along with the shopkeeper.

Logically, he should have met Qin Changfeng, but Qin Changfeng hadn't seen him since the battle was over, but it's not hard to guess where he went - nine times out of ten, he went to pick him up. The imperial concubine of a Taoist immortal.

The source of space is the source crystal of law condensed after the Supreme Immortal Emperor created his own unique No. 11 complete mysteries on top of the [-]% space mysteries possessed by the great universe.

The importance of this object to practitioners cannot be overstated. In the hands of ordinary monks, it can greatly help comprehend the mysteries of the law of space. In the hands of the Supreme Heavenly King, it may even become the key to open the door of the emperor!
Holding this supreme treasure that is both simple and mysterious, sometimes radiant, sometimes divine like ordinary crystal, various thoughts emerged in Qin Changfeng's mind:

This kind of thing can be obtained, what kind of existence are the shopkeepers of the Divine Kingdom Chamber of Commerce, and is every shopkeeper so powerful?
Everything under the control of the 24 trial towers is collectively called the Kingdom of God, which confronts the Kingdom of Immortals, so what is the relationship between them?
And... Where did these origins come from? Since they exist, it means that there has been a supreme immortal emperor in the world. Is he alone or several, alive or dead...

"My lord, Lu Bo has brought his precious dog left."

Just as Qin Changfeng was contemplating, a tall beauty in an elegant cheongsam walked over, with slightly curly golden hair reaching her waist and hips. Who else could it be if Qin Changfeng was worried about Elizabeth, the lord of the Moon Palace.

It's just that she obviously didn't worry about how to spend money like Qin Changfeng was worried about. She walked over with a smile, and her uneven body was tightly bound by the moon-white cheongsam, outlining the devil's curves with protruding fronts and backs. The costume was mentioned by Qin Changfeng inadvertently, and then she asked someone to make it, and then it gradually became popular in the entire Tiangong.

Since it became popular from several palace masters, it is called palace robe instead of cheongsam. Unknowingly, the suzerain has also become a fashion guru.

"Let them come over."

Qin Changfeng had promised to help the poor dog to see a doctor, so naturally he couldn't break his promise and lose weight.

Elizabeth turned around and walked away. With a soft rattling sound, the crystal heels hit the warm jade floor, and the Moon Palace Master moved lightly in lotus steps. The slender snow-white legs were faintly visible in the gap between the slits almost reaching the waist and abdomen. It is the transparent stockings wrapped on it, enough to evoke infinite reverie.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

After a while, the old man and the idiot walked in, bowed down and saluted immediately, only dared to take a peek at Qin Changfeng, but as for the unparalleled beauty of the palace lord beside him, he didn't even dare to look at him, for fear of offending him. What a disrespect.

"come over."

Qin Changfeng beckoned, let Gou Sheng come to him, and then pointed at the center of his eyebrows, scanning his entire body carefully from top to bottom, from the outside to the inside with his spiritual sense, not letting go of any corner, Even a strand of hair.

In fact, before this, the masters of the Tianxingzong, who were ranked first, basically helped the child to see it, and even Lu Bo begged several palace masters to do it himself, but in the end, they only found that there seemed to be some kind of engulfment in the child. The strange things of essence, blood and life, but they didn't really find out what they were, so they could only treat them as invisible curses in the end.

The first time, Qin Changfeng didn't find the reason, and the answer he got was similar to the others, but unbelieving, he sent out various laws and fluctuations to sense again and again, and finally let out a surprise on the fourth time.

Seeing this change, Lu Bo who was waiting anxiously at the side immediately asked in surprise: "Did the suzerain find out?"

Qin Changfeng glanced at him and shook his head seriously, "No, I sensed that a guest is coming."

Lu Bo was speechless, and even Elizabeth blinked her eyelashes with a helpless smile on her face.

At this time, two white lights fell from the void, and then a man and a woman walked out. The man was following the shopkeeper. In fact, although he has the ability to teleport freely in various domains of the spirit world, he wants to be so smooth in the Tian Xing star domain. It also has to be approved by Qin Changfeng in advance, after all, this is his legitimate fiefdom.

As for the woman, before she walked out of the white light, a voice came out, "I can't do anything to amaze the Kingdom of God, how about showing me?"

As the words faded away, people gradually saw the woman's true face clearly. In an instant, before they had time to think about how she knew what happened here in advance, almost all the people present stood on the spot in a daze.

An apricot-yellow palace gauze dress is woven with unknown silk threads. The skirt is more than ten heavy, and it looks like a cicada's wings are light. Each of the bright wrists is wearing a mysterious bracelet. The jade fingers are bright white and the hair is like a waterfall. , the crested hairpin inserted obliquely above the round and jade-like ears is simple and elegant.

She raised her head like a swan, and without waiting for anyone's response, she came to Gou Sheng on her own, brushed Qin Changfeng's fingers away, and pointed at herself, everything was so natural, as if It's like coming to my own home.

Under the gauze skirt, the plump body looks exquisite and eminently attractive, and the cold and noble expression suddenly suppresses this charming aura, turning it into an unattainable glamorous beauty, like a peony blooming in the Nine Heavens Immortal Pool, Graceful and charming, but so expensive that people dare not even look directly at it.

"I see……"

After a while, the woman murmured.

The old man Lu Bo became excited again. Although he didn't know who this great god was, he could tell from her extraordinary aura that she was absolutely extraordinary. Maybe she could really help his son lift the curse, but he knew his identity Not enough, so he didn't dare to speak out casually, but looked at his suzerain as if asking for help.

As for the identity of this woman, Qin Changfeng naturally had some guesses in his mind, but he couldn't take it for granted, so he looked at the shopkeeper with his eyes open and asked, but the latter didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Smart people don't need to say much, everything is understood with a single action, Qin Changfeng secretly took a deep breath, this woman... really is the Dao Immortal Emperor Concubine he saved by fighting with his life!

At the same time, Qin Changfeng fell into deep thought after seeing her muttering to herself, so Qin Changfeng had no choice but to ask, "I don't know what the imperial concubine saw in this child?"

It seemed that she was unhappy because her thoughts were interrupted, so the imperial concubine looked at Qin Changfeng with phoenix eyes, frowned and said: "You are also the master of a sect anyway, why do you speak so vulgarly?"

Qin Changfeng was speechless. After all, it is better to respect her benefactor's wife, so he followed her idea and said in another way: "Dare to ask the imperial concubine, what disease is this son suffering from?"

"That's what it looks like."

The imperial concubine nodded in satisfaction, suddenly Yudi smiled slightly, looked at Qin Changfeng with a benevolent look, and said, "Feng'er, have you heard of the ancient seven ways?"

After the words fell, the scene was completely silent, let alone what the ancient seven ways are, just the name "Feng'er" made everyone Sparta.

All eyes fell on Qin Changfeng involuntarily, including Elizabeth, who had always been obedient to him, couldn't help revealing a lot of surprise and curiosity at this moment——Dare to ask my husband and this woman known as the imperial concubine What is the relationship?
The title "son", if it is not for someone who is extremely close, it is absolutely impossible to appear!

Qin Changfeng was speechless, feeling that he was more wronged than Dou E. If you ask me, who should I ask?

Just at this moment, Piaoxu and Zhou Zhiruo came together, and judging from their expressions, they knew that they must have heard what they said before.

(End of this chapter)

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