Chapter 199 Is He Your Type?

But she was invited by Bai Shaorong, so she naturally had to follow suit, in case something unexpected happened, and she could still help out there, instead of evading after saying the move.

And Gu Changan said he wanted to say hello to Bai Shaorong, and he would wait until there were fewer people, which happened to be dinner time.

So this meal, if you want to hide it, you can't hide it.

After the two had almost finished visiting the first three exhibition halls and saw a lot of expensive jewelry, it was time to close the hall. Seeing that the lively crowd was decreasing a little bit, the two looked at each other, and they had a tacit understanding Turn back to Hall [-] to find Bai Shaorong.

Seeing the two of them coming at the same time, Bai Shaorong was inevitably stunned, but quickly covered up his emotions, and said lightly, "Why did you come here together?"

Gu Chang'an said with a smile: "I just happened to meet, so I stopped by to see, do you want to have dinner together?"

Glancing at Liang Lixia who was obviously standing on his side, thinking that the one with them was not him with them, but himself with them, Bai Shaorong still looked unchanged, nodded and said: "That's fine."

Since Bai Shaorong agreed, the three of them set off to the city for dinner after the booth of Fancui Garden was also locked.

Gu Changan, who could barely be regarded as the host, specifically asked about the location of the hotel he booked, and then picked a restaurant nearby. After asking the two people for their opinions, he went straight there.

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere was not too awkward.

Probably because today's effect is good, Bai Shaorong has really come into contact with the earth's energy, and understands a lot of things, so he is no longer so indifferent, and he will talk to Gu Chang'an from time to time.

Naturally, it is all related to Bai's jewelry business, as well as the details of Fancuiyuan's booth today.

Although Liang Lixia didn't need to interrupt, she listened very seriously and didn't say that she felt excluded.

But occasionally I feel that Gu Changan sitting in the front seat is like an elder, communicating with the two juniors sitting in the back seat, and then raising some concerns from time to time.

For this kind of illusion, Liang Lixia was a little funny, not for anything else, just because of the three present, the biggest one should be her, at least in terms of soul.

But Gu Changan has that kind of magical power. Although he is young, he has slightly revealed the potential of a superior and manager, and people will unconsciously regard him as a trustworthy and reliable object.

"By the way, today's move will probably not have much effect until tomorrow. Have you thought about a move?" Gu Changan glanced at Liang Lixia who was thinking, and then asked what she wanted to ask. mouth.

Bai Shaorong subconsciously looked at the two of them. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether the two had known about it long ago, or whether Gu Changan and Liang Lixia had the same idea tacitly. He paused, and then said: "Well, I originally wanted to After playing some videos of betting on stone cutting, I thought that others would follow the video, so I might not be able to stand out, so I simply invited a jade appraiser whom my father knew well to come over to give lectures in person and help people appraise for free."

Hearing that Gu Chang'an hadn't reacted yet, Liang Lixia was startled first, of course it was a good one, and he didn't expect Bai Shaorong to extend his idea further.

Video is great, but it doesn't have as much impact as a live broadcast, what a brilliant idea!
But there must be that condition before you dare to think about it, unlike her, who can only adopt a little popular method.

With the first method, there will be the second and third, etc. I believe that Bai Shaorong no longer needs her to come up with ideas, and can complete the task of this exhibition by himself.

Sure enough, as expected of the Bai family, they are born with business minds, but they just don't want to try and lack the guidance of ideas.

Given time, he should be able to catch up with Bai Shaoqun and Gu Changan.

As for her, let's not compare with these heaven's favorites.

After sighing, Liang Lixia discovered the real point - a jade appraiser, that is to say, she can get someone to help her appraise it directly in Fancui Garden without going outside.

Just to be under Bai Shaorong's nose, he needs to make up some half-truths and half-false words.

And Gu Chang'an, don't be there.

Thinking of this, Liang Lixia unconsciously looked at the front rearview mirror, but happened to meet a pair of smiling eyebrows. Gu Changan just raised his eyes slightly at the right time, and met her gaze as if feeling something.

The smile in her eyes seemed to be a little clear, as if she already knew what she was thinking.

Before she lowered her head to conceal it, he had already turned his eyes away, and said casually: "Well, that's pretty good, but it's a pity that I have something to do tomorrow and I can't go to join in the show. Come on."

It would be better if he didn't come, Bai Shaorong simply replied: "Yes, thank you."

I already suspected that he could see it, and it would be even worse when he heard the words, but after the words, Gu Changan's face did not show at all, so Liang Lixia could only suppress this thought, nodded and said: "Yeah .”

Since the atmosphere along the way was good, when we got to the restaurant, we still maintained it.

From the jewelry exhibition to the current situation of the Bai family, then to Gu Changan's company, and finally to Liang Lixia and Bai Shaorong's respective studies and arrangements.

It was Gu Chang'an who asked, and Liang Lixia confirmed that this time it was indeed a task given to Bai Shaorong by the Bai family. After passing this level, you can enter the company and start to get in touch with deeper business-related matters, and then wait until after graduating from high school. , you can help out in the company while studying at university.

Once the time is right, he can inherit the family business and hand over the entire Bai family to him.

This is the gap.

After listening, Liang Lixia couldn't help but think of these five words, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.

It's still a long time, and there are still several years for her to work hard, and it may not be much worse by then.

And there is no need to compare, it is an old business that has lasted for two generations, and it took a lifetime of hard work to achieve this level.

Although she is also a human being in two lifetimes, no matter which one she is, she is still a little younger and a little too tender.

When she reaches a certain age, her achievements at that time cannot be underestimated.

Liang Lixia was just thinking secretly, and didn't show any expression, so Bai Shaorong naturally wouldn't know what she was thinking, and of course, she wouldn't know what he was thinking either.

At the beginning, if he hadn't seen the exchanges between her and his eldest brother, and found that he couldn't integrate into their world at all, he probably wouldn't have gradually overcome the rejection and tried to accept him as an honor in the eyes of others. It is entirely a responsibility under heavy pressure.

He doesn't want to be the kind in her eyes who doesn't understand anything, accomplishes nothing, and only clings to the young master at home. He also wants to talk business with her, and wants to get closer to her.

However, the two of them were innocent after all, one thought he hadn't revealed anything, and the other couldn't hide anything at all, both of them were noticed by the silent Gu Changan, and afterward, he just smiled to himself.

After dinner, Gu Changan sent the two of them to a nearby hotel.

While Bai Shaorong was going to pick up the reserved room card, Gu Changan suddenly asked inexplicably, "Shaorong... is he the type you like?"

(End of this chapter)

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