Chapter 661 An Lan's Death
Everyone was stunned, An Lan was injured and suppressed by a magical power.

Compared with the tomb in the mirror, the tower of the burial mausoleum is powerful because it can directly collect enemies into the tower. Those strong men who were killed by Qin Changfeng and buried in the tower will be revived with the power of virtual reality in the tower. You can directly attack and kill the target in the tower.

In other words, as long as he was still in the funeral tower, An Lan was fighting the living King Xu.

Even, at this moment, King Xu in the ninth floor tower is far stronger than when he was alive.

Because he is essentially Qin Changfeng's supernatural power, he is also blessed with the law and tidal state of Qin Changfeng's body, and every hit has a critical hit ranging from three to ten times.

In addition, it was the reincarnation Qin Changfeng who sacrificed such a disaster, so that when he was summoned from under the tombstone, he already had a fighting power that surpassed that of ordinary immortals, so the supernatural power broke out, and An Lan was killed in one blow. suffered the greatest trauma since the war began.

Of course, this attack is the method of this life performed by the reincarnated body with the power of another life. In the final analysis, this powerful form of another evolution of burying the plague in the ground is Qin Changfeng himself. .

The battle with King Xu that day was thrilling. It can be said that Qin Changfeng tried his best to fight until he was exhausted. Only with the help of the witch king's curse did he win the final victory.

This kind of battle with the supreme power far beyond oneself, no matter the process or the result, is a precious wealth.

It didn't take long for Qin Changfeng to reap great rewards after the war in the spirit world.

One is that on the basis of the original Destiny Dream Butterfly, the Flower of the Other Shore, and the Eye of the Void, it has deduced several powerful forms of the soul that can match its own skills, such as the tomb in the mirror and the Destiny Mill realized after the war.

Second, his understanding of the law of truth and falsehood has gone a step further, reaching [-]%!
This kind of progress not only allowed him to grasp the true and false mysteries more deeply, but also allowed him to successfully integrate the true and false destiny into the burial plague, making this holy law a sublimation that is not weaker than the unity of life and death.

At that moment, he also had a clear realization. Through the confirmation of the Nine-Revolution Immortal Sutra, he knew that the ultimate form of the earth-burial plague in the future must be based on the three laws of life, death, and destiny.It can't be less, less power will be greatly reduced, and it can't be more, it is already doomed somewhere.

The power of the true and false Mandate of Heaven is also truly reflected in this-it is the only one among all the laws mastered by Qin Changfeng that can be integrated into the three disasters of heaven, earth, and man at the same time, while the other laws have their own unique characteristics, and they are destined to If it becomes the cornerstone of a certain disaster, if it is forcibly used to open the other two natural disasters, not to mention the power will be greatly reduced, and there may be ominous occurrences that will hurt oneself.

And the power of the disaster after integrating the true and false destiny is also beyond imagination.

You know, there are nine tombstones in the nine-storey Mausoleum Pagoda, just like nine big tombs, where at most nine strong men can be buried.In the future, as the enemies he kills become stronger, the power of this tower will become more and more terrifying. If nine immortal kings are buried in it, he will probably be able to completely overturn the trial tower!
Years of reincarnation, Qin Changfeng, who was reincarnated, suppressed Anlan, the Immortal King of a foreign land, with a flick of his finger!

"This is no longer the Great Demon King of this life, but the one who will stand at the peak of the Immortal Dao in the future!" Someone gasped and made a precise judgment.

"Just using this life to cross the long river of time to make a move, there is such a divine power!"

At Diguan, on the city wall, people were shocked by the two figures standing side by side in the void.

Today, the two master and apprentice really brought too much surprise to the world.

They borrowed invincible combat power far beyond their own in two different ways. Shi Hao manifested three different powerhouses with the power of that drop of blood by virtue of the "other transformation method", while Qin Changfeng It was with Ye Fan's help that he borrowed his own power in another life from reincarnation.

Although the results are the same, but if you have to compare, most people still think that Qin Changfeng, the master, may be more amazing.

Because they didn't know that the drop of blood was Shi Hao's own, so after all, it was someone else who was transformed by the "method of self-transformation", while Qin Changfeng borrowed his own reincarnation power.

Being able to borrow the power to fight the Immortal King proves that in another life, he is at least an Immortal King, or even higher!
You know, drawing power from time and reincarnation has always been the focus of monks' research, but looking at the entire history of practice, there are very few people who can succeed.

The reason, apart from the fact that this is the most secret of the immortal way, which is difficult for ordinary monks to reach, there is a prerequisite for borrowing power from reincarnation...that is, in your past life and future life, there must be someone stronger than yourself!
If the previous ten lives were all weak, even if you want to borrow, you can only borrow the same weak self, which is really sad.

"An empty pagoda also wants to trap me? Don't say that you are just using the power of reincarnation, even if you come in person, don't even think about it!"

In the tower of the burial mausoleum, after An Lan was wounded, like a mad tiger, he began to burn his own blood energy when he glared and howled, as if he was completely awakened, his body suddenly began to swell, like a primitive demon god, overlooking the ages.

An Lan roared, the golden ancient spear was surrounded by blood and fire, reflecting the light of killing blood, the simple atmosphere permeated, the chaos boiled, with an unparalleled sharpness, it seemed to destroy the world.


Burning the supreme power of the Immortal King, An Lan's spear is unmatched in sharpness, and can overwhelm the invincible in the world. Let's smash together!
The pagoda of the burial mausoleum was also shattered.

Seeing this, the reincarnated Qin Changfeng sighed slightly, "After all, I don't belong to this world, so using the methods of this world will only get twice the result with half the effort, and bind my hands and feet."

At the same time, An Lan not only escaped from the predicament, but also the two strong men who Shi Hao transformed with the "other transformation method" and kept pestering An Lan into the tower were also crushed in the turbulent flow of the law.

His eyes looked down upon eternity, as if the sky and the earth were invincible.

"I will kill you today, because the king cannot be humiliated!"


The scarlet spear was unmatched, and An Lan swept across with his ten thousand-foot dharma body, and the moment he stabbed his head, the entire void where the Diguan was located shook violently!

The king cannot be humiliated, he has suffered too much humiliation today, he must be washed away with blood!

"The king cannot be humiliated?"

On the opposite side, the reincarnated Qin Changfeng stood with his back to all living beings, with his hands behind his back. When the golden ancient spear surrounded by the blood and fire of the Immortal King approached him, Shi Shiran stretched out his right hand from behind. But the strange thing is that the fingertips just happened to block the tip of the Immortal Spear.

The fingertips clashed with the spear, but the result left people dumbfounded.

Qin Changfeng's flesh and blood actually blasted the divine spear back into An Lan's chest, and then flew out with the spear.

"So what if I insult you?"

The eyes of the reincarnated Qin Changfeng were extremely deep, as if they had pierced through all eternity and glimpsed into the secrets of heaven.

Suddenly, some kind of unprecedented Dao sound suddenly sounded under the starry sky. The source of the fluctuation came from Qin Changfeng, but it was not him who spoke, because this is the Dao sound of law, the universe itself!
This voice is magnificent and mysterious, most of the tens of thousands of monks present only know that there is a Taoist sound, but they don't know the details. Even some immortals from foreign lands can only vaguely distinguish "" The two words "universe" and "time and space" are the limit. If you continue to forcefully analyze it, you will die.

The only ones who could really hear them all were An Lan and Yu Tuo, the immortal kings of foreign lands!

Every word of Dao Yin reverberated, affecting the long river of time and interfering with the space operation of the universe.

In an instant, I saw this small universe suddenly plunged into terrifying eternal darkness, because all the light was concentrated around An Lan, and the light was completely centered on him and restrained without any leakage, forming a path that came from the void and entered the void again. Guanghe to go...

It's a long time!

Space and time are inherently interdependent.

The place surrounded by the long river of time has become a chaotic void.

Different from the black and gray chaos that people know, this is a kind of incomparably holy white chaos, which is derived from time and space, so it is even more terrifying. It can annihilate everything, whether it is tangible or invisible, even the fairy king!
It's useless for An Lan to resist with all her strength. Ye Fan said that if the reincarnated Qin Changfeng hit with all his strength, he would only have one blow, but this blow was too terrifying.

The mysterious Taoist sound, the holy law that does not know in what form it exists.

The chaos of time and space is like a holy light bead, sealing the Immortal King in it and constantly obliterating it.

Unable to get out of trouble, An Lan turned to roaring: "You can't kill me, otherwise the years will flow backwards, cause and effect will be disordered, and everything in the world will disappear!"

"You think too highly of yourself, what would be the cause and effect of killing you?"

The plain voice made the foreigner realize a terrible fact... This person is not afraid of the consequences An Lan said, because he overlooks the years and sees the cause and effect!
A phantom appeared on Qin Changfeng's body, hazy and indistinct, with a mark of reincarnation flowing between his brows. It was obvious that he was the reincarnated body. Due to the exhaustion of his power, he was about to disappear. At the last moment, he would refine An Lan's Primal Chaos The bead was recruited, and a drop of crystal clear golden holy blood was wrapped inside.

This is his gift to this world, a drop of blood... can change the name on the tombstone on the ninth floor of the Emperor's Mausoleum from King Xu to An Lan.

Immortal King Anlan!

It can be said that even if An Lan summoned by Qin Changfeng's cultivation base has only half of his combat power, it will become the most terrifying killing move in his hands, and the sublimation of the ground burial plague is unimaginable.

The consciousness of reincarnation disappeared, and Qin Changfeng was able to return to himself.

In fact, the reincarnation can completely control the body from the beginning to the end, and he can perceive everything that happened, but the memories of the two lives he has seen have all disappeared from his mind... none of them belong to This era is a taboo, so when the power of supernatural power disappears, everything will disappear automatically.

Under the starry sky, there was a dead silence, and everyone seemed to be in disbelief that An Lan, the Immortal King, just fell away...

(End of this chapter)

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