663 Forbidden Land
"Apprentice, as a teacher, you have always been loyal and loyal, and you are a model of infatuated men in the world. I already have your teachers and wives, and I really can't love any more women. Even if she is so beautiful, I feel pity... I can only bear the pain and leave it to you, but fortunately you are not married yet, so it can be described as a match made in heaven."

Qin Changfeng's reaction at this time was faster than expected, and he took the first step in the blink of an eye, assigning this frighteningly beautiful and arrogant girl of the Bull Demon Clan to his apprentice.

But Shi Hao is not so easy to dismiss. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately replied: "Master's words are wrong. Disciples often hear that master should respect the teacher and respect the elders. Now that the master loves this demon cow How dare the disciple take away the love of my precious pearl? If you do such a thing of deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors, you will be struck with lightning, and please master have mercy on your disciple, so you can marry this pearl."

Around them, a group of people had already gathered without knowing it. The two masters and apprentices were invincible, and they jointly beheaded an immortal king of a foreign land.

Among them are some young people, all of whom are full of elegance and brilliance, they are the most outstanding group of Tianjiao in the nine heavens and ten places, and most of them are old acquaintances of Shi Hao, such as the Ten-Crown King Tianzi, the Six-Crown King Ningchuan, the Immortal, and the Taiyin Jade Rabbit , Fatty Cao Yusheng and others.

At this moment, all these people had smirks on their lips, and they looked lively.

While Qin Changfeng was speechless, he shook his head pretending to be disappointed and sighed: "Apprentice, you were so innocent before, why did you become so black-bellied when you grew up?"

Shi Hao was silent for a moment, and then revealed a look of nostalgia, and said solemnly: "When I was young, I saw that Master was so airy, and even a word could shake the world, so when I grow up, I will become you."

What does this mean... I learned everything from your master?

Qin Changfeng was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, and he had to admit that in this world, there are still some young people who are better than the blue ones, and the apprentice has begun to show signs of surpassing the master.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Shi Hao's words were not meant as a joke in reply to him, but because he really felt them. All along, Qin Changfeng, the master, has always been so tall in his eyes.

Suddenly, another old man with advanced cultivation rushed over and said, "You two friends, my Xu family belongs to a long-lived family, the noblest branch of the human race, and the pearls in the family absolutely conform to your aesthetics. bit."

Shi Hao was immediately moved. The so-called family of longevity is one of the most powerful groups in the nine heavens and ten lands. Only a family that once produced immortals is eligible to be called this!
And the most outstanding Princess Yaoyue of this generation of the Xu family, has always been aloof, and almost no man can catch her eyes, but now the elders of her clan have taken the initiative to invite her.

At the same time, as if they had pierced through a hornet's nest, all the other top powers in Diguan swarmed over and invited the master and apprentice to be their guests.

At this time, even the dullest people gradually come to their senses... These wealthy families are robbing people and betting on the future!

It is obvious that after defeating An Lan, the potential of the master and the apprentice was fully revealed.

Looking at the sky, who else can fight against the Immortal King at the age of 30 or [-], and finally kill him?
These are two seedlings of the God of War, and if they are given a period of time, they will definitely be able to push nine days and ten places!

Especially Qin Changfeng, in people's eyes, is destined to step into the fairyland, or even the supreme realm of immortal king, and if he wins over him, it means he will be invincible in the future.

"Little friend Changfeng, you should go to my Butian Dao. After all, you are just an outsider if you go to another tribe, and I Butian Dao only teaches the tradition, not the ethnic group. If you join my Butian Dao, if nothing happens, you will be the Holy Master in the future." It must be you, not to mention that you and my disciples Qingyi and Yuechan have already had marriage entanglements, and now it is a matter of course."

An old man who claimed to represent Butian Dao came late. Although he came late, he was very confident because he held the two trump cards of Yuechan and Qingyi in his hands.They have all had a past with Qin Changfeng, and at this moment, they are like getting the moon first.

There is the Butian Pavilion in the Eight Regions of the Lower Realm, the Butian Sect in the Three Thousand States of the Upper Realm, and the Butian Dao in the Nine Heavens.

"You may have misunderstood me. There is only friendship between Yuechan and me, like good brothers, and there is no relationship with Qingyi." Qin Changfeng directly refused, just joking, no one wants to enter his fairy emperor's backyard. To be able to enter, the key is to have savvy, and be able to cooperate and pretend like Shi Xianzi, and those who do not have savvy absolutely cannot.

"I used to wear sackcloth and filial piety for you. Everyone in Stone Country in the Lower Realm knew that I was your widow. Even your apprentice Huang has always been called a teacher-wife. Now, when we meet again ten years later, you want to be so ruthless?"

Two beautiful women with the same long hair reaching their hips walked over. Their figures were tall and swaying like a divine lotus, their skin was shiny and glistening, like a perfect fairy walking out of a painting. It was Yuechan and Qingyi, the protagonists. Secondary body.

Seeing them coming arm in arm, many people were surprised, including Shi Hao, because before that, they had been fighting openly and secretly for the initiative after merging, but now they are like a pair of sisters who love each other in harmony, Why not move people?
That way...is this the power of a man? !

"Your comprehension is too poor. You really can't keep up with me. In the future, I will be in the nine heavens, but you are still hesitating in the world. It is too cruel for you." Qin Changfeng sighed, his expression Very helpless, why did God want him to be so outstanding, with unparalleled talent, but also with a prosperous face?
"It doesn't matter, we are willing to look up in the world, even if we wait with brotherhood."

Yuechan and Qingyi opened their mouths at the same time, and I don't know how many people's eyes were stunned. In fact, they knew very well that there is no pure friendship between a man and a woman?

It is even more impossible to have a pure friendship between a woman and a woman. The two of them are now living plastic flower sisters, and they are still fighting secretly with me for the initiative after the fusion. They both know that if they can get Qin Changfeng's help, then they will win. The hope will be very great.

What else could Qin Changfeng say, and he finally left with his two female brothers, but he didn't go to Mending Heaven, but after leaving Diguan, he went directly to Sanqian Daozhou, and he wanted to return to the Peacock Clan.

In any case, when he first came to this world, he was born with the blood of the Peacock Race. There are his "parents" of blood, and it is impossible to forget it casually.

The most important thing for a practitioner in terms of state of mind is to understand the thoughts.

That is to say, you must have a clear conscience in everything you do. As for whether this heart is a demon heart, a Buddha heart, or a Dao heart, it doesn’t matter. Everyone’s personality is predetermined, so some people become demons, and some become guardians of Taoism.

Whatever you do, as long as it fits your heart.

And Qin Changfeng thinks that he can't be an ungrateful person. Knowing that the nine heavens and ten earths will eventually go to destruction, he must make a proper arrangement for those who have cause and effect with him.

Therefore, he planned to open up a holy land and move a group of people including the Peacock Clan and the core members of the Lower Realm Ten Thousand Races League into it, so as to avoid the final destruction of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, and even the entire universe.

In the future, after Shi Hao will arbitrarily rule the ages, and open up a world that covers the sky, he will put this holy land in, and let it become a restricted area of ​​life similar to the Undead Mountain, the ancient mine in the early days, the sea of ​​reincarnation, and the ancient forbidden land in that life!

This restricted area is the orthodoxy he left behind, and it is also the most important pawn he has laid for entering the world that shrouds the sky in the future.

With this in mind, Qin Changfeng said solemnly on the chariot pulled by the four exotic talents: "Hao'er, after you go back this time, take it easy for now, because I'm going to retreat as a teacher and I don't have time to take care of you. "

The bodies of the four exotic Tianjiao are similar to monsters, each of them has a cultivation base of Dunyi, galloping through the void, with unparalleled divine power. In the Three Thousand States, or even the entire Upper Realm, there may not be a more impressive car than this.

At this moment, their hearts were extremely complicated. Ever since they witnessed the scene of Qin Changfeng beheading An Lan, although they instinctively hated him, their aversion to becoming slaves was decreasing.

Just because Qin Changfeng's strength at that moment was deeply imprinted in their minds, a simple truth... the servants of the Immortal King are extremely prestigious in this world, and many supreme beings will respectfully salute when they see it !

Shi Hao didn't take it seriously, and said carelessly: "It's okay, Master, you can retreat, as long as you pass on all the supernatural powers and holy methods to me, especially the Tower of Nine Seals just now, it seems to be infinitely more subtle than the one passed to me ten years ago times?"

"The holy law can be passed on to you, but you have to promise me one thing."


Qin Changfeng said in a deep voice: "Anything I pass on to you, you can only use it yourself, and you are not allowed to pass it on to anyone else."

"Why?" Shi Hao was astonished. According to his understanding, Qin Changfeng was not such a self-preserving person.

"Because this era belongs to you and not to me, so no trace of me should be left, understand?"

Qin Changfeng’s voice was dignified. In fact, he was worried that if his marks were too deep, it would affect the Zhetian Era. If the next Zhetian was completely different from the Zhetian he remembered, wouldn’t he cry to death in the toilet? inside?
Shi Hao pondered for a while, and murmured: "This era belongs to me, so does the next era belong to you, Master?"

Qin Changfeng said: "No, the next era belongs to your junior brother, the one who bears the mother spirit of all things on his head."

Shi Hao's eyes widened: "Then which era belongs to you?"

Qin Changfeng smiled slightly: "The last era, the eternal era belongs to me."

Beside him, Yuechan and Qingyi both blinked, thinking that he was habitually falling into self-indulgence again, but Shi Hao began to think seriously, he instinctively felt that Qin Changfeng was not joking this time.

"In this life, you are destined to arbitrarily judge the ages. I will open up a forbidden area and bury all traces."

Qin Changfeng patted him on the shoulder and sighed: "This world is as lonely as snow, the beauty has no understanding, and the hero has not grown up..."

(End of this chapter)

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