Chapter 98

"I think so too," Old Man Song took a puff of his pipe, "Then tomorrow, I'll make a deal with them."

The matter of building the house was settled, and the mood of the whole family was relaxed.Although Zhang Ning was a little puzzled because of the matter of joining the army before, he also thought about it now, but it didn't affect him anymore. He just waited for the time to build a house and live in a small western-style building.

Within a few days, news came from Sun Hu, saying that the matter was completed, and Zhang Ning was just waiting for Zhang Ning to go over to check the machine and go through the formalities.

Because of Song Dazhu's two-day marriage, Zhang Ning naturally couldn't leave, so he could only ask someone to bring a letter, and when he was done with his work here, he hurried over.

On the day of Song Dazhu's wedding, most of the families in the village were invited to have a wedding.

Li Dahong set up more than a dozen tables and took turns to eat.The big guys looked at the feast of fish and meat, and privately said that Li Dahong's life at home is good.

As relatives, Zhang Ning and Song's mother naturally helped greet the guests.But to Zhang Ning's surprise, none of her natal family came.I waited until the banquet was over, but I didn't see anyone.

When helping to clear the table, Li Dahong told her that someone from the next village had helped to bring the letter this morning, saying that Li Xihong was not coming, and he didn't say anything about the reason.

In fact, whether to say it or not, Li Dahong also understands it in his heart.There were two troubles last time, and I guess her brother-in-law hated her to the bottom of her heart, and her sister is always around her own man, if her brother-in-law doesn't come, the girl won't come either.

Li Dahong didn't feel sorry either.

When her mother left, her sister didn't go home to see her, and she didn't even see her mother for the last time, because her brother-in-law refused to let her go, saying it was bad luck.This husband and wife, she has seen through it a long time ago, and she also cares about it in her heart.

"Mom, let me help." Wu Fen walked out of the room.The Song family's banquet was over in the afternoon, so she couldn't stay in the room all the time, so she naturally wanted to come out to help.

This was the first time Zhang Ning looked at Wu Fen, and felt that this girl was really well-behaved and upright, so she should be a good wife.She followed Mother Song and said, "Mom, you look at your new daughter-in-law very well. My aunt has survived this."

Song's mother glanced at it, smiled and nodded, but she secretly felt in her heart that no matter how good she was, she couldn't compare to her daughter-in-law.The more she looks at her daughter-in-law now, the more she likes her.

Over there, Li Dahong was quite happy. He cleaned up the dishes with his daughter-in-law. Seeing that she was diligent and sensible, he liked her very much.I also saw her son Song Dazhu come out, busy with his wife, this young couple, at first glance, they are in a good relationship, and the days to come will not be bad.

When she was so happy, her heart was inevitably blocked.

After the son has a daughter-in-law, maybe he will kiss her or not.All these years, she and her son have lived together, thinking that her son will stop kissing her in the future, and everything will revolve around his wife, and she feels sad again.

Song's mother came over to help her after finishing her busy work, and she guessed a bit when she saw her depressed and unhappy look.When she married Zhu Hui, her daughter-in-law, she was also unbalanced, but after Zhu Hui left, she realized that a good relationship between a daughter-in-law and her son and a good life are better than anything else.

She whispered: "Your son and daughter-in-law have a good relationship, you have to be happy. They will have a grandson in the future, and you will be proud."

When Li Dahong heard it, she felt that it was the same, the young couple had a good life, isn't that what she was looking forward to.Why at this time, it's messed up again.

After Song Dazhu's marriage was done.Old man Song is also preparing to start construction.

(End of this chapter)

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