Chapter 669 Peacock Xiaobai, Remnant Immortal Courting Death

Hearing his mother's sarcasm, Qin Changfeng was so embarrassed that he couldn't get off the stage.

So he used his tried-and-tested method of diverting attention, looked at the young girl and said solemnly: "Since she is the proud daughter of my family, she must choose a good name, what should I call her?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little baby girl who had been staring at him with big round eyes shouted, "Bai...Bai...Bai..."

"Bai... Peacock White?" Qin Changfeng frowned. The name didn't sound very nice, it had no rhythm, and it couldn't compare to his Peacock Changfeng.

After pondering for a while, a flash of inspiration flashed in the elder brother's mind, and he said happily: "Yes, I thought of a very nice name, and it's called Peacock Xiaobai!"

After finishing the words, his left eye was proud, his right eye was smug, Xiaobai Xiaobai... how catchy.

However, the entire dormitory was instantly quiet and completely silent!

Not hearing the expected applause and flattery, Qin Changfeng was unhappy, and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you talk, Yuechan, what do you think of this name?"

Yuechan: "'s hard to say."

Obviously, she was afraid of offending people.

Qin Changfeng turned his head and looked beside him: "Qingyi, tell me!"

Qingyi thought for a while, and spit out four words, "It's hard to say."

She is not as stupid as Yuechan, how could she jump into the pit by herself.

"Mother?" Qin Changfeng was very puzzled, although his ability to choose names has always been shocking, but this time it is really good, right?
"Hurry up and leave me, it's none of your business here!"

Kong Qingcheng glanced at him angrily, and no longer had any expectations for his aesthetics, also... a person who can say that the two fairies Yuechan and Qingyi are mediocre, what else can they expect?
"Hey!" Qin Changfeng sighed in disappointment: "Everyone is drunk and I am sober. Geniuses are always not understood by ordinary people. How sad..."

Before he finished speaking, he was driven away by the old lady's peacock feather duster, but before leaving, he also left a gift for the newborn little sister-a cute little peacock mask, which he carved with his own hands, and the material is It took him a lot of effort to transform the legendary top-level god tree into a prop with unpredictable power.

When he returned to his palace, he found that there was a person waiting for him, the Peacock God.

He looked at Qin Changfeng and said with a smile: "Genius doesn't need to be understood, as long as it keeps winning, the winner is always right."

Qin Changfeng came to him and stood still, leaning on the railing to look at the continuous palace and the carefree peacocks before him, and sighed: "That's what I said, but the problem is... Lord God, you can even eavesdrop?"

The Peacock Lord raised his head and smiled, and said: "In your words, how can you call it stealing if you hear it with your own ability?"

Qin Changfeng was speechless, because the original version of these words was said after he was caught peeking at Yuechan and Qingyi's Five Elements Pond taking a bath—how could it be called peeping when he saw it with his own ability?

"Let's get down to business. There are two pieces of news. One is good and the other is bad. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"The good news is that the preparatory stage of the refining plan for the Void Battle Fort in the Peacock Sacred Mountain has been completed, and it will be implemented in a few days, right? As for the bad news... the God Lord directly told me who will live in the three thousand Daozhou or the nine days and ten lands?" Impatient, just want to explore the mystery of death."

The Peacock God Lord didn't ask him how he knew the good news, because now on the Peacock Sacred Mountain, there is no secret that can be kept from Qin Changfeng.

The god lord just said in a low voice regarding the bad news: "The remnant immortal of the Immortal Palace, he was born, and he threatened to ask you and your disciple Shi Hao to go to the Immortal Palace to receive the decree, accept the punishment of the real immortal, and accept a spell to break the immortal to temporarily save you. Your life, or the wrath of the immortals, you can't bear it!"

"Immortal Palace Remnant Immortal?"

Qin Changfeng's gaze gradually turned cold, no matter whether it was the Immortal Palace or the Remnant Immortal, he didn't have any good impressions in his mind, and he even felt a sense of disgust.

Back then, he had been tricked by the Immortal Palace because he had defeated Di Chong, the descendant of the Immortal Palace.

But that disabled fairy made him very disgusted. In the last era, as a warrior sent by the fairyland, he shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending against foreign lands, but he avoided the battle, refused to go to the battlefield, and became a deserter.

After the war, the powerful giants in the Immortal Territory were furious and wanted to kill him and some other deserters, but in the end because various forces couldn't restrain him, they just left him in Sanqian Daozhou as punishment for exile.

But the nasty things this disabled fairy did didn't stop there!

At the end of the war in the past, Kunpeng was also one of the giants who tried to behead him to the Fa-rectification. Although he failed in the end, he held a grudge because of it. The sneak attack caused Kunpeng to fall with hatred.

Because the Seven Kings of Bianhuang belonged to the Kunpeng lineage, they were also angered by him, so they were slandered as sinners, thrown into the cage of the lower realm, and never turned over...

Counting all these piles, one by one, the despicableness of the remnant immortals in the Immortal Palace is simply indescribable.

Even people like Qin Changfeng who have never judged nobleness and meanness feel extremely contemptuous... Although he doesn't mind being a mean person, it doesn't mean that he can be with someone who is meaner than him. People are like-minded, even sympathetic to each other.

On the contrary, for other people, he has a spiritual obsession with cleanliness, and only hopes that except for him and the people around him, the rest are all gentlemen and saints, so that people like them can easily live a nourishing life.

There is no doubt that this is a typical example of being strict with others and lenient with self-discipline, but most of the despicable people are like this.

At the same time, this is why Qin Changfeng often advertises that he is generally a good person... He has been sparing no effort in eradicating the despicable people in the world and cultivating noble people.

Needless to say, his own grievances with Xiandian, as for Shi Hao, before the battle of Diguan, he and Xiandian formed a big relationship.

Therefore, seeing that the three thousand Daozhou is completely safe, there is no need to worry about going to the battlefield and fighting for their lives in foreign lands. After these hidden disabled immortals can't wait to jump out, they naturally want to take the typical example of their masters and apprentices first to highlight their presence. Show your majesty.

After sorting out all the clues, Qin Changfeng stretched out his hand, gently caught a snowflake falling from the sky, and sighed: "Why do some people still don't understand that anyone who is against me will end well?"

Nantian Daozhou has no spring and autumn, only winter and summer, so the hot summer is very long, and the severe winter is also very long.

The Peacock God Lord naturally heard the self-confidence, or narcissism, that was about to be leaked in his words, but this time...he didn't believe in him unreservedly like before, and said solemnly: "Perhaps that residual immortal thinks the same way at this moment. Those who fought against him did not end well, including Kunpeng, who was the Immortal King in his heyday."

These words are very philosophical... because in the eyes of every conceited person, he generally thinks that he is the center of the world, and all opponents are seeking their own death.

"You're actually worried that I won't be able to beat him?" Qin Changfeng asked in surprise.

The Peacock God Master said indifferently: "After all, he is a fairy..."

He didn't need too many words, just these few words were enough. He knew very well that Qin Changfeng couldn't activate the reincarnation by himself now, so he couldn't have the supreme combat power that he had when he killed An Lan.

"Yes, after all, it is an immortal. Just now, I need immortal blood to resurrect my brother. The Peacock Sacred Mountain's Void Battle Fort project also needs an immortal body as a foundation."

Qin Changfeng ended the conversation in this way, he was just a disabled fairy, to be honest, he really didn't pay attention to him now, even if Xiao Mo hadn't been resurrected and couldn't fit together to summon the body of gods and demons, so what?
I believe that the name on the tombstone on the eighth floor of the Tower of the Burial Mausoleum will soon change from King Xu to Immortal.

Or, he might even only be able to fall to the seventh floor. In terms of the power of supernatural powers and holy methods, he is not as good as King Void...

After the Peacock God Lord left, Yuechan and Qingyi came together, and Qin Changfeng said straight to the point: "That immortal immortal in the Immortal Palace has the guts to touch my apprentice, isn't Butiandao always trying to win me over? ? Go and tell them that the opportunity has come, help me level up everything in the Immortal Palace, otherwise, hehe..."

At the end, he added another sentence: "Including the two of you, if you don't satisfy me this time, just wait for me to cut off your righteousness with you!"

Yuechan and Qingyi glanced at each other, and both understood what the other meant—this was obviously Qin Changfeng's test for them and Butiandao, or to let them submit their certificates. If the Great Demon King is satisfied, then Naturally, everything is easy to talk about.

No matter what the future looks like, as long as the most famous person in the world, who is believed to be sure to step into the fairyland, and even be promoted to the king of the fairyland, is still alive, there must be a place for them in the future.

On the contrary, if the result disappoints the big devil, then he will really be a stranger from now on.

"We will notify Butian Dao, but we cannot guarantee what decision they will make. But we will always be by your side..."

The two fairies said sincerely, in fact... when they first came into contact with Qin Changfeng, they were probably only optimistic about his natural and divine potential, and wanted to make friends to find support for their own cultivation path.

But after more than ten years of getting along intermittently, I have to admit that sometimes, if I can't hear the absurd voice of the Great Demon King, I will feel a little uncomfortable...

Shi Hao is still outside, Qin Changfeng can't let him face the oppression of the Immortal Palace alone, that would make him appear incompetent and incompetent as a master.So not long after, from the Peacock Sacred Mountain, a murderous team soared into the sky and flew away at a fast speed.

On the divine chariot, Qin Changfeng did not tease the two fairies as usual, but pondered deeply.

However, he did not continue to practice skills, but was thinking about his first secret method - now his five basic attributes have all broken through the three limits, and among the basic abilities, there is also the ability to suppress the long-distance attack proficiency from the advanced basic long-distance attack. Upgrade to the highest level, so theoretically, at least one secret method can be created.

(End of this chapter)

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