God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 123 The Market Starts

Chapter 123 The Market Starts
Empress Changsun gradually improved in spirit in the next few days.In the end, it was almost okay, Li Shimin took time out to accompany her these days, it can be seen how much Li Shimin loves her!

It is said that her support is very high, and Li Chengqian saved the queen, so wherever he went, people showed enough respect.

It can be said that this is the first time to do this as a prince!
The current crown prince has an exceptionally high reputation.

However, the high reputation does not make people feel that his market can change Anlefang, and people are still skeptical.

On this day, Sun Qian invited Li Chengqian to Anlefang.

When he arrived with Xue Rengui and many guards.

What appeared in front of them at this time was a huge market.

Standing in front of the market, he exclaimed: This is the speed of Datang!
In other words, this is the speed that money can only have!In just a few days, a huge market was created!

Sun Qian was originally directing the people to do things. When he saw Li Chengqian's appearance, he came over to salute.

"His Royal Highness, what a great thing! The construction of this market was completed ahead of schedule. We hired some migrant workers in Anle Square. The wages of these people are lower. In this way, we can save part of the budget and advance the construction period. .”

Sun Qian was very excited, and what he said about his deeds somewhat meant to invite credit.

But Li Chengqian ignored it, and what he saw was another side.

He said: "We have also created thousands of job opportunities for Anlefang, right? There are also road repairs, which have raised a certain amount of income for people. This is a change."

But if the change is made by building markets and roads, then there is really no money to spend, or it is a waste of money.

Sun Qian had a thick skin and didn't say anything because of Li Chengqian's ignorance.

"It's true, the lower officials didn't pay special attention to it."

"This is the labor force! The labor force is the primary productive force! We can say that we have directly provided job opportunities for the entire Anlefang, so that they can earn money. And I came here today to start from here!"


Li Chengqian said many things that Sun Qian didn't know. He had never heard of labor being the primary productive force.

"Zou Fengchi, come here!"

This time Li Chengqian also brought Zou Fengchi and others, of course not Cheng Chumo and others, and the heads of several branches of commercial firms controlled by Zou Fengchi also came, at least ten of them.


At this moment, Zou Fengchi came out, followed by some people, carrying a few plaques in their hands, covered with layers of red cloth.

"His Royal Highness, this..."

Sun Qian didn't understand what Li Chengqian wanted to do, and he didn't know what these people were trying to do.

"Look and see!"

Li Chengqian nodded towards Zou Fengchi, and Zou Fengchi began to signal his subordinates to place the plaque at a place closest to people, which was also part of the market.

The workers all stopped, and people who originally belonged to Anlefang also surrounded them, wanting to find out.

"Fathers and elders, at the invitation of His Highness the Crown Prince, Fengtang Commercial Firm has set up a commercial firm in the market in Anlefang. From today, our firm will only operate in Anlefang. fake."

As soon as Zou Fengchi said the words, he pulled the red cloth down, and four majestic words appeared in front of people's eyes, and everyone was shocked.

Because they know what Feng Tang Company represents.

Someone said, "But that exclusive firm?"

"Not only that, but also Mai Lu!"

"They also control the sale of ice cubes!"

"There is also scented tea..."

"They are a new business firm! They are very powerful!"

There are still people who know about it, and Li Chengqian is very satisfied with people's reactions.

At this time, someone pointed out the key point.

"It turns out that His Royal Highness built the market to introduce Fengtang Commercial Bank!"

Someone said: "But, will this get us out of trouble?"

Li Chengqian nodded to Zou Fengchi again, and Zou Fengchi understood.

"Not only that, I also united ten commercial firms to enter Anlefang, and after we enter, we will first recruit the first batch of people from the people in Anlefang to help us take care of everything in the firm, or produce our The product."

Now people understand what's going on.

It turns out that the last is the key, and it can solve people's employment problems to a certain extent.

When Zou Fengchi's words came out, people were still on the sidelines.

Because no one comes out here.

At this time, a woman ran to the front with a child in her arms.

Li Chengqian took a look, wasn't that the woman who sold her daughter that day?

She said: "I believe His Royal Highness, he saved our children! He even beat off the wicked! I believe he can bring us out of poverty. I will sign up for my man!"

As soon as these words came out, it was much more useful than Zou Fengchi's exhausted shouting.

"It turns out that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince chased away the villain for us that day!"

Some people start, others echo.

"I will join too!"


More and more people joined in, and all of a sudden, people almost crowded the market.

But the number of people recruited is still limited. The entire Anlefang is so big, how can it be possible to solve the work of everyone?

In the end, there are a large number of people who didn't grab it and felt frustrated.Still others choose to wait and see.

Therefore, Li Chengqian came out again and said: "I think some of you still don't want to work for the firm, but it doesn't matter, I still have some ways for you to make money."

When these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Someone asked: "What doorway?"

Li Chengqian said: "This market is born for trading, so if you have game, snacks, handicrafts, etc., you can trade them here."

At this time, someone objected: "We don't even have any money, who will we sell it to?"

"Yeah, who are you selling to? No one is coming to buy our stuff!"

This involves the problem of flow of people.The problem is huge, but how could Li Chengqian not have thought of it.

He just smiled and said: "Someone! I'm afraid you have nothing to sell!"

As soon as this remark came out, it aroused people's refutation.

people?Where are the people, there is no basis for empty talk!
People's eyes are full of disdain.

Li Chengqian was really not in a hurry, and said: You will know in half an hour!

Sun Qian was also very curious and puzzled.

What can you do in half an hour?Is there someone coming for something in half an hour?
People don't believe it, and neither does Sun Qian!
I am afraid that only Li Chengqian is steadfast.

His performance seems to be incomprehensible again.

Sun Qian said: "His Royal Highness..."

Li Chengqian said:
"You keep people in order, you will know in a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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